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Everything posted by moonshine

  1. i make the stuff myself, come check it out wednesday 10th august the volks club brighton, im playing 1-2, should be really good fun! ive put a post up about it somewhere- "psychedelic laboratory" hopefully c some of u there. peace and love kanser
  2. event: psychedelic laboratory city: brighton country: england day: 10 month: 08 year: 2005 who's playing: Main Room: kanser (psychedelic drum and bass) - moonshine/oogabooga Mortal (full on psytrance) - digital elf ritual Pat (psy electro live producer set) - oogabooga Nick Satta ( Dub ) - Legion of Dub / 180' Second Room: Dez - ooOgabOoga Deviantt - Digital Elf/Psynature +more psytrance top Chillout Djs Poetry Acoustic JAm Bongoists welcome email: moonshineproductions@gmail.com venue: volks club brighton price: £2 or £3 aftr 11 to cover costs website: extra info: full on psy-decor etc peace and love
  3. Progression: The Volks club Brighton 5th june 2005 1 day festival, 2till2 main room/beachy outsideness: 2pm-7pm: Chilled out Peaceful atmosphere to laze about to: live reggae from some safe guys called the Rhizomes Hedset - 2 loons with a chilled out vibe Erland cooper - acoustic chillout LAZ - reggea dj Domenico - Producer set Various Percussionists (all invited to bring along an instrument to and have a jam, Poi swingers, Jugglers, hippys, weed smokers etc also welcome) 7pm - later: things get a bit more enchanting : DJ KANSER -Pyschadelic/techy/rolling/dark/light/intelligent dnb DJ 2FACE - Dark/Rolling dnb GUERRILLA FREQUENCY - liquid mashup/warstomp dnb MR FOO - spoon out/liquid/jungle etc +other special people Room 2/down the stairs on the right: Psytrance RANA - toadstool resident XCODA NIGEL +many more psy djs Breaks/B-tech after party winddown on the beach entrance: free b4 7! £2 b4 10 £3 after contact us @ moonshineproductions@gmail.com for details on how to get there: www.volksclub.co.uk peace and love enjoy
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