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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. ormion, i am not attacking you here. just trying to clear up the argument that is going on. It's not about my opinions or views at the moment
  2. I gave example examples so you could fill it in with examples from the album You can make em as genre specific as you want like: they were the first to raise the pitch in hihats over the total length of the sample. But i see you are saying: they are revolutionary because: 1) it adapted classical elements (elements not samples) in it, without changing the fact that it remained a psytrance album.
  3. why is it revolutionary? give some examples... fe 1: they were the first to use hihats fe 2: they were the first to use sudden stops fe 3: they were the first to sing out of tune
  4. And calling your opponents names doesnt make you a very worthy contester for the ultimate "i am the best goalover" either...
  5. sounds quite good! maybe it is a good idea to give the bass a little more decay or release to fatten it up a little. Or compress it a little more. That way it is a littlemore obvious. Hihat is a little too loud imho. And panned to the right? Might be good to pan it center. Maybe add some more percussion that is panned. That gives it a little more groove as well. As it still is a little 'constant' now. sounds you added go well with eachother. Might be also a good idea to add a little arpegiated sound in the mids that fills up the track. Doesnt have to be very obviously in the mix but it can give some more flavour and distraction from the other sounds. Keep going!
  6. tell em to reprint secede!!!!!!
  7. haha i like the sumo on the tokyo sensation cover! and snapinho you honry pig.. he might not be talking about playing with herself.. just playing.
  8. sbk- polizisten and i agree, repeating samples too often in a track is very very annoying.
  9. check out www.tweakbench.com for some funny synths and fx processors. All free! grumblebum is a stereo vst effect that uses the incoming audio to drive its internal synth. the results range from a subtle analog accompaniment, to wet analog sounds, to screeching distortion padawan is a hybrid synthesizer inteded for pad and ambient sound creation. the first oscialltor is analog style, while the second is based on wavetables. there are some nice modulation options, all synced to host tempo. papaya is a physically modelled mallet synthesizer. it features a nice chorus module, and does a very good job of simulating steel drums, and other carribean type percussion. peach is a synthesizer based on the classic nintendo entertainment system's psg audio system. maelcum is a tape-like delay module. designed specifically to emulate the classic tape delays, maelcum has internal tape noise generation, with variable mix, and either tempo based or manually entered delay time. rub a dub dub. etc enjoy browsing and legal downloading!
  10. haha you are certainly not taking any ethics seriously if you want duvdev to have an accident.. good luck living in a world without ethics...
  11. even if his singing is horrible.. this is indeed not very funny at all. The video's just show how horrible it is..
  12. holy craperoni i really really really (did i say really already?) don't understand why nobody is giving duvdev some singing lessons.. he is a disgrace for all musicians and performers. He would be laughed at at a 'make me a star' contest (or what ever these things are called lately)... he is pathetic..
  13. pm sent!
  14. I like the track. The production isnt perfect (or it is just the choice of kick, but i dont think it sounds very solid), but it sounds nice. It is not the best track of that cd though and not the best track of lucas or hallucinogen.
  15. Looks like it is mostly people with loads of fire. Which makes sense because it is called playa del fuego. But is it mainly about fire or are there also stages with bands/ dj's/ live acts?
  16. He did the walk to Goa? And holy quacemoley did i forget to congratulate you? Congrats Comrad! :ph34r : Just a little wiser than I am. Will turn 32 later this year..
  17. No can't say it's fresh. It has got some nice parts but nothing 'new'. Doesnt mean it is bad, not at all. But can't say it is my taste. I think Otto summed it up rather well before.
  18. we used to have one (RIP) but it was closed because some forum members couldnt control themselves...
  19. psynews party in belgium? when? I am offering my services for this one!
  20. i dont see what is so regular about it..
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