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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. Indeed. Otherwise it's just plain fucking annyoing. Did you ever see the suggestions they give when you misspell something? Terrible! Somehow they manage to never suggest something even close to what you were looking for. Goddamn them.
  2. congrats =) now if any of all the others in line with their copy to sell could please come this way....
  3. Did you check the cubase fora and the nano forum?
  4. dr kucho has some funny african style techno.
  5. I wouldn't mind at all helping you out with a PayPal purchase, but fact of the matter is I'm only interested in Solar Fields' Blue Moon Station... the other ones I have. Hmmm... lemme think about it. I think the Other SF albums might make quite good trading material, though. [edit] This is Snapinho [/edit]
  6. there should be plenty of new age cd's with these kind of sounds. Check the discount bin of your local new age shop. Or get a library pass and try that. You will be amazed at what they can have in stock.
  7. I don't think so. Guess its more a wish price than actual price.
  8. Very probable, actually.
  9. I don't know anybody that write things down. It doesnt make much sense really because a melody that sounds good with a certain sound might sound awful when replaced with another sound. Mostly people just make things up when you busy programming.
  10. me too looking mucho !
  11. hey does livesets mostly. And releases pretty much all his stuff for free i think. Saw him about a year ago in a short course he gave with pitch black. Was nice. Nice original stuff and indeed really live.
  12. I think the cs is fucking annoying. It is more work to actually listen to the files and play them if you want than cd. And I cant dj with it unless i burn em on a cd. The whole reason for me to buy cd's is to get a copy that i can actually play in 10 years time as well. Sure i can buy the cd. But then i ll miss out on the extra tracks that i want to have as well..
  13. cult classic!
  14. electric universe- meteor.. thats decent rocking psy
  15. didnt really dig his Mesmerizing The Ultra double album. So i dont think i ll dig the rest unless it is very different.
  16. One of the best psychill labels out there. Although not everything is good, some stuff is brilliant!
  17. this one was compiled especially with tracks without long breaks in mind
  18. I actually really liked this album. One of the classics in progressive imho.
  19. I know eLIZAbETHS, Because the other approaches didnt seem to work i thought this might.. but i guess not. I just think it is stupid to stop a good idea because some people don't like it.. The Synsun movies have been used by many people, so it shows it is a good idea. So why let some critics stop your idea?
  20. The snaap is right. If browsing record shops i will look at the cover.. If ordering from internet i couldnt care less. After i bought it i ll look at it for 2 minutes after that it goes right in the closet.
  21. you are not just giving an opinion.. just talk negative because of the reactions. Maybe you feed on negativity. Basically it's just sad. Correct me if i am wrong here..
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