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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. you are absolutely right.. didnt read properly.. PD doesnt look my kind of DAW i think i ll stick to Qbase.
  2. I havent heard of it before either.. If you want to make music quickly you could just stick to the regular programs. that might be easiest. Try Cubase, ableton live, sonar and maybe fruity loops. I dont think FL is the most used program in "our" scene, unless that 'our' is new school goa. I think ableton and cubase are most widely used. And maybe logic.
  3. that moby remix is just the worst cheese ever. Have some of their older stuff.. but now it is Crap.
  4. never knew the customer could have so much influence! Thnx!
  5. i dont think most artists are secretive about their gear. If you read the isratrance production forum. Pretty much all techniques come around so all you really need (ok maybe not all, but shitloads) you can find online in forums and tutorials. The rest is just practice and skill. The obvious ones like cubase, ableton, sonar, logic, fl, etc are used in combination with sample cd's, vsts and live instruments and what not.
  6. i guess they are shown as guest after they have been banned.. they are rather annoying those messages.
  7. it might be a good idea to read a book about electronic music production or check alot of the texts on sounonsound site. Like this. Recommend: dance music manual by rick snow. It might answer many questions you have and many you will have later.
  8. Just checked intrusion who has some very nice atmospheres. Tip: listen to samples on beatport of the artists to see which one needs further exploration.
  9. What does working with softsynths have to do with not knowing about the slide function?
  10. many tracks that were released were made in FL so you can use that if you want.. Maybe read the manual first about the synths. It might surprise you how usefull they can be. And read the production forum on isratrance: here
  11. I ll do my best. Don't forget to remind me if it takes longer than a week :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: ps: one google and i found it.. david swarup is his name and this
  12. first: Label your files well. it 's just called invaders. If you want them to contact you if they ever like it, you need to add name email etc in the filename. Or add it to the tag. second: your track is a little too simplistic with no bas and too many organs it feels more like a modern piece of gospel than goa to be hones dont let me stand in your way of music production though.. keep going on!
  13. Really nice stuff imho. Not everything is good. But some of his tracks are excellent. Energetic progressive the way i like it. Rebooth album has a lot of more technoish remixes that is worth getting as well.
  14. the guy on the left of the three actually made an album. but i cant remember what it is called anymore. distributed locally though. Dont think you can find it @ walmart It shows the album on the end of the movie clip. But i cant read it.. I can find out if you want me to.
  15. inner paths to outerspace- strassman
  16. its better to find a new job keep your cd's and dont join the army..
  17. found a similar question on another forum that might help you. The question was to get some tips for ambient minimal dub. Lulu rouge klovn shed monolake robert henke Echospace, Deepchord Intrusion, Yagya Fluxion Porter Ricks Rhythm & Sound Maurizio Substance Vainqueur Pulshar Quantec DeepChord Basic Channel Intrusion Maurizio Fluxion bvdub Andy Stott Rod Modell Pole Rhythm & Sound Echospace Quantec Substance & Vainqueur Scion Atheus Quadrant Claro Intelecto Murmur Convextion Havantepe Porter Ricks Marko Furstenberg CV313 dublicator Leftover Liquid Level Octex GYS Pan American Sven Weisemann Ohrwert Pacou (not everything he does, but most stuff on Cache) Grit Bluetrain Salz Mikkel Metal Echologist (aka Brendon Moellor aka Beat Pharmacy) Loscil Vladislav Delay Sustainer Seidemann Wolfgang Voigt (aka GAS, as important as Basic Channel) that should keep you searching for a while
  18. aloha, i have some old vinyls that are collecting dust.. saikopod- silent running 12" cosmoon- stratocaster 12" miranda- athena 12" kuro- ghost 12" battle of the future buddha's- tigerhill 12" slinky wizard- witch juice ep prana- lifeforce ep tranced out vol 888 lp zodiac youth- devils circus lp phreaky- tornado ep juno reactor- transmissions (one halve of the lp) technosomy- synthetic flesh lp (no cover) they are all in good condition, used only at home for a few times.. (cd era started pretty soon)
  19. check the isratrance section for production. It has a pretty good topic about monitors. I got the dynaudio bm6a 's with which i am very happy. It might be a little more expensive than what you're planning to spend. but if you are spending this kind of money it might be worth saving a little more for a really nice monitor system in stead of the 'nice' ones.. In any case get active monitors. If you do everything in cubase why do you need a mixer?
  20. haha funny how they use a pic of the compressor that is totally clipping.. very professional
  21. Onkel... there is a million posts about this already.. check isratrance.com forum for alot of information on bass and many other things related to production.
  22. Time for some accoustic treatment Buzzman. That will improve your sound alot! Google for some DIY accoustic treatment or browse the SOS website.
  23. sure.. you would be making: freeswingjazzpsyelectroprogtrance
  24. Sometimes setting up some fx before you choose a sound(preset) can give you some interesting sounds. For example: I sometimes take the DAW setting for my bass (distortion, compression and some eq, and pattern) and then change the soundsource to make a padlike sound. This can give you some sounds that I would have otherwise never gotten.
  25. Yes very important indeed.. If you pan well you dont have to eq sometimes sometimes. And all sounds exactly in the middle make the track boring. Check this for more info!
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