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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. Got some good stuff going on there! Would be very nice though if you could also organise the projects by style (like you did with region). This would make it alot easier to navigate through all the music and choose what you like. Let the artist decide what catagory to put it in though. Dont beatport yourself!
  2. because the noises are though to be COOL! didnt miss it nemo.. you even showed me when i was in spain Just found the site which I thought was an addition to some video's.
  3. classic house sound don't seem to be able to make up your own word, but it ll give some of you a nice idea where alot of sample came from anybody know any other speak n spell simulators online?
  4. feels like a combination of moby and techhouse. so check moby
  5. no then you are asking for mixing and mastering. I am sure he can do that for you.. but not for 30 euro's. Which already is a ridiculously good price! It's worth the money and effort if you want to see where you are with your production level.
  6. Synchro is doing more house related stuff. Seen a live of him about a year or more ago. Wasnt that spectactucular.
  7. discogs.com?
  8. Make sure you put every sound in its own place. Frequency, time and panningwise. If you want to see how far you are in your production quality. You can send a track that you are happy with to colin for example to have him master it for you. It ll cost you something but then you know if you have that 'tightness' already or not.
  9. the dynaudio's are a pretty damn fine pair of monitors. they impressed me so far. What did you expect? 100 000 worth of monitors? a stack of speakers 4 m high? Get the best your money can buy. if you are producing for fun they will probably do a decent job. if you want to produce professionally its probably better to get something more expensive. Dynaudio's for example And do something about the accoustics as well.
  10. email boom records to see if they still have a copy for you.
  11. It might be that artists nowadays don't write the same good music as earlier.. but the fact that the music isnt new to you anymore is also a HUGE factor. The sounds arent new anymore.. so they cant have the same effect as they had in the beginning... Dont forget that.
  12. there is only a few prog labels left.. tribal vision (older stuff mostly) spin twist iboga iono (quite active lately with some nice releases) iboga mexico blue tunes synergetic spiral trax this should keep you occupied for at least a year
  13. Why do many people still call today's (fullon and even progressive) psychedelic trance, Goa? Today's psychedelic stuff isnt much like the old goatrance, let alone progressive psy, but alot of people still call it that.. I wonder why. Any ideas? Just laziness? lack of knowledge?
  14. can you give us some examples? fullon projuicers turning techno: gms: riktam & bansi wrecked machines: velkro audiomatic: benjamin halfmann Domestic: ido ophir
  15. om namah shivaya. Besides the title which i think is very pre 2000. The track needs some more musical variety. It continues with the same acidic lead all the time. It needs some more fx, and diversity in sounds. Also the bass sounds a little funny when you transpose it all the time. Check a track that you really like and see how they have different sounds all the time or how they vary the sound that you hear. That will clear it up a little. You can even write it down on a piece of paper to see how they did it. That definitly helps. Good luck!
  16. the fact that it is simple doesnt make it bad. Lots of very good music is simple. The same could apply to any kind of music (except maybe squarepusher ) If you don't like it.. why go through all the trouble making a loop of that style Why not explain us how to make something usefull ?
  17. pretty much everywhere. Movies mostly, but also audiobooks indeed, or youtube. You can also hire an mc of course or use a mic and become one yourself. Lots of fx you can use if you don't want to hear your own voice.
  18. bouncing every fx sound you make in a track and building a sample database with those is a way to go. Don't sample the delays with the sound (unless you note the bpm with it in the sample name). And possibly write down the note of the sample (fe . This way you ll create your own coherent sound. Also check isratrance forum btw.. lots of hints, tips and tricks to be found there!
  19. play with the filter envelope to change the feel of the filter.
  20. here
  21. don't know about refills.. how about checking reason forum? i do know there is a whole bunch of sample cds with tribal feel. Check zero-g for exsample =P
  22. i recommend to read the whole site of sound on sound before you start recording here you can find many interesting articles about recording guitar and vocals. guitar ==> preamp ==> audiocard (=computer) then make sure the incoming signal isnt too high. better to boost later then to have distortion to begin with. cubase should be fine to use for recording. If you become a star you might want to use something else. But for starting out its easy and good.
  23. usually the parties were started by people living there (expats, longterm travellers etc).. so maybe you can find some locals to start a party.
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