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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. looks like a damn fine location for a party!
  2. The breakeven point for these releases is quite low. They don't have to pay much for the licenses so they don't have much cost. And with wide distribution indeed it is easier to reach the breakeven point. Most likely they ll also have a good deal with the printing factory. These cd's never interested me much. But for others to get to know the genre it can be quite nice. The first cd in the right direction that i ever bought was a compilation with tracks released elsewhere. Back in 97 i think
  3. I am pretty sure the scene is too small for another mag. Mushroom which is pretty international already has big problems surviving. Then there is another few that tried to set up a mag, in portugal for example. And revolve which is not as big maybe as mushroom mag. But is going quite steady. Biggest problem will be to find enough advertisers i think..
  4. only the jobless illegal downloader with no friends can do it..
  5. a fun thing to do: bounce all parts of a section (break for example) and add filters/ fx on that. One classic example of that is to bounce the bass & kick and eq the lows or highs out. experimenting here can be quite fun!
  6. that is exactly techno to me. A hard kind. but techo. No tekno. Not sure what style of techno it would be.
  7. Should be good to have a alternative to beatport. Looking forward to check it out.
  8. try to search cubase forum.. is it happening all the time? also after a restart? do you have similiar number of tracks running compared to other projects or more audio?
  9. i would be interested in abakus.. but not for 80 quid... trade for asura- life2?
  10. ask him i'd say on myspace or something
  11. email him.. he doesnt respond here..
  12. drag and drop option for fx that you want to use? in a chain? I would love to see an ability to easily mangle your samples to something totally different.
  13. Some basic questions but always interesting and some less basic questions. 1) What did you use producing the album (synths etc)? 2) What is your usual way of producing a track? Do you start with an idea, melody, kick/ bass? How do you go about producing a track? 3) What was your most remarkable gig? 4) Where would you like to play someday? 5) Where do you think the underground music industry will be in 10 years? Maybe more later =)
  14. 1) why should psytrance be less dancefloor orientated? 2) if you do want to take intelligence into taste. It might be more interesting looking for a relationship between complicated music (arrangementwise) in general (incl jazz, avantgarde etc) and intelligence, instead of just one specific genre of music which we think is more intelligent than others.. which sounds a little like "all music styles are equal, but our style is a little more equal than the rest" to me
  15. i don't think you can relate intelligence to taste. If you do find a correlation it might have more to do with one of the 1000 aspects that you cannot take into account in your research. One of those aspect probably has more weight in the correlation than taste. some problems: 1) who do you define as a psytrance listener? someone that only listens to psytrance or also someone that listens to it every now and then? 2) Are you checking for the use of drugs? Because these interfer with your tests. 3) intelligence in itself is a concept.. not all researchers agree that on this concept. 4) is dali psytrance? and atmos? and eskimo? what is psytrance?
  16. News / Press / Events / Bio / Contact / Music / Videos / Pictures / Extras / Buy Music / Goods / Tickets / Ringtones / Forum / Chat / Blog / Links / Refresh Player / Intro Page thats all i noticed
  17. Because not all people that reserve some cd's actually bought them there are still some copies left. For example i still have two extended cd's and one leaving home left. Pm me if you are interested.
  18. this is about as unpromising as it can get... anyway.. good luck!
  19. is it just me or is the off topic left at half september for all? no recent posts at all???? whats up? sorry of the OT
  20. hi od, this is music promotion part.. not music production. any vst can make drumsounds. eqing here is important. Eq all those freqs out that you dont hear or that you dont need from that sound. hipass hihats f e around 1000 or maybe even 1500. Listening to the sound in combination with the others is important. maybe some distortion on the snare. Or even layer some snares on top of each other to make the sound you want. And give em some small reverb.
  21. put a lot of long reverb on pad sounds.. or shorter reverb with a delay.
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