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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. fun plastica
  2. email him for questions.. he doesnt read stuff here..
  3. why would it be different to any other style of music? I dont think house or dnb for example is easier to make then psy..
  4. i dont understand mixed cd's with already released tracks. Unless its a commercial release in which case i am not interested anyways.
  5. to me it doesnt matter what you do to get a nice fx sound as long as you get it. sometimes i use a vsti as a source bounce it t a sample add some fx (camelspace is nice). Or just use a sample add fx until you like it. so the source doesnt matter.. as long as you make a nice fx. once i cut a loop from james brown, added 2 fxs and it sounded great. Didnt sound anything like james brown anymore. But that doesnt matter.
  6. beatport
  7. of course they can do whatever they want. But business wise it doesnt make any sense. Especially in a small market like chill out. Its dead money laying on the table.
  8. 300- 1000? but that is besides the point. Which is an attic full with 223 cd's that they cant possibly sell because they limited themselves to 777 Not that anyone could really check if they sold 777 or 1000...
  9. for those interested in the old prints: In the shop where i work we have some of the remaining catalogue of ultimae still for sale. If anybody is interested i can send them, so you dont have to it pick up in the shop, which might be slightly difficult for some of you Still available (prices are in euro and excl shipping): fahrenheit project 1, 2 & 4 = 16,- oxycanta 16,- oxycanta winterbloom 16,- albedo 16,50 i awake- the core 16,- solar fields- leaving home 16,50 solar fields- extended 22,- solar fields- earthshine 16,- hol bauman- human 16,- aes dana- memory shell 16,- asura- lfe 2- 16,- i ll throw in the kokopelli conscious dreams cd for an extra 10,- euro Pm me if i can help anyone out. First come first served. (those i have pmed: no need to pm me again) mods: (it seems to fit in the for sale category i know.. but since it is only about ultimae and some people are really looking for some of this stuff i thought it suited better here. )
  10. limited edition basically just means they are only printing it once because printing it twice is alot of hassle. It costs alot of money to reprint and it's easy for the accountant You only have to pay your artists once for the cd and you are done. The 777 copies is just a joke i think. The minimum you can print usually is 1000. So what are they gonna go? Put 223 copies on the attic?
  11. lost packages two times with psyshop.. both times they replaced them or refunded my money. It takes a long time because they want to wait for the package to show up. But it will be fixed in the end. So pretty good results with psyshop for years from my side.
  12. how was it? nice festi? line up seems a little problematic.. jey & ex are also there but not on the line up.
  13. how much are: s-range 2001 green nuns of the revolution - rock celtic cross - hicksvillebitch mafia ?
  14. by year/ month. And by genre: prog/ fullon/ chill out/ non psy chill out Then i make a little paper with the info of the tracks that i stick in my dj case. This makes it really easy to read within seconds what track i like on that cd and what kind of track it is.
  15. i think you have more luck and less hassle if you make a list of everything with the prices.
  16. Why, I don't have a myspace either ... I just signed up for the damn thing and received the link to the rarred EP. I think it's worth it, really catchy stuff!
  17. can you give an example of the sound? Maybe try some frequency modulation set to the lower octaves as well. Although those sounds could be more on the crunchy side
  18. I never delete tracks. It's always possible to continue later with it. Or maybe someone else can pick up the track and continue with it. As nemo does i would recommend to put them in the 'unhappy' folder. In the future you might have more experience and knowledge to do with the track what you intended.
  19. pics??? sounds or shut the fuck up!
  20. are you implying you want illegal software?
  21. i really dont get that.. if you are making an effort to build a shop why restrict the options?
  22. i cant really find what they are selling.. mp3? flac? wav? anybody know?
  23. I think spreading your album as mp3 actuallly helps the sales...
  24. What about buying it off Suntrip themselves?
  25. Personally, I think I'd go for a more idm-oriented label, like Toytronic indeed. Maybe try Evan Marc's Native State? They've released similar stuff. Maybe Ant-Zen ? Maybe maybe City Centre Offices? Hefty Records could be something, but I don't really know the label that well. They are American, so that could be handy. These are some of the first ones I could think of that fit the style of this track. I think I have heard it at least 8 times yet! [e] sayz Snaap
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