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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. looks like a pretty damn cool piece of software! how easy is it now to make cool variations..
  2. what do you mean?
  3. uh... 3 days ago?
  4. i remember seeing my first (and last) 303 and not being able to program it without manual you have to push one button while programming the sequence. not very logical..... how easy is it to use it with cv? i never used anything besides midi and have no clue what so ever about the cv..
  5. i think he is referring to the konnekt 24.. But as far as i understood you can only use these dsp effects when recording external instruments. please correct me if i am wrong. check here for the konnekt 24
  6. well, i am using it on a pc and it works like a charm. We tried it on one laptop for 5 seconds and it gave some glitches. But we didnt look into it well at all. Too bad you are having problems with the drivers. Isnt the chipset problem very common in general? i had huge chipset problems with m-audio audiophile 2496 usb before. So much i sold it. And got the konnekt 8.
  7. how about the konnekt 8 from tc electronic this one i am using it on my desktop and am very happy with it.
  8. does zybex count? psyshoppperrrrr
  9. I think this album defines psychedelic ambientesk chill out for me. Very very psychedelic trippy stuff. Even though i dont like to use the word psychedelic to discribe music.
  10. havent heard any matrix sample for a while.. almost forgot about it!
  11. sure ethno can be nice.. but not if its the same samples from the same freakin sample cd's over and over again...
  12. nice track! love those 303's.. =)
  13. cant help you much here. except that i know nordlead have been used very often in psytrance. Maybe check out isratrance forum for more info. Or maybe the nordlead forum (if there is any).
  14. look beyond the bounderies of psychill and thou shall find alot of cool shit! give the following a try: secede- tryshasla (sending orbs) secede- vega libre (sending orbs) welder- vines and streams (cyberset) kettel mike & rich- expert knob twiddlers
  15. imho: if you like the old stuff: skip this one.
  16. ok guys & girls (are there any on this part of the forum?), i was thinking it might be nice to have a topic with some production ideas. So you can read these to get some new ideas, continue the track that is stuck, or just have an interesting read. i ll kick off: for slower stuff (130-135) i like to add a groove with just weird sounds. Mostly just short little noises that give the track a swing. To do this you can create all the sounds yourself of course, but you can also take some loops from samplecd's and cut those up, reshuffle and rearrange them so you cant recognise the old loop anymore and maybe add some extra filters or effects. This way you can quite easily create groovey loops that arent recognisable from the samplecd, but they groove as fuck (your genius musicality taken for granted ) You can also do this with rex files btw good luck!
  17. are they supposed to be producer headphones? the fact that they are the same as your speakers might just indicate they have the same boosts and cuts in certain parts of the spectrum
  18. haha damnit... was about to make an order..
  19. yes its probably related to the length of the cd. Also the style of music fits to make it as long as possible. You cant go into trance in 15 minutes, peak for 10 minutes and have a 5 minute 'home coming'. It takes a while to trance Punk music fits short pieces because they are bursts of energy for 3 minutes than you need a break. Same goes for gabber.
  20. its got some nice tunes.
  21. sabres of paradise- wilmot .
  22. your album was kinda entertaining pitched down 10 bpm and your liveset in Amsterdam a while ago was nice too
  23. haha where did you find that? you should have checked fullmoon shop at the nieuwendijk. they dont have much but they have something. It is expensive though...
  24. thnx alot! great tracks!
  25. when you are finished, read this
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