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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. It still sounds a bit chaotic to me. Try to find sounds that fit well together. And give them all a place in the mix, think of panning, freq spectrum and on the timeline. Also the bass doesnt really come through well. There is mostly just bottomend of the bassline. Try to eq the main mid frequency of the bass out of the leads and other sounds. good luck!
  2. www.psychedelic-traveller.net is a good place to start. Bolivia: http://neurotrance.org/johome/en/home.html Also check goabase.de. Just email the organisers if they know any parties. Often there are more parties than listed on the net. Brazil should have more than you can handle. Don't miss Burning Man!
  3. That would be an excellent idea to bring back some positivity to the whole remix..
  4. Haha.. this remix didnt make any sense from the beginning. There is pretty much nothing in the remix files.. So how do you expect people to make a 'remix'? I would find it interesting to start, but when I looked at the package I lost all interest. And I think the other 492+ people are with me. Also changing the rules wasnt very respectful for the artists involved. How about making a new deadline 2 months later? Pushing people a bit more to finish their remix in time? Maybe offer 2 different tracks that people can choose from or combine? And just cancelling it because people here make a fuss about it? Sorry.. but that is just sad and unprofessional.
  5. Hey Pat, if you happen to drop by in Amsterdam let me know I think I could clear one of the couches for you... Enjoy Ozora!
  6. Nice stuff! what would be the easiest way to go about this in cubase?
  7. soundcloud link Wondering what you guys think about it.
  8. A track is not just a loop. So making comments on just a loop won't help you much i'd say. Upload a track and comments will teach you lots more.
  9. Usually if you are not sure if you like it or not.. It isnt good. Even after listening to it for xxx times it should sound logical or good.
  10. Lots of fm type sounds. Google fm synthese. And lots of distortion. And read isratrance forum: mother of all leads topic. There is loads of good info about lead sounds.
  11. Just saw a gnotr dj set this friday! Was really nice. But dick trevor said he hadnt played his old tunes for a while. So i ll take that as a no there won't be a new album soon. Otherwise he'd tell me about it I think. But bug him on myspace! And tell him to do a new one!
  12. Psytrance clubs can't be found so that is easy... As far as I know (but my knowledge to euphoric trance is very limited) there is no club dedicated to trance. But there is loads of different parties. Take a look at partyflock.nl before you go out. And see if you can find some trance. Other recommendations: vondelpark kokopelli (warmoesstraat 12) coffeeshop rokery near leidseplein coffeeshop siberie near central station (brouwersgracht)
  13. ok.. so you want to compile an album and you want the title to be english, but your english is more like engrish or spanglish than the real thing.. What do you do?
  14. Ultimae did decide a while ago to repint their entire catalogue. Which is quite a risky thing to do these days. Printing cds and reprinting them is always difficult with albums that might actually sell. Most albums get printed 1000 pieces and they sell about 300-700 of them. But when an album sells all 1000, are you reprinting it with the possibility that you won't make enough money to cover the costs and work involved? Or are you putting the money in a new release? Trance cd's usually have a shelf life of a bit over a year. So reprinting after 2 years can be risky...
  15. He talks too much poo.
  16. prepare archive should do the trick. But it might be wise to try it out first with a file you have created to check if it works. I have had problems several times with this. You end up having a project with no files attached. and for some reason they also can't be found on the hard drive anymore. Kinda sucks. Even if it is an old project. Also bouncing some sounds if you use vsts might be a good option. This way you are building your own sample bank and you it is easier to recreate the track than with vsts.
  17. Borrow Flowjobs nordlead And sample some fat bassnotes from that. All filter open, long notes etc. So you can adjust it later to your liking. Then you have the fatness of a real synth in stead of a vst. Might be easier than tweaking forever on software.
  18. Hey =) Nice one man. getting better and better. A few comments though of course The bassline could maybe use a little more mid. Its quite low. Maybe boost the eq a bit so it is a little clearer or cut the freqs where you can hear the mid of the bass best at the other sounds. Or do both. I would also add some mid freq sounds in the main part of the track. This helps to pull the high sounds and the bass together. But that is of course a matter of taste as well. Not much wrong though in the track for what I can hear at the moment. Sounds like you got yourself a nice spacious dancefloor track!
  19. try some effects that are aiming to get the noise, hum etc out. Otherwise find a better sample. It should be out there somewhere. Or another option is to mangle the f**k out of it with other fxs so you filter, delay, phase, chorus it until you get a freaky sound that you like and you can still figure out the text somewhat. Gotta say though that McKenna in trance is kinda 2006
  20. I agree with most what has already been said. They have a nice sound, which was new in the 90's. And as a listening experience it is nice to hear the whole cd. But if you listen closely to all the tracks i find them lacking in interest. Only a few tracks that are good and playable as a dj. So yes.. Imho they are overrated.
  21. It's kinda OT but this is not true. A trip consists of all kinds of emotions. None is more real than any other. It might even say that uplifting experiences are more common than dark negative ones
  22. Music evolution is such a complex story that it is difficult to say something useful about it. But in general I think you can indeed say that society or parts of society can be seen back in the music that is produced or in the partyscene and thus back into the music. I don't think a change in scene is because of one sub genre of a genre, but needs to be seen in a wider context like twisted duo just did. Also psytrance has gotten broader and broader and now has quite a few sub genres that are getting further and further away from each other. So a split is inevitable, but not something bad. people into the 128 bpm housy side of psytrance do not tend to enjoy the 160+ bpm dark stuff and vice versa. Other factors that can change music can be for example: technology, inspirational musicians within that and other genres, etc
  23. isratrance topic on free vsts that thread should keep you busy for a while..
  24. ahhhh.. little snapinho is jealous
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