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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. in most parties here its indeed pretty much 50/50. Plenty of girls into psytrance. About the production/ dj'ing thing: it seems to me it is a technical matter. anywhere there is alot of technical things involved you ll see less girls than boys. Computer science, building cars, producing music on pc, building houses etc etc. Its just one of those differences between men and women. Each sexe has his own preferences in live.. and about magnetrixx: its his girlfriend. She does alot of the administrative things for him (afaik) and of course joins the productional process every now and then.
  2. sure minimal can have its purpose on the dancefloor IF YOU LIKE IT. if you dont that doesnt mean you need to change anything.. you just dont like it. I am sure hiphop has a purpose on the dancefloor.. but just not on mine.. no need to know things better seraph
  3. roquefort with extra leerdammer on top
  4. *supergroover hops up and down his seat from enthusiasm..
  5. question has been asked a few times.. searching will probably help you out highlight tribe and that prog act with lovely tracks i cant seem to remember........
  6. i bought a pair of Mackie HR824s this weekend as well.. and i must say the difference between my old budget monitors and these is stunning.. The detail you can hear on these .... :clapping:
  7. why not contact a company that sells absynth bottles and see if they are interested in you designs ? Or any 'cool' hard liquor brand for that matter.
  8. you might also like Pushmipulyu: @ psyshop
  9. although i would a complete unenglish reviewer (1/4 english blood) it ll be in the right direction here goes: In between all the releases (and god damn there are many these days) this one stands out imho. Most of them you can toss away for having a maximum of 1 good track among 8 bad or average tracks. Not all tracks on 'get your wonk on' are good imho, but its definitly better than average. First two tracks make me yawn but rastaliens continue with a groovy nice energetic track. Better than what I have heard from them lately. As Damion said already they are not killarrgghs, exploding dancefloor madness with whistleing screaming people everywhere.. but that's actually a good thing. Dancefloors with climaxes only dont work too well and become boring soon. The rastaliens track is an excellent track with an underlying grooviness that keeps growing as the track progresses. From the same guy(s) (if i am not mistaken) comes the track total control. Another fine funky fullon track with a lovely leadsound. And a very famous sample that isnt annoying for a change. Flipflop remix of new propulsion technology is a very nice remix. I really liked the original and a lot of other stuff that zen mechanics does. I dont like remixes in general, but this one kept the nice stuff from the original while adding some other elements to make the whole track funkier. OOOD has happily surprised me with his releases and does another good job with starseeker. Very trancy without getting cheesy. Nice friendly melodies. Cant wait to hear this one on one of the festivals. The other tracks are not bad but not outstanding either imho. Allthough the fromem Ory track does seem to grow on me. All in all 4 (5) really nice tracks. the cd is on the too buy list and will be ordered at psyshop soon (I just love the try before you buy concept ). Dancefloor tests will be undertaken. 7.5/10
  10. will get it with the next cd order! Nice album lurk!
  11. this place must be sooo not representative for the psytrance scene..
  12. thats not fair... those who think 1200 mics suck never get a change to solve it... :ranting:
  13. i guess it really doesnt matter much if you give it away yourself or let psycz, mycel or those bunch do it for you. In the first instance it will look alot nicer if you do it yourself and the effect is the same.. everybody will have the album in mp3.
  14. i wasnt too impressed but some tracks are really nice. fullon that works well on the dancefloor. and better than average fullon for sure!
  15. haha i knew it.. you are a eurotrancer.. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  16. coincidentia oppositorum has some wicked moments.. trippy psychedelic and nice! liking it
  17. neuro as being short for neurotic sounds like a pretty good term to me for some stuff.. combi of texas faggot and kindzadza? neurotraaaaannnceeee ps man these new smileys stink
  18. dont think there is many tracks outside the 4/4 timing..
  19. siebzehn- hanger 18 just had the tracks mastered.. and they sound yummy!!!
  20. pressing less than 1000 is not very interesting. It wont even cover the costs of the whole project.
  21. sounds good. but maybe better for promotion section..
  22. greetings from goa
  23. doing a little bit of previewing since its not out yet but here is the cover from our ambient cd due in june.
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