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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. looks nice.. but for a 5 year existence celebration the flyer is pretty bad lots of mistakes.. But could be alot of fun with a diverse line up like this! go colin!
  2. for a futuristic studio it looks pretty damn uncomfortable.. not as if you wanna sit in that position for hours tweaking .. guess i ll stick to the maelstrom presets then
  3. www.comfortstand.com check it out. some very nice funny electronica/ funk/ weirdness/ ambient/ pop/ rock/ whatever.. and totally free!!!! wow its revolutionary! enjoy!
  4. imho its just two styles of electronic music.. and when talking about whole styles you cant really say one is more innovative than the other. Its not like there is a secret community making sure that psytrance is more innovative. In any scene there will be innovaters and copycats. The bigger the scene the more of both. But especially more bullshit...
  5. who cares?
  6. well.. if you collect 10 tracks from different albums with different people mastering them it might actually make sense. You have 10 tracks at possibly different levels.. for the new compi it might not be a bad idea to get them on the same level again. thus mastering them.
  7. just to clear some things for some people.. i ll present some information: mastering = this
  8. sure kisses are nice and all.. but do you know what mastering is?
  9. very nice track man.. very hypnotic. you could do some work on the sound quality. but i really like the composition of the track. its very trancy without getting cheesy at all. good work. If the sound quality is better i would sure be interested in getting it for neo, our label/internet shop! nice one..
  10. in amsterdam anything can happen....
  11. you could either go and buy a dvd burner (start at $30) or get a huge harddisk where you can put all your flacs on..
  12. what the f**k happened here? did we have a tranceformation from radi to yasen? i think that should be made illegal.. mods change him back!
  13. check out pradox: http://www.pradox.com/
  14. reviewing intro and a beat is not very interesting.. maybe you ll get more listeners when the whole track is finished.. good luck =)
  15. haha yes that poison track is absolutely horrible.. With the capital R from the cheese...
  16. very good tip antic. I had the unfortunate pleasure of getting my cd's stolen once. i can tell you i was not ammused. I do take the originals with now, but i always have copies back home in case stuff gets stolen. Flac-ed on dvd.. I dont want to think about the work it will cost.. but at least i have em backed up..
  17. in your line of reasoning: if something is popular it is good -->everything that is popular is good.. uh.. sure what ever..
  18. i think its time to show the video.. she sounds like a very good woman for you radi.. she likes shpongle!!! how many are there of those?
  19. link has expired...
  20. the sound of prohibited disney movies from 1940-45 funny stuff
  21. sure its nice to hear some good stuff from the earlier times.. but why not use a bit of new technology to spice it up? its sounds rather bad in my ears.. bad sound quality. but good tracks nonetheless.. reminds me of some good old times..
  22. check the 'MOTHER OF ALL' kinda threads on isratrance.com forum/ producer section. It has alot of info there.. Apart from that its alot of hardwork before you produce a good sounding track. Dont expect to be good in 2 weeks.. more like 2 years or longer.. One thing that can help alot is to find producers in the area where you live and cooperate with them on tracks. it doesnt matter if its someone that makes another style of music. you can still learn alot from eachother. And follow rezniks advice.. rebuild a track you like. Good luck =)
  23. i think they actually accepted a law in australia that said that the use without consult of any sample from an artist is illegal even if its just a very small snippet. If its recognisable you can be sued.. off course it will be a hell of a lawsuit to find out if you played that guitar sample yourself or if it is that riff from metallic but tuned and twisted up to a almost unrecognizable sound. Where is the line? and if you can find it.. its very thin.. sure artists productions need to be protected.. but do we need to pay for the blue / red pill sample as well? Or the fact that i used a loop from a triphop record but twisted it so much its something else? i dont think so.
  24. isnt the soundquality of vinyl by definition worse than cd because it is compressed ALOT? giving its special warmth but actually fucking up the sound that way. So basically playing very high quality mp3's should be fine.. but why not play flac or wave then? we don't have to save space anymore now do we? we all got 200 gb harddisks now.. abasio: there must be some way to prevent him from fucking your vinyls... ask your parents or his roomies to lock em and could you please make your signatures alittle shorter.. its rather annoying to browse the forum this way imho.. thnx =)
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