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Everything posted by supergroover

  1. Of course he didnt have to be kicked. He should have been given some cleaning gear to clean up his own piss and he should have be escorted outside gently. To never been seen again. Sure he is a stupid f..k to piss in public in the middle of the dancefloor. Doesnt look like he is ready to party yet. And pandemonium yes you do sound terribly like an alphamale. No need to be so cool here.
  2. Kettel has some good stuff indeed. But, but but but isnt this thread supposed to be in the 'other electronica' section?
  3. his beard is terrible
  4. pretty nice stuff =) Nothing extremely renewing. But very groovy nonetheless! Definitly worth to check it out.
  5. the techno viking was actually on waldfrieden wonderland last august
  6. Sounds like something israeli to me. More fullon than goa. No idea really what it is. Post it on isratrance forum. Somebody will know.
  7. spiralianz actually anything by Schaffhausen
  8. good to hear =) love some more trippy chill out!
  9. Hey Capsula is back! =) I was waiting for something new! I really enjoyed your album. a little feedback on the tracks you uploaded: hair: Nicely laid out chilled out vibe! the samples coming in at 0.48 sound a little out of place. They don't fit well with the rest of the track, which is nice and relaxing. The same goes for the voices coming in at 1.47 in my opinion. The trumpet on the other hand i really do like. Nice sound and fits well with the atmosphere. The synth coming in at 3.38 could be a little lower in volume and some more tweaked with the pitchbend. It is a little too normal overall a nice sounding tune that is well produced! Good to hear some new stuff! the other track i ll listen to later.
  10. Surely it is pretty damn nice what he is doing. But if he cant do the full job of djing and mixing maybe he should pick up djing rock. You dont have to beat mix that stuff Because just booking him because he is disabled would be pretty lame and just as discriminating as booking a dj because she is female..
  11. excellent news =) will check it out later for sure.
  12. Will they press it? Or just copy a few for relations? If they press it it is a more serious offence, but if its a few copies it doesnt matter much.
  13. I have read "Trance and visibility at dawn: racial dynamics in Goa’s rave scene" and found some parts to be interesting, but most is a little too scientific for an regular read (even though i have read shitloads of scientific books). What it is basically saying is that the highest people in the psychedelic hierarchy are selfcentered people that only mingle with a nonpsy crowd if they benefit from it (when in goa). Which i agree with most of the time. They (we) are from the open minded bunch of people we want to believe we are. "Mobile Consciousness, Flexible Culture: Notes on the Rise and Fall of Goa Trance by Luther C. Elliott" Sounds interesting but if you say it isnt i ll take your word for it. Still have another dissertation on the bookshelf somewhere about psychedelic trance but never got into it yet. I must also say that I would have some difficulty figuring out what would be interesting about it from a scientific point of view. It is just another subgenre of music with an affiliated lifestyle. There are more of those to be found. Yard Hippie: What was your dissertation about?
  14. heard on vuuv last year while dejavoo was playing: fullon style track with a female voice saying something like this: every time every day anytime anyway acid Does anybody know which track it is?
  15. I used to believe things don't get more psychedelic than coming to a dancefloor in lederhosen.
  16. if I am not mistaken it is track 2 from this cd.
  17. nice track! excellent atmosphere creation. but the movie doesnt make much sense
  18. how legal is that site exactly? 15 cents for a track?
  19. one thing i found to be fun for creating pads is to use the processing for other tracks on a random pad. Fe some heavy distortion. High pass it, maybe add some compression and it sounds very different from the original. You could copy the processing of the bass track for example and use it for pad sounds. Another nice trick is to use only the wet part of a reverbed sound. It can be any sound really. It will just give the track a spacey feel without filling alot of the spectrum. High pass again here. the zebra vsti could be fun for adding some nice textures. The timeless is a personal favourite for delays. check here Don't forget to add some funky beats to keep those heads nodding in stead of falling asleep!
  20. of course.. talig.. how could i be so stupid.
  21. what style is the track? fullon, prog, odd school, electroprog?
  22. i can't even figure what he is talkig about
  23. this link might help
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