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chatnik aka alien

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Everything posted by chatnik aka alien

  1. Jesus Raves - Goa Spirals Mix Vol 2 Style: Goa Trance Playtime: 1:16:19 Mixed with oldschool BST CDD206 players Tracklist: 1.Psylent Buddhi - Secrets Of Atom [unreleased] 2.Darshan - Navigator [12" Duck/Navigator EP 1997] 3.Prana & Athena - Future Space Travellers [12" Future Space Travellers EP 1995] 4.Bypass Unit - Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses [Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses 1999] 5.Cosmoon - I Am God [stratocaster/I Am God EP 1998] 6.Hive - T@o D@o [12" T@O D@O/Just Noise EP 1997] 7.Xenakiss - Fires Of Orc [12" Fires Of Orc EP 1997] 8.Black Hole - For The Future [sorry, but I really don't know from where I got this track xD] 9.North Central Positronics - Smell The Glove [12" Smell The Glove EP 1994] 10.Pigs In Space - Visitors [part 1] [Pigs In Space 1998] 11.Dogma - Sutra Sarma [Land Of Utopia 1997] 12.Miranda - Keep Calm [fixed] [Asynja 2001] 13.Funkopath - Skwirm [12" Skwirm EP 1997] Download: click
  2. Or Blue Planet Corporation - Antidote [Pleiadians RMX], a great track
  3. This is what I call psychedelic. The transition around 5:55 makes You shake Your head hard :drama:
  4. VA - Igra Drijada 2008, Ultiva Records The name of compilation is written on Serbian language
  5. I also think that this track is remixed Transwave
  6. Link works fine, but i know that some people can't download from their servers. Here you go this link, mate http://www2.evilshare.com/b6d1d2f0-0146-10...1c-0007e90cfb90 Cheers
  7. http://rapidshare.com/files/77534703/Psycho_10.mp3.html pls help ppl
  8. Yeah, the mastering isn't that good, but... Album is f... awesome, holy cow, one of the best releases in 2007. Thanks to all people involved in this and especially to Mindsphere
  9. Hello man, i have saw that you looking for someone who will work on mastering for your net label compilation. I can help You for a couple of compilations, of course for free. You can check my mastering work on VA - Voice Of Sauron /// Ultiva Records Cheers.
  10. Blue Planet Corporation - Antidote [Pleiadians RMX]
  11. Everything, but how someone could expect to hear beatmatching in Goa Gil mix? He use DAT players without pitch/tempo controls
  12. Crop Circles - Full Mental Jackpot OMG
  13. Dunno, but i don't like this new cover, it's too "template". When i buy this cd i will remove the cover, print the 1st version and add in cd pack. PEACE
  14. Blue Planet Corporation - Antidote [Pleiadians RMX] :posford: :clapping:
  15. I have founded on one Serbian forum this picture, it seems to be a full version of the 1st cover. According to name, I think that the guy who made this cover is from Serbia (Miodrag Spasevski a.k.a. KillerRabbit, it's written on the picture). Take a look at this: http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/9190/go...rartworkzq4.jpg edit: @ Amphiton Yea, Goasia music is a total madness. But i think that the 1st cover, with a small corrections [corrections with inlay fonts and picture of the Balint and Kanc], is better solution... more goastic
  16. I agree with Rino, 1st version of the cover is much better, more suitable to Goasia music, very spacey, colorful, real goa cover. The new one is... dunno... NOT GOOD?!
  17. Yea man, but today i have installed Fruity Loops just to try and Fruity had opened VB-1 and working fine. Strange... I'm on Windows 2000 [XP Sucks ]
  18. Fuckin' killer
  19. Hello good people, i have a problem with VB-1, Ableton opens vst normaly, but when i put notes in editor and play vb-1 just generate irritating sound. I have tried version from the Cubase SX2.
  20. Astral Projection - People Can Fly [i'm really flying when hear this track] Blue Planet Corporation - Antidote [Pleiadians RMX] [sweet mother last two minutes are madness aaaaaaaaaaa]
  21. Good live, like a 1st one Keep the great work
  22. This album is a KILLER, one of the best dark albums ever. But mastering on this masterpiece is horrible
  23. On the side stories and fights about this compilation, lets turn on music... it's awesome compilation. Tracks kick ass, the best one [for me] is Artifact303 - Trip To The Sun... great job
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