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Updown Festival Raiz will take place in Portugal From 29 of July to 8 of Agost MAIN FLOOR Opening Act: - Violet Vision feat/ Noa Lembersky - Isr Live Acts: - 220 V (Proton Records) - Br - Alternative Control (Proton Records) - Serb - Altom (Neurobiotic Records) - Fr - Bamboo Forest (MP Records) - Fr - Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) - Isr - Black & white (Hommega Records) - Isr - Brethren (Nexus media / Time code records) - S.A. - Cyber Cartel (Agitato Records) - Isr - CPU (3d Vision Records) - Swi - Chakra (Hommega Records) - Isr - Darkpsy(Dejavu records) - Pt - Domestic (Hommega Records) - Isr - Dynamo (Arcadia Music Japan) UK/Isr - Ecliptic (Ecliptic/Maia Records) - Mex - Fungus Funk (Acidance Records/ Dejavu Records) - Rus - Grapes of Wrath (parvati records) - Den - Inneraction (3d Vision Records / Procyon Records) - Isr - Intelabeam (Spun Records) - Isr - Itaitaiko (Groove Zone control) - Isr - Khopat (Kagdila Records / Spectral Records) - Pt - Mechanix (Mechanik Rec) - Isr - Mekkanikka (3d Vision/Spirit Zone) - Swi - Menog (Spectral Records/Timecode) - Pt - Miracle (Proton Records) - Br/Isr - Neuromotor (Mechanik Rec) - Fr - Nick Panick (Neurobiotic Records) - Isr - Perplex (Phonokol Records) - Isr - Phanatic (Quark Agency) - Isr - Phyx (Timecode Records) - S.A. - Polaris (Neurobiotic Records) - Fr - Psy Craft (Hommega Records) - Isr - Psy Sex (Hommega Records) - Isr - Psytekk (Usta Records / Quark Agency) - Isr - Puzzle (3d Vision) - Br - Quantum Leap (Kagdila Records / Quarck Agency) - Pt - Sesto sento (Com.Pact) - Isr - SLum (Phi/Elf Musc) - Jap - Shakri (BuddhaMantra / Psylosophy) - Pt - Sirius Isness (Mind Control) - Fr - Space monkey (Agitato Records) - Isr - Spectrum (Phonokol Records) - Isr - Sub6 (Hommega Records) - Isr - Tactical Strike (Proton Records) - Br - Tickets (Timecode Records / Nexus Media) - S.A. - Tikal (Neurobiotic Records) - Fr - Ultravoice (Com.Pact Records) - Isr - Vibra (Neurobiotic Records) - Br - X-noise (Hommega Records) - Isr - Zero sequence (Quest4goa) - Pt DJ Sets: Agni Spark (Updown/Kagdila Rec) Aleph (Timecode Rec) - S.A. Alex vs Tomas (Neurobiotic Rec) - Fr Alon Algarsi vs Nir Sindon (Hommega) - Isr Arno (Neurobiotic Rec) - Fr Barax Argaman vs Nadav Bonen (Hommega) - Isr Bishop (Proton Rec) - Br Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) - Isr Danger (Proton Rec) - Hun Dede (Spectrum) - Isr Digital (Vr Tribe) - Pt Dynamic (Phonokol Rec) - Isr Edoardo (Neurobiotic Rec) - Ita Eskimo (Phantasm) - UK Goblin vs Yoni Oshrat (Hommega) - Isr Golan Aharoni vs Ohad Aharoni (Hommega) - Isr Hanan Bitton Ido Ophir (Hommega) - Isr Itay (Groove Zone Control) - Isr Juggler (Chaishop.com) - Pt Kefir Shlomovitz (Agitato Rec) - Isr Kfir Lankry (Phanatic/Quark Agency) - Isr Loko (Odd Rec) - Pt Max vs Davina (Mind Control) - Fr Moonskalin (Updown) - Pt Nick (Neurobiotic Rec) - Isr Nikka (Mekkanikka/Biodegrable) - Swi Perplex (Phonokol) - Isr Psytekk (Usta) - Isr Psy Wiz (Updown) - Pt R2 (Trancelucent) - Br Rami Shapira (Hommega) - Isr Rastko vs Toka (Proton Rec) - Serb Roy vs Nico (3d vision/ Procyon Rec) - Isr Ruod-rik (Mahogany Rec/MP Rec) - Pt Rush (Odd Rec) - Pt Samuel Wallerstien vs Yaniv Biton (Hommega) - Isr Samy (3d Vision) - Swi Sesto Matan (Proton Rec) - Isr Shakri (BuddhaMantra/Psylosophy) - Pt Stephane (Mp Rec) - Fr Dudu vs Victor Leti (Proton Rec) - Br Tickets (Timecode Rec/Nexus Media) - S.A. Ultravoice (Com.pact) - Isr Vic Shefi (Agitato Rec) - Isr Zefer (Neutronix) - Irl CHILL OUT Live acts: - Ambiêns Indages (Chilloutzone.org) - Pt - Bluetech (Aleph Zero) - Can - [live & dj set] - Chilled C'quence (Quest4goa/Amboworld) - Pt - Indepth (Sonic Dragon Rec) - Isr - [live & dj set] - Ishq (Aleph Zero) - UK - [live & dj set] - J.Viewz (Deeplay Music) - Isr - [live & dj set] - Kukan Dub Lagan (Candyflip Rec) - Isr - [live & dj set] - Lunar Sound (Ecliptic/Maia Rec) - Mex - Moon (Rhythms of Peace/Jbilettes prod) - Mar - Omiq Project (En Sof) - Pt - Psyra (PsyTropic Rec) - Ger [live & dj set] - Red Seal (Flow Rec/On U Sound) - UK - Shakri (BuddhaMantra/Psylosophy) - Pt - [live & dj set] - Shulman (Aleph Zero) - Isr - SmileyPixie (Goa Gadar) - Pt - [live & dj set] - Tachyon (Ayuaska Rec) - Pt - Tjak - Pt - X_rc (Spectral Rec) - Pt - Yonilinga (Spectral Rec) - Pt - [live & dj set] DJ Sets: International dj's: Beka (Turbo Trance Rec) - Aus Grey Matter - Isr Justin Chaos - (Cosmictrance/Rasta’s In Dub) - Arg KakoOlalaJwal - Fr Leon (Psy DMT) - Uk Nova (Ultimae Rec) - Uk Nun (Hadra) - Fr Ro-Ro (Rasta’s In Dub) - Spa Schatsi vs Danny Intelabeam (HADSHOT/Spun Rec) - Isr Shahar (Aleph Zero) - Isr Tajmahal (Ultimae Rec/Amboworld) - Fr Toxic In Dub (Cosmictrance) - Spa Portuguese colectives: chilloutzone.org dj’s team: dj high - Pt elektra - Pt Henrik - Pt Las’Hark - Pt En Sof dj’s team: Cocoon – Pt Gordon Shumway - Pt Ketelf - Pt Liquid Shape - Pt Malek - Pt Plurgrim - Pt naOmh - Pt Sérgio - Pt Souljackers - Pt Vaga - Pt Quest4goa dj’s team: Celtic_Ian - Pt Gabi - Pt X_tigma - Pt Other Portuguese Dj's: Alam (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Architect (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Flight Sound Designers (Looping4center/PLUR Prod) - Pt Floating Machine (Looping4center/PLUR Prod) -Pt Gil'on'chill (Updown) - Pt Ivä (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Juggler (Chaishop.com) - Pt Kapi - Pt LAB - Pt Looping4center (PLUR Prod) - Pt M&Ms (Namaskar Prod) - Pt Mogg Fanatik (Planet Ben Rec/Anaxadora Org) - Pt Nonsense (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Shänti (Ketuh Rec) - Pt Tamíris (Spectral Rec) - Pt Youth Culture Soundsystem - Pt DECOR: Backdrops & Structures: Dream Colours - Spa Go Go Trippin´ - Pt Nagual Creations - Uk VJ´s: Aurora Boreal - Spa Bizz - Pt Datagrama - Pt Golem - Mex Orange Corporation - Spa CULTURAL AREA: Activities: - Chi Kung - Hatha Yoga - Osho Rajnesh Meditation - Tai Chi Massages: - Ayurvedic - Biodynamic - Shiatsu - Tuina More infos on the website. Location: Oliveira de Frades, near Viseu (center/north Portugal) Route: Coming from Porto: A1 direction Lisbon, then get out in Aveiro to the A25 (IP5) and follow to Viseu. Take the exit to Reigoso in IP5 and follow the arrows to SERRA DO LADÀRIO. Coming from Lisbon: A1 direction to Porto then get out in Aveiro to the A25 (IP5) and follow to Viseu. Take the exit to Reigoso in IP5 and follow the arrows to SERRA DO LADÀRIO. Coming from Spain (Salamanca): Entrance in Portugal in Vilar Formoso, follow the IP5 in the direction to Aveiro. Take the exit to Reigoso in IP5 and follow the arrows to SERRA DO LADÀRIO. Map, photos and more infos on the website! Facilities: - Camping area - Wc´s and Showers - Bars - Workshops - Comerce - Open air cinema - Area for children - Medical area - Parking Tickets: 1 - 30 june - 55 € 1 - 25 july - 60€ @ gates 70 € For more details: http://www.updown-crew.com/ Festival Website: http://www.designer.updown-crew.com/festival.html
well if you don´t have anything to do from 29 of july and 8 of agost, you must check this site:D..........www.updown-crew.com
UPDOWN FESTIVAL - portugal 29 july / 8 august
Magic_Utopia replied to ChevDuPas's topic in International Multi-Day Festivals
It´s Coming!!what an amazing festival!! I hope all goes well with Updown-Crew and see you at the festival!!! I´m felling very good vibe on this one. Peace!! -
Updown Crew Proudly Presents Festival Raiz - Portugal - !!10 DAYS!! 29/07--------08/08 – Oliveira de Frades Live acts - 220 V (Proton Records) - Alternative Control (Proton Records) - Altom (Neurobiotic Records) - Bamboo Forest (MP Records) - Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) - Black & white (Hommega Records) - Brethren (Nexus media / Time code records) - Cyber Cartel (Agitato Records) - CPU (3d Vision Records) - Chakra (Hommega Records) - Domestic (Hommega Records) - Dynamo (Arcadia Music Japan) - Ecliptic (Ecliptic/Maia Records) - Inneraction (3d Vision Records / Procyon Records) - Intelabeam (Spun Records) - Khopat (Kagdila Records / Spectral Records) - Mechanix (Mechanik Rec) - Mekkanikka (3d Vision/Spirit Zone) - Menog (Spectral Records/Timecode) - Miracle (Proton Records) - Neuromotor (Mechanik Rec) - Nick Panick (Neurobiotic Records) - Perplex (Phonokol Records) - Phanatic (Quark Agency) - Phyx (Timecode Records) - Polaris (Neurobiotic Records) - Psy Craft (Hommega Records) - Psy Sex (Hommega Records) - Psytekk (Usta Records / Quark Agency) - Puzzle (3d Vision) - Quantum Leap (Kagdila Records / Quarck Agency) - Sesto Sento (Com.Pact) - Slum (Phi/Elf Musc) - Shakri (BuddhaMantra / Psylosophy) - Sirius Isness (Mind Control) - Space monkey (Agitato Records) - Spectrum (Phonokol Records) - Sub6 (Hommega Records) - Tactical Strike (Proton Records) - Tickets (Timecode Records / Nexus Media) - Tikal (Neurobiotic Records) - Ultravoice (Com.Pact Records) - Vibra (Neurobiotic Records) - X-noise (Hommega Records) - Zero sequence (Quest4goa) Dj set Agni Spark (Updown / Kagdila Records) PT Aleph (Timecode Records) S.AF Alex vs Tomas (Neurobiotic Records) FR Alon Algarsi vs Nir Sidon (Hommega Records) ISR Arno (Neurobiotic Records) FR Barak Argaman vs Nadav Bonen (Hommega Records) ISR Bishop (Proton Records) BR Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) ISR Danger (Procyon Records) HUN Edoardo (Neurobiotic Records) ITA Goblin vs Yoni Oshrat (Hommega Records) ISR Golan Aharoni vs Ohad Aharoni (Hommega Records) ISR Hanan Bitton (Usta Records) ISR Ido Ophir (Hommega Records) ISR Juggler (Chaishop.Com/Quarck Agency) PT Junya a.k.a Eskimo (Phantasm Records) UK Kefir Shlomovitz (Agitato Records) ISR Kfir Lankry (Phanatik/Quark Agency) ISR Kristian (Phantasm Records) UK Loko (Odd Records) PT Max vs Davina (Mind control) FR Moonskalin (Updown) PT Nick (Neurobiotic Records) ISR Nikka (3d vision/Spirit zone) SWZ Perplex (Phonokol Records) ISR PsyTekk (Usta Records/Quark Agency) ISR Psy Wiz (Updown) PT R2 (Trancelucent ) BR Rami Shapira (Hommega Records) ISR Rastko Vs Toca (Proton Records) SERB Roy vs Nico (3d Vision Records /Procyon Records)ISR Ruod-rik (Mahogany Records/MP Records) PT Rush (Odd Records) PT Samuel Wallerstien vs Yaniv Biton (Hommega Records) ISR Samy (3d Vision Records) SPA Sesto Matan (Proton Records) ISR Shay a.k.a Dynamic (Phonokol Records) ISR Shakri (BuddhaMantra / Psylosophy) PT Stephane (MP Records) FR Dudu vs Victor Leti (Proton Records) BR Tickets (Timecode Records / Nexus Media) S.AF Ultravoice (Com.Pact) ISR Vic Shefi (Agitato Records) ISR Zefer ( Neutronyx Records) SPN Chillout Live acts: - Ambiêns Indages (chilloutzone.org) - Pt - Bluetech (Aleph Zero) - Can - [live & dj set] - Chilled C'quence (Quest4goa/Amboworld) - Pt - Indepth (Sonic Dragon Rec) - Isr - [live & dj set] - Ishq (Aleph Zero) - UK - [live & dj set] - J.Viewz (Deeplay Music) - Isr - [live & dj set] - Kukan Dub Lagan (Candyflip Rec) - Isr - [live & dj set] - Lunar Sound (Ecliptic/Maia Rec) - Mex - Moon (Rhythms of Peace/Jbilettes prod) - Mar - Omiq Project (En Sof) - Pt - Psyra (PsyTropic Rec) - Ger [live & dj set] - Red Seal (Flow Rec/On U Sound) - UK - Shakri (BuddhaMantra/Psylosophy) - Pt - [live & dj set] - Shulman (Aleph Zero) - Isr - SmileyPixie (Goa Gadar) - Pt - [live & dj set] - Tachyon (Ayuaska Rec) - Pt - Tjak - Pt - X_rc (Spectral Rec) - Pt - Yonilinga (Spectral Rec) - Pt - [live & dj set] Dj Sets International Dj sets Beka (Turbo Trance Rec) - Aus Grey Matter - Isr Justin Chaos - (Cosmictrance/Rasta’s In Dub) - Arg KakoOlalaJwal - Fr Leon (Psy DMT) - Uk Nova (Ultimae Rec) - Uk Nun (Hadra) - Fr Ro-Ro (Rasta’s In Dub) - Spa Schatsi vs Danny Intelabeam (HADSHOT/Spun Rec) - Isr Shahar (Aleph Zero) - Isr Tajmahal (Ultimae Rec/Amboworld) - Fr Toxic In Dub (Cosmictrance) - Spa National Groups: chilloutzone.org dj’s team: dj high - Pt elektra - Pt Henrik - Pt Las’Hark - Pt En Sof dj’s team: Cocoon – Pt Gordon Shumway - Pt Ketelf - Pt Liquid Shape - Pt Malek - Pt Plurgrim - Pt naOmh - Pt Sérgio - Pt Souljackers - Pt Vaga - Pt Quest4goa dj’s team: Celtic_Ian - Pt Gabi - Pt X_tigma - Pt More Portuguese Dj´s Alam (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Architect (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Flight Sound Designers (Looping4center/PLUR Prod) - Pt Floating Machine (Looping4center/PLUR Prod) -Pt Gil'on'chill (Updown) - Pt Ivä (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Juggler (Chaishop.com) - Pt Kapi - Pt LAB - Pt Looping4center (PLUR Prod) - Pt M&Ms (Namaskar Prod) - Pt Mogg Fanatik (Planet Ben Rec/Anaxadora Org) - Pt Nonsense (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Shänti (Ketuh Rec) - Pt Tamíris (Spectral Rec) - Pt Youth Culture Soundsystem - Pt All the information about the artist is or will be on the website in a very short time. Entry fee 01 June --------- 30 June -------> 55€ 01 July ---------- 25 July ---------> 60€ At the gate -----------------------> 70€ infra-structures: -Camping -Wc´s and showers -Bars -Main Floor -Commerce -Open air cinema -Space for children -Medical area -Parking -Workshops info line: +351912278022 location and updates at: www.designer.updown-crew.com/festival.html www.updown-crew.com Come and see for yourself, the awakenig of a new generation. A new and better cultural force, The trance generation will gather and will evolve. The Raiz (Roots) Festival will put the trance world in a new dimention, of witch will be hard to leave. That Mother Nature sends us all the best energys. Come and have a good time
HUmmmmmmmmm Trolsk I´m terrebly sorry for all the problems i´ve caused....?????? I´ve notice the error but it´s was after i´ve posted it, and i did not found how to fix it... Yes i´ve spelled psychadelic wrong but does it matter that much????? It never was my intention to put an exclamation point to gain any kind of advantage.I didn't knew about that. I also apologize for the late response. I also apologize for seeming spam, but you is not it. We are speaking of a festival of eleven days, this is no joke as you can imagine... Go to the site www.updown-crew.com and you´ll see what king of an event e are preparing. Boom Shankar (from the heart)
Do any of you imagine a festival of 11 days??? WELL...... It Will Happen!!!! Alot of good surprises will happen, the sprit will be fantastic!! I will be in another dimension for 11 days!!! check the line up!!!! Chillout line up is something ahead of our time were goessssssssss Updown Crew Proudly Presents Festival Raiz - Portugal - !!11 DAYS!! 29/07--------08/08 – Oliveira de Frades Live acts 220 V (Proton Records) Alternative Control (Proton Records) Altom (Neurobiotic Records) Bamboo Forest (MP Records) Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) Black & white (Hommega Records) Brethren (Nexus media / Time code records) Cyber Cartel (Agitato Records) CPU (3d Vision Records) Chakra (Hommega Records) Domestic (Hommega Records) Dynamo (Arcadia Music Japan) Ecliptic (Ecliptic/Maia Records) Inneraction (3d Vision Records / Procyon Records) Intelabeam (Spun Records) Khopat (Kagdila Records / Spectral Records) Mechanix (Mechanik Rec) Mekkanikka (3d Vision/Spirit Zone) Menog (Spectral Records/Timecode) Miracle (Proton Records) Neuromotor (Mechanik Rec) Nick Panick (Neurobiotic Records) Perplex (Phonokol Records) Phanatic (Quark Agency) Phyx (Timecode Records) Polaris (Neurobiotic Records) Psy Craft (Hommega Records) Psy Sex (Hommega Records) Psytekk (Usta Records / Quark Agency) Puzzle (3d Vision) Quantum Leap (Kagdila Records / Quarck Agency) Sesto sento (Com.Pact) Slum (Phi/Elf Musc) Shakri (BuddhaMantra / Psylosophy) Sirius Isness (Mind Control) Space monkey (Agitato Records) Spectrum (Phonokol Records) Sub6 (Hommega Records) Tactical Strike (Proton Records) Tickets (Timecode Records / Nexus Media) Tikal (Neurobiotic Records) Ultravoice (Com.Pact Records) Vibra (Neurobiotic Records) X-noise (Hommega Records) Zero sequence (Quest4goa) Dj set Agni Spark (Updown / Kagdila Records) PT Aleph (Timecode Records) S.AF Alex vs Tomas (Neurobiotic Records) FR Alon Algarsi vs Nir Sidon (Hommega Records) ISR Arno (Neurobiotic Records) FR Barak Argaman vs Nadav Bonen (Hommega Records) ISR Bishop (Proton Records) BR Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) ISR Danger (Procyon Records) HUN Edoardo (Neurobiotic Records) ITA Goblin vs Yoni Oshrat (Hommega Records) ISR Golan Aharoni vs Ohad Aharoni (Hommega Records) ISR Hanan Bitton (Usta Records) ISR Ido Ophir (Hommega Records) ISR Juggler (Chaishop.Com/Quarck Agency) PT Junya a.k.a Eskimo (Phantasm Records) UK Kefir Shlomovitz (Agitato Records) ISR Kfir Lankry (Phanatik/Quark Agency) ISR Kristian (Phantasm Records) UK Loko (Odd Records) PT Max vs Davina (Mind control) FR Moonskalin (Updown) PT Nick (Neurobiotic Records) ISR Nikka (3d vision/Spirit zone) SWZ Perplex (Phonokol Records) ISR PsyTekk (Usta Records/Quark Agency) ISR Psy Wiz (Updown) PT R2 (Trancelucent ) BR Rami Shapira (Hommega Records) ISR Rastko Vs Toca (Proton Records) SERB Roy vs Nico (3d Vision Records /Procyon Records)ISR Ruod-rik (Mahogany Records/MP Records) PT Rush (Odd Records) PT Samuel Wallerstien vs Yaniv Biton (Hommega Records) ISR Samy (3d Vision Records) SPA Sesto Matan (Proton Records) ISR Shay a.k.a Dynamic (Phonokol Records) ISR Shakri (BuddhaMantra / Psylosophy) PT Stephane (MP Records) FR Dudu vs Victor Leti (Proton Records) BR Tickets (Timecode Records / Nexus Media) S.AF Ultravoice (Com.Pact) ISR Vic Shefi (Agitato Records) ISR Zefer ( Neutronyx Records) SPN Chillout Live acts: - Ambiêns Indages (chilloutzone.org) - Pt - Bluetech (Aleph Zero) - Can - [live & dj set] - Chilled C'quence (Quest4goa/Amboworld) - Pt - Indepth (Sonic Dragon Rec) - Isr - [live & dj set] - Ishq (Aleph Zero) - UK - [live & dj set] - J.Viewz (Deeplay Music) - Isr - [live & dj set] - Kukan Dub Lagan (Candyflip Rec) - Isr - [live & dj set] - Lunar Sound (Ecliptic/Maia Rec) - Mex - Moon (Rhythms of Peace/Jbilettes prod) - Mar - Omiq Project (En Sof) - Pt - Psyra (PsyTropic Rec) - Ger [live & dj set] - Red Seal (Flow Rec/On U Sound) - UK - Shakri (BuddhaMantra/Psylosophy) - Pt - [live & dj set] - Shulman (Aleph Zero) - Isr - SmileyPixie (Goa Gadar) - Pt - [live & dj set] - Tachyon (Ayuaska Rec) - Pt - Tjak - Pt - X_rc (Spectral Rec) - Pt - Yonilinga (Spectral Rec) - Pt - [live & dj set] Dj Sets International Dj sets Beka (Turbo Trance Rec) - Aus Grey Matter - Isr Justin Chaos - (Cosmictrance/Rasta’s In Dub) - Arg KakoOlalaJwal - Fr Leon (Psy DMT) - Uk Nova (Ultimae Rec) - Uk Nun (Hadra) - Fr Ro-Ro (Rasta’s In Dub) - Spa Schatsi vs Danny Intelabeam (HADSHOT/Spun Rec) - Isr Shahar (Aleph Zero) - Isr Tajmahal (Ultimae Rec/Amboworld) - Fr Toxic In Dub (Cosmictrance) - Spa National Groups: chilloutzone.org dj’s team: dj high - Pt elektra - Pt Henrik - Pt Las’Hark - Pt En Sof dj’s team: Cocoon – Pt Gordon Shumway - Pt Ketelf - Pt Liquid Shape - Pt Malek - Pt Plurgrim - Pt naOmh - Pt Sérgio - Pt Souljackers - Pt Vaga - Pt Quest4goa dj’s team: Celtic_Ian - Pt Gabi - Pt X_tigma - Pt More Portuguese Dj´s Alam (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Architect (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Flight Sound Designers (Looping4center/PLUR Prod) - Pt Floating Machine (Looping4center/PLUR Prod) -Pt Gil'on'chill (Updown) - Pt Ivä (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Juggler (Chaishop.com) - Pt Kapi - Pt LAB - Pt Looping4center (PLUR Prod) - Pt M&Ms (Namaskar Prod) - Pt Mogg Fanatik (Planet Ben Rec/Anaxadora Org) - Pt Nonsense (Tachyon/Ayuaska Rec) - Pt Shänti (Ketuh Rec) - Pt Tamíris (Spectral Rec) - Pt Youth Culture Soundsystem - Pt All the information about the artist is or will be on the website in a very short time. Entry fee 16 April --------- 30 April ------> 45€ 01 May --------- 31 May -------> 50€ 01 June --------- 30 June -------> 55€ 01 July ---------- 25 July ---------> 60€ At the gate -----------------------> 70€ infra-structures: -Camping -Wc´s and showers -Bars -Main Floor -Commerce -Open air cinema -Space for children -Medical area -Parking -Workshops info line: +351912278022 location and updates at: www.designer.updown-crew.com/festival.html www.updown-crew.com
Updown Crew Proudly Presents Festival Raiz - Portugal - !!11 DAYS!! 29/07--------08/08 Live 220 V (Proton Records) Alternative Control (Proton Records) Altom (Neurobiotic Records) Bamboo Forest (MP Records) Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) Black & white (Hommega Records) Brethren (Nexus media / Time code records) Cyber Cartel (Agitato Records) CPU (3d Vision Records) Chakra (Hommega Records) Domestic (Hommega Records) Dynamo (Arcadia Music Japan) Ecliptic (Ecliptic/Maia Records) Inneraction (3d Vision Records / Procyon Records) Intelabeam (Spun Records) khopat (Kagdila Records / Spectral Records) Mechanix (Mechanik Rec) Mekkanikka (3d Vision/Spirit Zone) Menog (Spectral Records/Timecode) Miracle (Proton Records) Neuromotor (Mechanik Rec) Nick Panick (Neurobiotic Records) Perplex (Phonokol Records) Phanatic (Quark Agency) Phyx (Timecode Records) Polaris (Neurobiotic Records) Psy Craft (Hommega Records) Psy Sex (Hommega Records) Psytekk (Usta Records / Quark Agency) Puzzle (3d Vision) Quantum Leap (Kagdila Records / Quarck Agency) Sesto sento (Com.Pact) SLum (Phi/Elf Musc) Shakri (BuddhaMantra / Psylosophy) Sirius Isness (Mind Control) Space monkey (Agitato Records) Spectrum (Phonokol Records) Sub6 (Hommega Records) Tactical Strike (Proton Records) Tickets (Timecode Records / Nexus Media) Tikal (Neurobiotic Records) Ultravoice (Com.Pact Records) Vibra (Neurobiotic Records) X-noise (Hommega Records) Zero sequence (Quest4goa) yet to be closed... Dj set Agni Spark (Updown / Kagdila Records) PT Aleph (Timecode Records) S.AF Alex vs Tomas (Neurobiotic Records) FR Alon Algarsi vs Nir Sidon (Hommega Records) ISR Arno (Neurobiotic Records) FR Barak Argaman vs Nadav Bonen (Hommega Records) ISR Bishop (Proton Records) BR Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) ISR Danger (Procyon Records) HUN Edoardo (Neurobiotic Records) ITA Goblin vs Yoni Oshrat (Hommega Records) ISR Golan Aharoni vs Ohad Aharoni (Hommega Records) ISR Hanan Bitton (Usta Records) ISR Ido Ophir (Hommega Records) ISR Juggler (Chaishop.Com/Quarck Agency) PT Junya a.k.a Eskimo (Phantasm Records) UK Kefir Shlomovitz (Agitato Records) ISR Kfir Lankry (Phanatik/Quark Agency) ISR Kristian (Phantasm Records) UK Loko (Odd Records) PT Max vs Davina (Mind control) FR Moonskalin (Updown) PT Nick (Neurobiotic Records) ISR Nikka (3d vision/Spirit zone) SWZ Perplex (Phonokol Records) ISR PsyTekk (Usta Records/Quark Agency) ISR Psy Wiz (Updown) PT R2 (Trancelucent ) BR Rami Shapira (Hommega Records) ISR Rastko Vs Toca (Proton Records) SERB Roy vs Nico (3d Vision Records /Procyon Records)ISR Ruod-rik (Mahogany Records/MP Records) PT Rush (Odd Records) PT Samuel Wallerstien vs Yaniv Biton (Hommega Records) ISR Samy (3d Vision Records) SPA Sesto Matan (Proton Records) ISR Shay a.k.a Dynamic (Phonokol Records) ISR Shakri (BuddhaMantra / Psylosophy) PT Stephane (MP Records) FR Dudu vs Victor Leti (Proton Records) BR Tickets (Timecode Records / Nexus Media) S.AF Ultravoice (Com.Pact) ISR Vic Shefi (Agitato Records) ISR Zefer ( Neutronyx Records) SPN Chillout Proudly in the Site! Entry fee 16 April --------- 30 April ------> 45€ 01 May --------- 31 May -------> 50€ 01 June --------- 30 June -------> 55€ 01 July ---------- 25 July ---------> 60€ At the gate -----------------------> 70€ infra-structures: -Camping -Wc´s and showers -Bars -Main Floor -Commerce -Open air cinema -Space for children -Medical area -Parking -Workshops info line: +351912278022 location and updates at: www.designer.updown-crew.com/festival.html www.updown-crew.com !!killer!! This summer,updown-crew, gonna make this ...killer FESTIVAL to all the people who love MUSIC ,ART and FREEDOM ... we hope to see you all there!!! Boom Shankar!!
Updown Crew Proudly Presents Festival Raiz - Portugal - !!11 days!! 29/07--------08/08 Live 220 V (Proton Records) Alternative Control (Proton Records) Altom (Neurobiotic Records) Bamboo Forest (MP Records) Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) Black & white (Hommega Records) Brethren (Nexus media / Time code records) Cyber Cartel (Agitato Records) CPU (3d Vision Records) Chakra (Hommega Records) Domestic (Hommega Records) Dynamo (Arcadia Music Japan) Ecliptic (Ecliptic/Maia Records) Inneraction (3d Vision Records / Procyon Records) Intelabeam (Spun Records) khopat (Kagdila Records / Spectral Records) Mechanix (Mechanik Rec) Mekkanikka (3d Vision/Spirit Zone) Menog (Spectral Records/Timecode) Miracle (Proton Records) Neuromotor (Mechanik Rec) Nick Panick (Neurobiotic Records) Perplex (Phonokol Records) Phanatic (Quark Agency) Phyx (Timecode Records) Polaris (Neurobiotic Records) Psy Craft (Hommega Records) Psy Sex (Hommega Records) Psytekk (Usta Records / Quark Agency) Puzzle (3d Vision) Quantum Leap (Kagdila Records / Quarck Agency) Sesto sento (Com.Pact) SLum (Phi/Elf Musc) Shakri (BuddhaMantra / Psylosophy) Sirius Isness (Mind Control) Space monkey (Agitato Records) Spectrum (Phonokol Records) Sub6 (Hommega Records) Tactical Strike (Proton Records) Tickets (Timecode Records / Nexus Media) Tikal (Neurobiotic Records) Ultravoice (Com.Pact Records) Vibra (Neurobiotic Records) X-noise (Hommega Records) Zero sequence (Quest4goa) yet to be closed... Dj set Agni Spark (Updown / Kagdila Records) PT Aleph (Timecode Records) S.AF Alex vs Tomas (Neurobiotic Records) FR Alon Algarsi vs Nir Sidon (Hommega Records) ISR Arno (Neurobiotic Records) FR Barak Argaman vs Nadav Bonen (Hommega Records) ISR Bishop (Proton Records) BR Bizarre Contact (Com.pact) ISR Danger (Procyon Records) HUN Edoardo (Neurobiotic Records) ITA Goblin vs Yoni Oshrat (Hommega Records) ISR Golan Aharoni vs Ohad Aharoni (Hommega Records) ISR Hanan Bitton (Usta Records) ISR Ido Ophir (Hommega Records) ISR Juggler (Chaishop.Com/Quarck Agency) PT Junya a.k.a Eskimo (Phantasm Records) UK Kefir Shlomovitz (Agitato Records) ISR Kfir Lankry (Phanatik/Quark Agency) ISR Loko (Odd Records) PT Max vs Davina (Mind control) FR Moonskalin (Updown) PT Nick (Neurobiotic Records) ISR Nikka (3d vision/Spirit zone) SWZ Perplex (Phonokol Records) ISR PsyTekk (Usta Records/Quark Agency) ISR Psy Wiz (Updown) PT R2 (Trancelucent ) BR Rami Shapira (Hommega Records) ISR Rastko Vs Toca (Proton Records) SERB Roy vs Nico (3d Vision Records /Procyon Records)ISR Ruod-rik (Mahogany Records/MP Records) PT Rush (Odd Records) PT Samuel Wallerstien vs Yaniv Biton (Hommega Records) ISR Samy (3d Vision Records) SPA Sesto Matan (Proton Records) ISR Shay a.k.a Dynamic (Phonokol Records) ISR Shakri (BuddhaMantra / Psylosophy) PT Stephane (MP Records) FR Dudu vs Victor Leti (Proton Records) BR Tickets (Timecode Records / Nexus Media) S.AF Ultravoice (Com.Pact) ISR Vic Shefi (Agitato Records) ISR Entry fee 16 April --------- 30 April ------> 45€ 01 May --------- 31 May -------> 50€ 01 June --------- 30 June -------> 55€ 01 July ---------- 25 July ---------> 60€ at the gate -----------------------> 70€ infra-structures: -camping -wc´s and showers -Bars -Main Floor -Chill out -commerce -open air cinema -space for children -medical area -Parking -Workshops info line: +351912278022 location and updates at: www.designer.updown-crew.com/festival.html www.updown-crew.com !!killer!! This summer,updown-crew, gonna make this ...killer FESTIVAL to all the people who love MUSIC ,ART and FREEDOM ... we hope to see you all there!!! Boom Shankar!!