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    In Bed
  • Interests
    Food, Music, Sound Systems, Ale
  1. LOL...i like this smiley a lot. Also, the link to pie is good!! I have been looking for info on cleaning up vocals for ages...
  2. nabla?? --------------- Some gates here -> http://www.gersic.com/plugins/index.php?daCat=25 Scuzzphut - http://www.kvraudio.com/get/3435.html Storm Gate - http://araldfx.com/sg3/
  3. nice sound system description is this the greeks causing trouble in manchester again heva?
  4. the new koxbox sounds really really good its available on the twisted recs website now
  5. i recently rediscovered my quirk CD. really good album i reckon.
  6. erm...please could you explain how i download this as there is a whole heap of letters that mean nothing to me fanx!!!
  7. cant wait, should be sweet *fingers crossed*
  8. thanks very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. if you ever get to go see him live then DO, really. One of the best techno DJs i've ever seen, had the crowd in the palm of his hands and did a wikkid job of (really) playing live and DJing pete namlook = legend
  10. you are correct it is indeed the back cover, the one with the tracklisting on it. thanks for the link (although, i cant "save as", apparently)
  11. I love this album. its one of my favourites of the year. yes the same kind of style but a bit more upbeat than the last one and thats suits me down to the ground. i havent been listening to it everyday but only cos i dont wanna spoil it for myself by over listening
  12. are you implying that i want a copy of the cover for my downloaded copy?? if so then.............. .................*YAWNNNNNNNNNNNNN* ........i have an original copy, its at home, halfway across the other side of the planet, in the UK..........(i am in byron bay at the mo) i'm after a copy of the artwork because i'm working on a tattoo design and because i have an original i know there is a cool spikey tribal design that i would like to use as the basis for the design. if you are not implying that i want a copy for a d/led copy then i apologise for the slightly arsey response
  13. I just ordered a few tracks from here in Oz from beatport. will i get charged in US$$?? I think the only boon with this is that at the mo i can D/l track whilst i'm travelling and not have to deal with carrying around inlays and extra weight. James I feel your pain mate, after doing the sums from here it only just works out financially better to D/l. sounds like the muppets arent considering the UK (hope your well dood) ps: if anyone knows where i can buy a .wav copy of der dritte raum - trommelmaschine then lemme know
  14. Hi There, a quick plea for help. is there anyone out there that has the old old MDMA Recs release VA - Future Navigators? I'm trying to get scanned images of the front and the back of the inlay and if anyone can help me out then that would be wonderful fankeeeeee Biggins
  15. http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5718 the name is "va-patcholi sexy lounge"......nuff said (i couldnt get the thing to work)
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