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Everything posted by Ov3rdos3

  1. actaully not. i did finish it, and i can proove it. tell me where you got stuck and ill tell you how to get past it
  2. ...where is rain anyways? i missed that whole fiasco.
  3. Wow! this game is sooooo brilliant. im on like the 5th level or something. its a little easy, but i love the abstractness. very good. edit. i finished it. very cool!!
  4. exactly. there are kicks and hi-hats too.
  5. Yeah, his music isnt really my thing, but i can respect him as an artist. He is very funny, and a very smart man.
  6. Why are you here then? What you dont know about psytrance could fill a warehouse. I Happen to like Frank Sinatra and Robbie Williams is ok. If you ONLY like psytrance. then there is something wrong with you.
  7. in love with her? yes. with that song? Nooooooooo!!!!!!! cheddarsville.
  8. As your attorney, i advise you to buy music from Twisted and Dragonfly records.
  9. Artifakt is more psychedelic that most full-on. its quite experimental and original and in some places VERY psychedelic. this makes you wrong then.
  10. Psychedelic: 4 hits of high powered blotter acid + Las Vegas.
  11. If you want any flyers designed...let me know. I pwn at that shit.
  12. well, i think you should. and i am an intelligent person, so you should listen to me. this is a stupid thread anyways. bashing different music styles. you get good full on, you get bad full on, you get good prgressive, you get bad progressive. you didnt have to go college to get this. if people are still arguing about it, its because they are dumb. no other reason.
  13. i was thinking the same thing! *thats paranoooooioaaaaaaaaa!!!!*
  14. this isnt isratrance. mods are to be treated like everyone else.
  15. if something sucks / and or blows. it is bad.
  16. That generally means its terrible....
  17. Let only he who is without MP3 cast the first stone....
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