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Everything posted by Ov3rdos3

  1. Pulp fiction is probably one of the best movies ive ever seen. very long though....perhaps a bit too long would be my only gripe with it.
  2. I think its a good cd. I would have prefered something a bit more chilled though, but then thats just personal preference. the production is top-notch though, and its clear you know exactly what your doing. impressive at the very least.
  3. you are kidding right. you must be. you have to be taking the piss. it is impossible for you to be serious. i wish, has easily got the worse vocals and lyrics ever conceived in musical history. you do know this right?
  4. The Gay Satanic Ass rape mix is a 73:45 release. ranging from 176 -> 212bpm. so they couldnt fit it on, but it gets its own cd and should be released soon.
  5. I love bob marley. i also love other reggae and dub music too. (check my avatar ) its sooo chilled and great to smoke to.
  6. ooooh DP. PLEASE do a review for this. it should be piss funny.
  7. i liek this muzik. poweful (bomb) basslines. i liek trak 4 5, 7. kilaaaaarrrrrrr!!!! ho ho ho!!!! i liek the nukleer exploshun on the cuver. BOOOM shivha!!! shanti shanti! were can i dunload the mp3? limewir, soulseek? ho hoho!!!
  8. Ov3rdos3


    I told you to download that!
  9. Ov3rdos3


    When i want "psychdedelic" i tend to listen to ambient really. that or pink floyd or the doors. Some full on is wicked, but it is NOT psychedelic. if its "really" psychedelic, you should be able to get lost in the music. forget where you are. full on cant do that.
  10. Ive placed this in the Generals Section because I figured, it's what we listen to our psytrance on everyday, so it kinda counts. If this isnt "General Material", please feel free to move this to the 1999 reviews section. I do not have an insane killaar sound system, but what i have is a 5.1 Panasonic surround sound system. There are 5 speakers plus a Sub. Each of the 5 speakers are 50watts Rms (and are actually pretty loud) and the Sub woofer is 250 watts. Although on high volume my windows rattle like a frightened epileptic. I never play it full volume. Its sufficient. When i dont feel like commiting hate crimes against my neighbours, I use my sony MDR-V700 headphones, which are the best headphones ive ever owned. the sound quality is fantastic...and the only let down i have now, is that listening to 192 bit mp3's at high volume...i can actually hear quality loss, because the headphones have such a high frequency range. CD's sound great though
  11. Ov3rdos3


    "Intelligence is having a witty answer for everything. Tact is knowing when not to use it. " --OD's pearls of wisdom #221 Im gonna start a start a thread about sound systems now youve got me "amped" for it.
  12. Ov3rdos3


    wow, dont be nasty now. but yeah dude, you cannot judge psy with a substandard sound system. 1/2k of sound at least. thats the one thing ive never been afraid to splash money out on. decent sound. and decent headphones. although my last pair were bought for me if you have a great quality sound system, even country music starts sounding great. ok, not really....but it does sound better.
  13. Ov3rdos3


    noooo. sub6 makes progressive psy trance.
  14. Ov3rdos3


    i actually cant see any speakers to be honest. I have a 500watt rms sound setup atm. nothing mad, just nice. and you need a sub to hear full-on in all its glory.
  15. Ov3rdos3


    yeah....if you have an awefully crap sound system..... btw....you are speaking a lot of monkey-piddle. full on sound the same in quality on 20 euro speakers as apposed to 2000 euro speakers??? yeah....
  16. Ov3rdos3


    i know dude, imjust kidding. i have some wicked full-on that i listen to as well. there is good full on out there, but most of it is just god-aweful.
  17. Ov3rdos3


    full-on is bad, mkay?
  18. hehe. i like your email address. only thing that needs to be changed is this. run riot on offtopic and freestyle. but only post relevant things in the reviews sections. you should have the right to remove posts from their if they are offtopic too without everyone bitching about it. if you want to talk shit, start a thread in offtopic. its like giving a child a pen and paper to draw whatever they want, and the little bastard goes and scribbles all over your game guides and livingroom walls.
  19. Ever considered the fact, the only reason the complaints were there in the 1st place, was because Mods wernt moderating spam in the reviews section?
  20. Ov3rdos3


    god, if i hear this question one more time.... OK: this is the best discription of full on i know: [kick][bass][bass][bass][....*repeat*....]
  21. isnt that insentive enough to judge already?
  22. ....really? i think this whole thread belongs in the 1999 reviews section. so as to keep the peace.
  23. wasnt that song "freestyler" with the little kid with dreads and wicked headphones etc...?
  24. especially if the water is actually piss.
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