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Everything posted by Ov3rdos3

  1. incorrect. PVD actually has produced MANY tracks on his own. some of them really good. some of them crap. but he does produce.
  2. Tiesto = Rubbish. end of discussion. There is WAY better "club" trance out there. even Paul van Dyk is better (but not much)
  3. send me your "got" list i dont have a want list.
  4. Personally i find it easier (and cheaper) to buy psy off the net. Try www.psyshop.com. they are pretty good, and you can listen to samples online to decide if it sounds like your cup of tea. and for £8 a cd. you cant go wrong.
  5. Ive got Beaches and Cream, a really great Dragonfly cd, ill trade it for something good. offer me something
  6. Cinos, you should listen to the 1st chill out cd on VA - South Africa 2000 (etnica.net) very shpongle / juno reactor (ish) the whole album through. although no sphongle and juno reactor tunes... i give it 10/10. i have a suspicion it would be right up your street.
  7. yeah, its an awesome cd. although i can find NO WHERE to buy the original. i admit i have it on MP3, but i'd like to buy it. its very old. maybe on ebay or something.
  8. i would say so. psytrance = psychedelic trance. it is an abreviation. nothing more.
  9. I was going through some of my old tunage last night and came across one of my oldest and favorite albums. Vortex - South Africa 2000. a double cd. the 1st cd is a chill out one. man, every single tune on there is fantastic. i would recommend this to anyone. have any of you heard it before? i would give it 10/10. seeing as there are 10 tunes, and they are all great. no fillarrgs, just killaarrgs. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/etn/etn3cd001.html
  10. hey lepton. after hearing your set, i must say i totally dig your style of dark psy. do you know of any "brillant" dark psy albums i could check out. something that will make me bleed from the eyes everytime i listen to it is what im looking for really. any suggestions?
  11. umm..no. psychedelic trance = psy trance. there is no difference.
  12. you dumb-ass. its the same thing. the only difference is an "abbreviation"
  13. Chillout / Ambient and some nuclear suicide bomber stuff too.
  14. thanks moni, but i was talking about the square"pusher" album.
  15. Squarepusher rocks man. know of any recent albums by him? where can i get some of his latest music?
  16. CPU - So it begins at around the 6 minute mark....killar.
  17. Dunno if this counts actually.... Sasha - Airdrawndagger. been listening to it, and i can honestly say i can classify it as borderline psychedelic chill out. very beautiful. and i am enjoying it a hell of a lot more than the latest sphongle.
  18. thats correct.
  19. you do know that hallucinogen - in dub, isnt actually done by hallucinogen right?
  20. yay! i agree with you completely. BP emipre owns everything. i still listen to it today. although i gave the supervisor 2/10. hocus pocus is alright.
  21. hallucinogen - mi-loony-um! killaargh bassline, apocolyptic acid riffs.
  22. well, i just recorded a full on mix yesterday, here are the tunes i had on it: i think they are all pretty good in some way or another... 1) Vibe Tribe - Vinyla Sky 2) Aphid Moon - Nu Groove 3) Jumanji - Roll the Dice 4) Void - In my Dreams 5) Hydraglyph - System Critical 6) Xerox and Illumination - Night Shift 7) Tikal - Breath RMX 8) CPU - So it begins 9) Kindzadza - Mars Bless U ranging from 145 - 150bpm.
  23. dude....unacceptable. i didnt know the answer....but i went to google.com (specially for you) typed in Transistance 4. and guess what...it came up. Cyan - Evil Touch (1995)
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