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Everything posted by thebadtrip

  1. I like remixes. You want listeners to not have the type of songs they like to listen to just because they were MTV hits? You can just not listen to those tracks and let them exist instead of denying those who like them to listen to it Be kind.
  2. Too. Hmm Wrecked Machines as well;) 220V is a brazilian project by Vitor Leti I think. I dont like it much. http://e-quality.art.br/e-music/ The line up is on that website
  3. And how much is that in pounds/dollars?
  4. With that cash you can live in Brazil - Rio de Janeiro - easily. Or Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Florianópolis. I recommend.
  5. Right on, man.. I envy your courage.
  6. If full moon, half moon and black moon parties are too commercial.. just find one during the day.
  7. This festival was cancelled... DAMN hahah
  8. I haven't been there BUT. All the people I know who have been there these past few years... LOVED IT! So.. you guys should save up and try to get to Brazil The line up is nothing compared to brazilian vibe I'd say hehehe.
  9. Next Open-Air event for me is Sub6 Live 220V Live Psycraft Live SUN Project Live 20th of August 1 week to go. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha!!
  10. I'd really like to participate with voice samples or at least content (texts/poems/etc) My MSN is rafaelabreu@hotmail.com. You can email me at this address as well. What kind of stuff you interested in? English only? Portuguese possible? The recording is done with a crap 2-dollar microphone, but you effect-it-all-up and it shouldn't sound too crap Contact me PS: an example - a text I wrote called "See you @ Sonica" http://rapidshare.de/files/3481708/See_you___Sonica.mp3.html
  11. Musta been the acid haha Indeed.. great fun. http://thepunkrocker.multiply.com Go to Photos and Sonica 2005. Album's over there
  12. Loads of people asked the Neurobiotic crew about it already on isratrance.com's forum... I should be riding/hitch-hiking/whatever with Psychocell and a few others.. It seems quite easy to get there by train/Bus anyway.. I'm not worried But for sure it'd be a good thing a local could do. Tomorrow and I'm outta here!!!!!!!! +55 21 8151-1591 thaz my number again. Don't be stingy and call me if you're going to Sonica, people!
  13. haha I'll be buying 3 brazilian flags today at lunch!! woooooohooooo!!!! I'll be wrapped around in one of them. The other 2 should be given to the 2 funnest foreigners I meet so... haha (1 to a lady, come on haha)
  14. sherlockalien gave me your MSN. Me, him and your sister likely to meet tonight for a drink. See you on the Chill Out when Ott lays the beats on the dance floor?
  15. Ketamine? Lol Beer man, beer! I believe I already left my mobile number on the other thread. Send a msg. Sonicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
  16. and thanks for the compliment haha
  17. Musis starts on the 5th. Camping opens on the 4th. Yes, 80 euros @ the door. 1 week! 1 weekkkkkkkk!
  18. I'm a handsome dude! Pics here! Your flight is on the 8th? So that means you get there on the last day?
  19. Imagine Infected Mushroom's I WISH (Skazi BRUTAL remix) played at 80bpm! Just killar... simply killar! I think it's better to hire a guitar player to play it for the crowd.. much more romantic. Even better.. maybe MTV already has an Infected Mushroom UNPLUGGED in Carnegie Hall LIVE DVD! Try that, bro!
  20. Any chance we could listen to that masterpiece as well? I'd love to.
  21. Man... Awesome shots... All I am asking now is.. SUNNY DAYS! 9 days... 9 days to Sonica!!! Daaaaaaamn!!!
  22. I thought about having one of each. Good point. X-Scream, After you get rid of the 100's, what are you gonna get?
  23. I think it looks ugly as hell LOL I like the old-fashioned mixers..
  24. Albino is a VST as far as I am concerned. Just a plug-in for softwares that support VST (Cubase, Logic. REASON doesn't, right?) So.. you should consider spending some cash on buying software perhaps.
  25. I'll spend on the mixer and get Psynews' people tracks to practice with haha Enhance that kick mark, fellas hehe
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