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Everything posted by thebadtrip

  1. I'll be there for new year's eve only
  2. English - in general - is an easy-to-listen language in my opinion, probably because it became so commom nowadays - movies, music, propaganda, etc, etc. Another important factor is that cheesy lyrics don't have much meaning in foreign languages. For example... do you get offended when someone tells you to "fuck off" in a different language? I've lived in the US for a couple of years and insults towards me usually sounded funny. Does anyone share the same opinion?
  3. No, he was born that day accidentaly HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And I heard wonders about Final Scratch.. and my brother - deep/tech house DJ - will get a set soon. And after you record a set, do you care to let us know? I'd love to hear it
  4. Donavon Frankenheiter - Free
  5. Thanks a lot for giving us notice of that By the way, I was at the party in Rio and Son Kite was the only good thing I heard in there.. haha thank you for not letting the freaks ruin the event for meh! Great live, indeed
  6. Actually I am waiting for GMS's new album... But from the little I heard regarding progressive... I'm with sherlockalien's March post... Vibrasphere / Ticon ... I'm trying to find a way to buy some CDs but they're too expensive here :/ And it takes a few weeks for the new releases to arrive IF they arrive.. Maybe I'll have to move to Europe
  7. Where?
  8. Thank you fellas
  9. The dudes from TICON use cocaine.. They offered some to a girl friend of mine working on the production of a huge rave here where they performed.
  10. I wonder if I'll have to pay too much tax if I order this album over the internet.. I'd like to get a few new CDs, but last time I got them from abroad over the web they cost me 3x the freaken price!!! Any brazilians ordering CDs from foreign internet stores?
  11. Is that Saiko-Pod an investor? haha Speaking of derivatives.. $$ Thanks Seraph and Furthur
  12. Thanks Seraph. Really appreciated.
  13. I'd like some recommendations on what to get. My MSN is rafaelabreu@hotmail.com and soulseek nickname is thebadtrip I'm looking for interesting full on and progressive trance. I like groovy stuff a lot, with some solid basslines, but am open to anything you find would be good to listen to Thanks
  14. I have 3 versions of this track.. One of them is Klein and Jurgens... I'm at work now, not sure which ones left.. I believe GMS's one.. rafaelabreu@hotmail.com is my MSN. Jurgen + Klein's version http://rapidshare.de/files/3376366/02_beck...x_-qcm.mp3.html
  15. Heva is correct. If you guys want to see the faces I was talking about check out http://www.fotolog.net/thebadtrip The guy with open moutn, not much hair on the left is myself, but that's only for the picture... the guy in the middle was walking around with those huge fucking eyes repeating "Oh shit!!! I'm too crazy!!! I took too much ecstasy and I can't stop moving!!! I'm gonna leave here and surf on ecstasy!!" and he'd be hissing every 15 seconds, almost drooling... contracting all his body muscles... asking for cigarettes.. And you'd see a bunch of couples almost like going at it in the middle of the dance floor... Where did the elegance go? What's the point of going insane and then forgetting how the trip was? I'll live
  16. That's what I thought about doing.. BUT... A S S H O L E S
  17. Yeah, but 2 different projects. Same people, different project. Can't be played at the same twice. And the organizers picked the WRONG time for Minilogue to perform. A S S H O L E S !
  18. Problem is... Minilogue @ mid-night, Skazi @ 7am, Son Kite @ 9am I mean.. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!!!! I got nothing against ecstasy or acid. I do think you can use them for the good, but people here in Rio are outta their fucking minds! A party that gets fired up with Skazi... dude.. people must be getting a fair share of the world's E-supply! For fucking sakes... I spent 5 days @ Sonica and I didn't see a single soul doing all the faces I saw in 5 minutes at this party! It was like a freak show! I can't even say I was in the zoo because that'd be hard on the real animals. There's only one CROWD in Rio de Janeiro - overdosed-ecstasy-takers. And those who actually look good dancing to the music should be called "the left overs" but there aren't much out here..
  19. The party sucked big time. On other threads I have been discussing about the quality of touring DJs that play House /Techno and those playing Psytrance and vertents. I've been practicing with my CDJs at home, listening to a lot of stuff and I really can't understand how those DJs playing psytrance at huge parties in Brazil have the guts to perform for a crowd with such poor music selection, mixing skills... Holy shit man... I was fucking counting the time to listen to Son Kite, but when they started performing the crowd was so "what the fuck is this, give me more ecstasy anyway" that it was hard to have a good time. I need to pick the parties I go to more carefully...
  20. So I am gonna see Skazi tonight hahaha RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!! Sirius Isness Minilogue Skazi Son Kite and some brazilian locals Noronha Shamanix HAIL TO THE KILLARGH KING Let the prog clean the soul of the fried people that love the guitar strokes.. Wish me luck, people.
  21. Do you want me to program that site? Can I host it here?
  22. It's on souldseek already. And I like Infected Mushroom AND their idea of producing different music, with different-style artists. But I've already expressed my opinion on another thread here in General.
  23. I believe the track that reminds me of the most fun moments at festivals and parties would be Astrix - Sex Style
  24. I had a fotolog, but I mainly used it as a blog because I usually put a picture and updated with stories, parties, nights out with friends and all. Problem is... it's in portugueeeeese! http://www.fotolog.net/thebadtrip >> just in case you wanna check some pictures out Word
  25. Love... oh, so beautiful...
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