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About jUsTiNfRiGgInGcHaOs

  • Birthday 06/15/1976

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  • Location
    Fucking London , U.K.
  • Interests
    World domination , lazyness , under18 years old amateur porn , last but not least...BEER!!!
  1. I never tried the lanza thingy...I was pretty much the only one in the whole place who didn't take any , nobody couldn't actually understand why I was able to avoid such a pleasure. But yeah...the hot and the sun was waaay too much Icredible hot , then you go to get a swim and the sea is even hotter , no wind whatsoever. But after the first 2 days you get used to...and you start to enjoy an amazing festival with a lot of different things to do.
  2. Sonica without hesitation!!! Man...Justin Chaos is playing there!!!
  3. Misiones is a beautiful spot...was it nice...the fest I mean???
  4. I was there playing...damn it was hot as fuck!!! And those chicks...Jesus!!! All&all a quite cool fest...very different from the european kind of parties that I was used to. Lanzaaa lanzaaa perfuuume!!!
  5. Let's face it Josh...that remix is crap
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