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  1. Flight of the Urubus might be the best of the year, but Entheogenic has done better before in my opinion. .
  2. Well he is right, Entheogenic is brilliant, well worth the wait! .
  3. +++ that was the one for 2002 Beautiful album from the beginning to the end !!! .
  4. Seems like everything is a 10/10, that makes 10/10 pretty commun! .
  5. Great stuff from Entheogenic. Has been stuck in my CD player for two weeks in a row. Much delighted by the new trucks and vibe. Good tunes for summer to come. :posford: :posford: :posford: .
  6. I dont agree at all, Entheogenic´s - Dialoque of the Speakers - is one of my all time favorites, also Golden Cap was a pretty good album. They never realy dissapointed me. .
  7. I think it is their honest decision to be environmental friendly, after all we pollute this planet every day, I applaud them for this! I read their webpage and got this impression, they take this way of life serious. :clapping: .
  8. You so nailed it down! Amazing album! .
  9. It sure is different then their earlier stuff, but way better then lheir last release. Different for me in this case to the better more mature new. I mean tracks like Trara, Microcondian, Skullcup are the best "ever" in this genre imho. The album has great difersity and no more indian samples as so many complaint. Taste is Taste, but this is a great album. .
  10. By far the better of all the chill releases of late. Entheogenic is very much on the top right now, this one did not dissapoint. In commun language its killaaa
  11. Another classic is born! ]
  12. So thats it then for eat static?
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