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About tuomo

  • Birthday 07/18/1985

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  • Interests
    stuff that glows in the dark
    lemurs (especially the ring tailed ones)
    konemetsä 2005
    jumping high
    cool stuff
  1. did you get my e-mail?
  2. Hi Danni I'm in Bali now and i'm gonna stay here till the end of august or the beginning of september. So far I've been in only one psy party, there was another one also but i missed that, and anyway that one got busted by the cops. I have a friend who knows when parties come up and he's gonna tell me when theres gonna be more. Though these days there's only parties probably once or twice a month. The clubs are here all shite so don's expect much on that area. If u wanna meet me here I'd be glad, just tell me and i'll give u my phone number. I'm staying near Kuta in Seminyak (got a small house actually) Actually I'm doing my practical training for my studies at Space Tribe here. Tomorrow morning I'm leaving for a trip around Bali on a bike for a few days or maybe 2 weeks or something. hope to hear from u and c u too Tuomo
  3. ok guess what i'm coming there again this time on the 3rd of may and i'm leaving on 7th anything going on in there then?
  4. got both already i'm just about to make the decisions just a few more minutes and the nominees are...
  5. i'm ordering some records from psyshop.com and i've decided on three albums i want i need your help with the 4th one --- so if you could only own 2 albums, one trance and one more chilled which ones would you have i'm in a hurry now so no more text but please help
  6. just keeping the topic up in the list in case anything comes up
  7. forgot to say it's gonna be next month march
  8. I need a party though i'm gonna be in uddevalla for 16th and 17th anyone know where to look for them, i can't find anything happening during that period HELP SOMEONE!!! jag också talar lite på svenska Edit: It's in MARCH
  9. i've had his music for a long time fukin great chillout tell him/her i said hiiiiii
  10. son kite - air well i'm not actually listening to it, its just playing inside my head and i love it
  11. i'm not that old in it either but these are just what i think are the obvious ones i believe all the people here like hallucinogen - twisted hallucinogen - the lone deranger hallucinogen in dub infected mushroom - the gathering infected mushroom - classical mushroom shakta - silicon trip juno reactor - beyond the infinity ra - to sirius intergalactic - the future chi-a.d. - earthcrossing
  12. shakta - silicon trip chi-a.d. - earth crossing intergalactic - the future i'm sure you would love these
  13. i am so fuckin pissed off i have a study trip to st.petersburg on that week it originally was supposed to be earlier but they just had to move it for that week i want to be there SOMEONE ATLEAST TAKE SOME PICS AND PUT THEM UP HERE
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