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Everything posted by Lemmiwinks

  1. ok, in my quest to find the ever-illusive tracks that really do it for me at a party (and related to my post on tekno), I have stumbled on some more gems, but as always I have like no idea on the track name or the exact genre which is REALLY frustrating cause that means that I don't really know where to look So, maybe this kind of music rings a bell to someone around here? Basically I have found these tracks that sound pretty much like acid core but veeeery atmospheric, like dark psy with a heavy distorted kick instead of the fast bassline that's caracteristic of psy. I actally find this to be even more powerful than dark psy (of course, the fact that I've been listening to dark psy for years and that this is new probably has something to do with it ). Anyway, I can't get enough of it lately and would really like to know where to find more tracks like this (and share my findings with you guys http://youtu.be/hXDXwgY7spU
  2. BWAHAHAHA it is precisely those kinds of moments where you're about to crap your pants that make the best memories afterwards IMO
  3. Indeed Sideffect, you really have to see these guys live, the surprise of listening to how energetic the music is when you expect some ethnic chill-out to come out of there is like half the fun. Obviously when it's on a CD you don't really care how the sounds were made. On the other hand... am I the only one who DOESN'T like Highlight Tribe?? People always go crazy about those guys, personally I find they're just a rip-off of older "natural" morning trance bands like Medecine Drum...
  4. ok this one sounds pretty dumb but I had a LOT of fun on the dancefloor with it last night http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsLhs9Qw7cY this one's pretty fun too .
  5. aaah here is a complete show, it reflects much better the experience of seeing them live IMO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHP79X3uW0o&feature=related
  6. in everyday life: sugar, chocolate, junk food for more "special" occasions: LSD excellent "bang for the buck", a high that lasts for at least 8 hours for the price of a cocktail!, no body load, no headache the next day, obviously helps "understand" psytrance better, teaches me "lessons" about life Biggest drawback would be the possibility of having a bad trip but with time, I have found almost impossible to have bad trips, I can turn a negative situation into a positive one pretty easily (wasn't always the case though) for extra-special occasions: 5-MEO-AMT this is like the LSD of the future, hallucinations are much more vivid with wonderfully colored geometric patterns, lasts a looong time (18-20 hours, sometimes even more!) and yet the next day I can wake up at 7AM and go to work without feeling tired or having a headache, no memory loss and I'm able to focus on linear activities. What more can someone ask from a substance? On the downside, I find it "teaches" you less than LSD and there is a bit of an agressive side to it. And obviously, the high is so intense that it can definately freak you out. Whereas negative/ paranoid thoughts slowly creep in your mind with LSD, with 5-MEO-AMT they just jump in your face so you need a LOT more self control not to go totally mental. BTW careful not to overdose! this stuff can kill you if not handled properly! And you have to be lucky enough to find some, it's not like they sell this on every street corner
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyPMv3FzSVE&feature=related
  8. Ah I'm sooo excited about this project. Basically I went to Ozora this summer and discovered this amazing group. 3 people, one doing a beatbox, one with a didge and one with a wierd instrument (apparently called a jew's harp?). Anyway, absolutely NO electronic instruments and yet, they were making this really cool trance! People were litteraly going crazy on the dancefloor! I've searched everywhere for the project name since they weren't in the official line-up and I've finally found them. They're name is Airtist, however almost no material on the web, just a few videos and I must admit watching them on youtube doesn't give half the experience. Still, I'm happy to share with you guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfXJ8V1-Mq8&feature=fvwrel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y53Ek_mbzhg
  9. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7pYHN9iC9I :ph34r: :ph34r:
  10. original article woah, this is the stuff movies are made of
  11. haha I just re-watched that movie last week!
  12. Well that's how I started off too with "moondancer". Unfortunately back in the days this forum wasn't protected like today so some fuckers hijacked my nick and I had to come up with something else. Also, most people who weren't into psytrance would say "oh, so you're a Michael Jackson fan?" arghhhh, so after trying out a few other nicks, I came up with Lemmiwinks who is the pet gerbil from South Park (I'm a huge South Park fan BTW). The carachter was basically inspired by an urban legend about a gay man who had the habbit of letting a gerbil run inside his ass for sexual arousal (which led to some "oh, so by chosing that nick, you're implying that you're gay" remarks arghhh I never seem to be able to chose a nick that doesn't have some unwanted reference lol) In case you want to know more about Lemmiwinks: S6E14 Death Camp Of Tolerance and follow-up episode (where it is relvealed that Lemmiwinks has a brother called Wikileaks hehehe): S15E10 Bass To Mouth ah now that's odd, I always thought it came from HP Lovecraft - The Call of Cthtulu??? BTW, you know there was a South Park episode on him, right? S14E12 Mysterion Rises
  13. hehe nice stories dudes yep, I get those sometimes too, I suppose that it's simply that being high makes you more attentive to detail. Just the other day I was driving listening to Void - Never Again. EXACTLY at 4:31 when the guitar riff comes in, a labrador on the street starts running in cricles like crazy with a big smile on his face, I could SWEAR that he was reacting to the riff!! Maybe he was a rocker in another lifetime... I laughed my ass off lol http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Apslwx-5P0
  14. ok, so I come home from a party still tripping pretty hard, then I hear a police car stop near my home. "OK, nothing out of the ordinary" I think, then a few seconds later another one and then another one, they close off the street... WTF??? it can't all be in my head right? The police cars are really there in my street!! Then I realize that a fire just broke in another apartment block close by... most intense 10 minute experience of my life lol just thought I'd share with you guys other paranoid experience sharing welcome
  15. so, the name say it all, post your favorite psychedelic art that you have stumbled across on the net
  16. Well, I'm not going to say that I fully support the study, however skepticism should be raised on both sides. It is a well-known fact that most studies deeming GMOs safe are conducted BY the GMO makers themselves! Obviously they will never deem their own products unsafe... In the end, both sides will have a hidden political agenda: those who say it's safe want to sell more products, those who say it's unsafe are looking for publicity for their labs which will ultimately result in more funding, since they're both money-driven, it's hard to say which part is more objective...
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