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Everything posted by voomzap

  1. SATURDAY DECEMBER 6TH 2008 :: SPIRAL SESSIONS :: journeys into underground trance LINE-UP: BART (Namaste, Arc of Goa) link SAAF (aka Citizen, Flow Records) link BOR (Cosmic Combination) link UP (4X4 / Nexus) link RAFADELIC (Spiral Sessions) link Deco by DECO-DROOM Visuals by CAMP-ATTACK link Performance by KENAZ link ROOTZ - Q.DE.PALMELAAN - LEERDAM 10 PM - LATE // 5 EURO // WEBSITE Distance Amsterdam 46 min Rotterdam 42 min Utrecht: 28 min Antwerpen: 63 min Brussel: 98 min Den Haag: 54 min Eindhoven: 50 min Arnhem: 50 min Groningen 120 min Leeuwarden: 109 min Zwolle: 72 min Gorinchem: 15 min Click Here for Route Click Here for PartyFlock Agenda
  2. JOURNEYS INTO UNDERGROUND TRANCE May the trance be strong and full of delight, from the next beat of our hearts to the last track tonight. May it mingle and intertwine with the networking minds, From the strong and the willful to the lost and the tired, May we help tirelessly each person see, The beauty in life and in setting your mind free. And for all those who traveled here to dance with us tonight, May they all be safe tomorrow when the dawn shows its light. DANCE FOR ROMANIA This Benefit boosts effort for handicaped and hiv infected Romanian children in Tiru Mures. Our volunteers will visit them whole august, not only for financial support, also organising a month of activities to give them an unforgettable summer. LINEUP: C-JAY (iboga / flow / vapour records) introducing forthcoming album "Magnanimity" BART (namaste, arc of goa) SAAF (namaste / aka citizen) JIGGI (baba power) YUCKA (cosmic combination) FLUOFREAX (twisted trance society) RAFADELIC (spiral sessions) Deco by DECO-DROOM // Outdoor Fireshow by KENAZ Visuals, Lounge-area, Chaibar by Rootz Date: Saturday 5th of Juli Benefit-Baksheesh: 7,50 Time: 10 PM Location: Rootz, Q de Palmelaan Leerdam Dresscode: Be Yourself Location: Click Here // Spiral Sessions Website: Click Here
  3. JOURNEYS INTO UNDERGROUND TRANCE May the trance be strong and full of delight, from the next beat of our hearts to the last track tonight. May it mingle and intertwine with the networking minds, From the strong and the willful to the lost and the tired, May we help tirelessly each person see, The beauty in life and in setting your mind free. And for all those who traveled here to dance with us tonight, May they all be safe tomorrow when the dawn shows its light. DANCE FOR ROMANIA This Benefit boosts effort for handicaped and hiv infected Romanian children in Tiru Mures. Our volunteers will visit them whole august, not only for financial support, also organising a month of activities to give them an unforgettable summer. LINEUP: C-JAY (iboga / flow / vapour records) introducing forthcoming album "Magnanimity" BART (namaste, arc of goa) SAAF (namaste / aka citizen) JIGGI (baba power) YUCKA (cosmic combination) FLUOFREAX (twisted trance society) RAFADELIC (spiral sessions) Deco by DECO-DROOM // Outdoor Fireshow by KENAZ Visuals, Lounge-area, Chaibar by Rootz Date: Saturday 5th of Juli Benefit-Baksheesh: 7,50 Time: 10 PM Location: Rootz, Q de Palmelaan Leerdam Dresscode: Be Yourself Location: Click Here // Spiral Sessions Website: Click Here
  4. May the trance be strong and full of delight, from the next beat of our hearts to the last track tonight. May it mingle and intertwine with the networking minds, From the strong and the willful to the lost and the tired, May we help tirelessly each person see, The beauty in life and in setting your mind free. And for all those who traveled here to dance with us tonight, May they all be safe tomorrow when the dawn shows its light. DJs: Bart (Namasté, Arc of Goa) Yucka (Cosmic Combination) Fluofreax (PTA, Twisted Trance Society) Idefixe (Helicon Soundsystem) Rafadelic (Spiral Sessions) Visuals: Camp-Attack Decoration: Deco-Droom Chai: Allmuzing location: rootz, leerdam - damage: 5,- time: 22:00 - very late Site and Pics: http://www.myspace.com/spiralsessions Route: http://www.rootzleerdam.nl/route
  5. a phat dirty synth and a woman singing: 'im so scared' .... anyone knows which track?
  6. Heya Folks... Every now and then I hear these trance-tracks coming around with typical ethnic influences like chants, tabla's and other 'ancient' and 'ethnic' sounds. I really dont know where to find them, so my question is cqan anyone name me some artists (preferably tracks) which are using samples or influences from worldmusic? oh, and I dont mean chillout but progressive or psy.. im curious if anyone can come-up with some names... thanx in advance!
  7. metalmaster - is this hard enough alien project vs space cat - metalizer beat hackers - hello there exaile - one of the tribe hydraglyph - condition black exaile - let loose jupiter 8000 - bit fire ganjasonic - rockbala mitsumoto - fffffuse slug - paradise lost liquid space - mystic eden kode iv - fortuna (420 myx) uni - spotted mesa gataka - music will set you free tim schuldt - stand and drift astrix - fire charasmatix - furthus ultimux talamasca - aries hypersonic - zuma viktan - ama zone paranormal attack - wild dirty youth - suicide xerox and illumination - tribal metal dj tsuyoshi - fire 1 the higher human form - people kuro - the man who fell to earth mandylion - topsick dark soho - long way home holeg and the spies - godisnotgoth (wandering of souls)
  8. .. heard it before but just a black hole, cant seem to find it back... heard it on the website you'll be downing it from - mp3 player gives Pyite - One Hand Clapping as tracktitle but thats just title of the mix it was cut-out from. could anyone identify This Track, would be highly appreciated BINGO! It was Cosma - NonStop... what a great track and shame on me ...
  9. well for sure its not Astral Projection, God do I hate that sound... I've voted X-Dream because they were the first ever to get me into Goatrance anyway.. I remember before hearing them I just thought Psytrance was that neurotic overproduced trance. in that time FSOL, The Orb, Deadstock and many many whitelabels in Techno and Trance + labels such as R&S, Eye.Q or Harthouse were mucho better to spend my time on... well for me, i think Pleidians is highly overrated except for this old downtempo track called 'deep frequencies' - perhaps one of the few classics that still really freaks people up on a festival-camp in the early hours...
  10. Missing As Well: Elastic
  11. This is a nice start
  12. I just read that conversation you had with him, you first asked him if he 'Really was Tiesto', 'Tiesto' immediatly responded with "yes, give me your e-mail adress and send me a sandwich with cheese and you're on the guestlist of my next gig..." LOL - then you said 'no thanx, but i have some questions'...' blablabla hahaha you really think Tiesto is moderating the Goatrance NL forum...??? a shout-out to Goatrance NL
  13. you dont know... the track: psykovsky vs. deja vu - only love (we will take) on kill fucking bill is my favourite of 2005 for sure... its more then 17 minutes long and a killer!! [edit: more then just a killer, a way down deep brainsmasher!] BBuy it!
  14. i didnt have my say about it yet, so to me Tiesto as a person is a nice bloke, my opinion as a lover of underground trance however is that it stinks big-time. I'd say it is all easy-cheesy garbage-trance. He would never play hydrophonic, point, let alone the real dark stuff so he's defenitly not supporting the roots and todays most groundbreaking producers. Its not complaining from a pilgrim who's seen the light, just a statement.
  15. as psytrance has more and more commercial directions, I wonder how many of you go to mega-raves and actually enjoy that...? What do you people around here on this forum think about commercial trance from the likes of Tiesto and should it be called Trance?
  16. so... who's complaining then mate?
  17. and ... You def. got to see AFTER HOURS (1985) by Martin Scorsese
  18. You def. got to see The Dark Crystal
  19. well thats the most cheesy dancemusic I ever heard. would fit perfectly on a Tiesto-concert.
  20. Waiit!! But what about... what about... what about... Oomph ... they're all bad up till today ...
  21. that sounds quite o.k.
  22. Its a simple thing: Ambient = A Psychedelic Genre
  23. 45 dip - green tomatoes
  24. no words but deeds you all if you want to discuss some unreleased then place a link, and make sure you know what you talking about, cuz this is leading us nowhere now does it? check this HALLUCINOGEN IN DRUM & BASS for example... Hammertime, you CAN touch this.
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