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Everything posted by Plastomer

  1. eee... mmm... kraftwerk?
  2. ofcourse.. how did i forget thisone.. + i had a cassette of "members of mayday", there were also some wicked tunes.. sadly i lost it somewhere, would listen it right now.
  3. Hallucinogen - Angelic Particles (the first psy tune i heard..) Astral Projection - Power Gen (i searched the artist and trackname for this track for 3 years, until got to know, it's AP) Etnica - Starship 101 (heard first in one Nik Leman (303 rec.) mix.. and it was just massive) Pleiadians - Pleiadians (nik leman mix) Transwave - Rezwalker (nik leman mix) Blue Planet Corporation - Antidote (Pleiadians Remix) The Deviant - Mururoa My Love (just can't get enough of this track) Hallucinogen - LSD (first psy vinyl my friend bought (3 versions of lsd on it, very good)) Hallucinogen - Space Pussy (Destination Goa 2.. the whole album is great, but this track shaked my world..) Rainbow Spirit feat. Dj Sangeet - Sirius Shuttle (heared it first in a mix, that one guy played in radio in '96.. but the mix itself was live from Anjuna '95, still have it on tape) ofcourse, there are many-many more.. back to these days i probably loved every new track i heared.. mostly from radio at the beginning, then already cd's came to shop, then at parties.. and i'm still listening to older stuff more than new.. but some names more to mention: Darshan - Mind Merge Kode IV - Near to the Divine Man With No Name - Low Commotion (Goa Inside 1 is an excellent comp.) Slinky Wizard - Supernatural Technossomy - Pyramid Juno Reactor - Feel The Universe Planet B.E.N - Questionmark Green Nuns of the Revolution - COR!
  4. okay, i'm still looking for this artist/title.. maybe i'll put a little sample up one day to make it easier for you..
  5. Juno Reactor - Feel The Universe just super track.
  6. good choice... myself.. right now i'm listening to some bratislava ambient netstream.. Stream name: Mixing of Particulate Solids Radio 2 [bratislava/Slovakia] Current title: Journeyman - Rusty Beats there are 3 streams from bratislava, all are great most of the time..
  7. i think charlie has a crush on radi and they both are "spotting" their "trains" into each others "tunnels"...

    their puff-puff's into the uff-uff's so to say.

  8. btw, check fosku's profile ffs, otherwise you are not informed about what we are talig :D

  9. i knew that somethings gonna happen to psynews as soon as i posted you a comment :P

  10. hey, plastomer, fosku says that you might have infected him with slowliness :P

  11. sad to hear about the live.. but does anyone know, what happened to the shpongle box set?? i have'nt heared of it since that they wanted to launch it last year.. and i'm looking forward to hear these ureleased tracks that the extra cd should contain.. or will they just put them to their new album then? anyone knows something?
  12. I have'nt heard the full album, but i have Moonstone since ages and i like that track. Kundalini sounds familiar too, but don't really remember:S
  13. The Deviant - Mururoa My Love time at work really flow's with this track, cause it's over 12min long and i really like it.. rediscovered this tune yesterday and have'nt really listened to something else meanwhile..
  14. You mean Kuro's Plastomer 1 from "The World of Goa Trance" (vol.1)? hehe, guess, from where i got my alias.. used it since '98 already. On the same comp. is also one Donut Junkie track called Pseudo-Acoustic, but i like the last track the most.. Terpsichore's Bogakka. plus, there's one error on the cd-- CD1 track 02 and CD2 track 04 are the same, but the names are different..
  15. i'd recommend: Darshan Oforia Green Nuns of The Revolution Slinky Wizard Technossomy Rainbow Spirit feat. Dj Sangeet Moonweed Prana Man With No Name Shakta Cydonia Amanite Fx UX Endora Doof Power Source anyway, just read the review section of this forum!!!
  16. hi to eesti :P we dont live that far, perhaps some day well meet :ph34r::lol:

  17. indeed.. we have maybe max. 10 psy parties a year.. from them maybe 2 outdoor, but there only about 50ppl.. but we have a lot of other parties tho.. techno, dnb, breakcore, electro, ambient, hc, etc.. my first rave was back in 95, when i went to a old factory-rave.. i got hooked to the scene. but back then we had also some big psyparties, Astral Projection was here, also Cosmosis, Lynar Asylum and some more.. but now, only some little parties with local dj's.. anyways, i only been to one bigger outdoor festival - that was Sonica '05 in Italy - it was great.. planned to go last year to Ozora, but did'nt make it sadly.. and once to Samothraki, but did'nt get the vacation:S.. maybe this year..
  18. hmm, i don't know the track, but i know that Richie Hawtin (aka Plastikman) used to wear a shirt, where was a big "" smiley and text "drop acid, not bombs".. maybe some track of his? since you said, progressive.. maybe techno? but one track with this name ise also there: http://www.discogs.com/release/815024 plus, one compilation i found: http://www.discogs.com/release/22045 but, it's only the compilation name..
  19. great mix indeed.. in fact - all your mixes are great (i mean the ones i've heard (from psychedelic.be)) will be waiting for your next mix. aye.
  20. you mean the girl in pink no.. i was'nt on any of those pic's.. but my bro is on 2 of them..
  21. well.. the first flyer of an "alternative party" i have is from '94.. i went to a factory rave at nov. '95 for the first time - there they played jungle, goatrance, techno, acid and hc.. but there were several parties before already.. alot.. and these old factory raves were really massive.. (Punane RET (an old factory of speakers and radios n stuff)), Paberivabriku katlamaja (heatingroom of the paperfactory), Kalinin factory, Hobujaama factory.. these were main places.. also some parties were held at abondoned russian military bases (rocket bases, etc). Anyways, nowadays we have also a lot of parties every week, but only a few goa/psy parties.. well, most of the listeners are russians and estonians often will not go to their parties.. things could get a bit nasty.. but a couple of weeks ago some estoninans made an open air/indoor(at night) party in one abondoned rocketbase.. they got the permission for it straight from the NATO headquarters in Brussels.. cause our military spends time there practicing weapons n stuff.. (some indoor pics @ http://www.djsiimk.com/nucleartest/ ) .. also, some pics from the last saturday Legowelt party (was in a old factory) --> http://www.weekend.ee/?gid=306 okay, sorry everybody for the OFFTOPIC.
  22. i'll have to search, cause we did'nt take pic's, but i'm sure, someone did.. for now i can just scan the flyers and show them.. but anyway, good thinking.. i will search for some pics.. maybe some of my friends took pics. i surely did'nt - i only had a "smena" camera these days, and this was too big to carry around to parties.
  23. yep.. these days we had big goa/psytrance parties in old factories and other sites.. but Astral was in "sinine paviljon". Cosmosis was also here and Lunar Asylum + some others. Were great parties... I have most of the flyers since '94, if you're interested, i can look up the exact dates and acts.
  24. Astral Projection was in Estonia too at 96 or 97.. don't remember, have to check flyers.. then they did well also.. but anyway, i don't really like them anymore.. power gen and other older tracks were better than the stuff they're doing nowadays.. but anyway, someone mentioned Infected Mushroom @ sonica '05 - indeed.. that was the worst live i've seen.
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