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Everything posted by Rupture

  1. looks good.gonna watch a demo now. i've tried yesterday the demo of arturia's jupiter8v ,it rocks edit: indeed looks really nice,but its out of my "got to buy" list for 2007
  2. :D nice one Mugge,hope you get into music production again soon
  3. do you have any audio example?maybe someone else could help
  4. yeah.I'll check that out.and i agree with you
  5. that's nice.thanks for the news...i should had heard about this from someone else thou..
  6. Cevin Key Dwayne Goettel Klaus Schulze Jordan Rudess Richard D. James
  7. agreed these new moogs are beautiful
  8. hey, what's with the name change?

  9. youtube is defenitly a great source of eye candy for the vintage gear freak there's also lots of videos from analog/vintage synth owners demonstrating the capabilities of their machines here's some links: sequential circuits prophet vs Ems synthi aks yamaha dx 7 Suzanna Ciani analog dreams pt1 analog dreams pt2
  10. couldn't agree more
  11. yes,virtual modules.do a google image search ffs!
  12. PLUR! Do you have ICQ?

  13. nice documentary to watch,i think its on topic
  14. here's another eheh sometimes it goes for months without any of these synths popping up for sale and now there's 2 in a row (just to piss off snowball ever more)
  15. yeah ebay can be shitty on that...it's not the first time something similiar happens with me and indeed it sucks. still,you can find some really nice deals once in while... i've found a music shop near me that has one fizmo for sale,ex-demo,but they want 889€ for it!
  16. there's a fizmo for sale right now @ ebay http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...A:IT&ih=016
  17. from the manual: it doesn't seem to do any effect at all on some sounds thou,can't properly test that right now.but yeah,could have a specific sub-menu or something.
  18. ahah i find the pic rather funny.never heard their music so i can't comment on that.still,i agree the name they choose is a bit extreme.
  19. w00t? you never used the step sequencer? that's where the fun is no wonder that you got a bit disappointed with it! for a 500-600€ synth i think its well done.the filters are ok imo you can have 4 osc if you use dual timbre mode.the distortion is beautiful! psYtravEllEr,I agree that analog is better than digital most of the times but in this case i would go for the ms2000,since it's probably snowball's first synth i guess he wants a synth to actually use the max. as possible in his tracks.
  20. nord modular
  21. i was going to do some,but i resisted (propellerheads didn't paid me yet this month)
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