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Everything posted by Rupture

  1. got to agree with reznik,ableton should do the job for you mike
  2. not quite true *inserts mom joke*

  3. HYPNOTICA RECORDS presents: V/A Feel The Pain Catalog number: HYPCD003 Distribution:Wirikuta[http://www.wirikuta.at] Mastering: Ka-Sol CD Cover: oCtodur We @ Hypnotica Records are PROUD to announce our third compilation "Feel The Pain". This compilation is filled with underground night time music for all the dark freaks around the world. A gathering of ten different (new and already established) artists from : Bulgaria, Portugal, Brasil, India, Macedonia, Sweden and Israel, gathered together they will bring you the pain! All tracks have been selected and compiled by our own Pacifist. Tracklist: 01.Electrypnose vs Bombax- The end of time 02.Vegetal-Obliterate what makes us weak 03.Kryptum-Redpyramid 04.Netrosystem-Tarantella 05.Syntrax-Power puff 06.Necropsycho-Horror-stricken 07.Gain Reduction-Mr.oneday 08.Wizack Twizack-Synthroid 09.Spiral-Inverted Brain Troopers 10.Gorump Peyya-Ram Rom Check Ok V/A Feel the Pain will be printed in 500 exclusive copies! BiG LOVE and Respect to all artists involved in this project! [ http://www.hypnoticarecords.org ]
  4. listening too nice mixes
  5. only ocelot from your list..
  6. how about some comment whorage :D?

  7. yamaha dx7 does very good strings and atmospheres...with the pc editor gets much easier to program it.. but sounds far from analog...anyways i would add this one to the list
  8. linky beware with these first versions of ms2000 thou,some of them have a clock problem which makes the internal arp pretty useless.this is fixed with a firmware update but it's a pain in the ass to do it.first time i tried to update using the midi's on my fw410 i got an error and the synth went into a "coma" state.after some research i found the solution:i had to get an old soundblaster live card and those game port-to-midi cables and do the update with them...just ask if the synth has this problem before buying it other than that,i really recommend it for you!this thing can go fat and really weird edit:check out on my myspace the track "comatose rupture",most lead sounds and fx's are made with it
  9. too late baba +1!!
  10. and if you used software only if you had like 3 hardware synths and not enough inputs on your soundcard a mixer would be useful
  11. is it an analog mixer ,digital or hybrid?i wouldn't mind having an analog mixer on the side,but i would have it near me if it was digital.you can also consider giving me the novation,you'll have more space then
  12. i listened to this one while with a few friends here at the studio,we enjoyed very much!one of them went berzerk on the last minute eheh nice flow between tracks,and like mr.OD said,there's music for every taste!keep them coming Evan ;)
  13. well,if you want stability and light cpu-use that's what comes to my mind at the moment.
  14. also know as Matutero and Horror Place.producer from Greece.the first ,old tunes i heard from him were very dark,then he took another direction.too much cosmo/highko influencies nowdays.I don't call that dark.but hey,that's only my opinion
  15. if you had some clue about sound design you would be amazed with what you can do with noise and the other "awful strange waveshapes". open your mind dude,not everything has to be like you wish.i think you will,someday...
  16. what?
  17. that's a pic from a studio which was totally f***ed up by hurricane katrina,so probably the pc had the same end but hardware is hardware
  18. waldorf q rocks good that they seem to be back in business
  19. dude,you're getting boring.if you're so fed up with the scene nowdays just freakin' leave it!or do your own music ! i liked this one very much,although i didn't listened to too much chill last year...my fav is defenitly synsun's track
  20. Font Verdana's album sucked ,i agree
  21. same here,i'm using firefox
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