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Everything posted by Rupture

  1. a bit off topic but ... the ultimate goa synth has to be the sequential circuits pro-one.check out this site about it
  2. you assume too much baba anyways,i agree with pavel.you get what you pay for,no doubt about that,still both companies have nice products that will bring a noticable improvement to your home setup.monitors too.oh,and if you think "all" behringer products are shit and "for newbies" ,you should hear this guitar amp in action not to mention the older compressor units,used by countless pro studios worldwide (if that means anything)
  3. i'd rather trust my own ears go to a shop and try them.don't forget to take some cd's with you,obviously.
  4. good luck on releasing those tracks vince
  5. kryptum, baba, you look scary movie on that pic :ph34r:

  6. haha, baba, youre OLD ROFL!!!1111111

  7. Rupture


    indeed,a new electrypnose album would be great
  8. when the song finishes and he gets back at the processor,watch closely...it's possible to see 4 big red knobs on the right.I think it's one of these or a similiar model
  9. yes most probably a vocoder,still it had shitload of parameters to twist ,specially considering the time of that show (87) taken from another forum: also:
  10. the delay times are sync'd with the drums,p. e. also,at some parts looks like one of the producers has control of that processor too,since the values change and ogre is not even near it.so yeah,i guess they used midi to do that.
  11. sounds more like a Vocolol to me
  12. and then you say you have fog in your head and stuff...i should have warned you bro no clue about what fx processor is that,but it had midi that's for sure. here's a link to that video
  13. lol yes dude it was a nice deal there.nice for you btw i wasn't "dissin on you yo", just saying my opinion
  14. it's a great album imo,but not worth that much money (imo again)
  15. how can i know too,radi?
  16. kryptum project - 30 (finishing the nr. 30 today ) other psytrance projects - around 70 industrial/ebm - 20 with previous bands - around 40 ,but i bet i would have trouble if i tried to play them again,can't remember at all...i still have my guitar/bass parts tabs thou
  17. i like it a lot,very nice PSY trance tunes.pure dark?nah
  18. supernova II rocks!
  19. testing...
  20. Reason: Subtractor Sound Design part 1 Subtractor Sound Design part 2
  21. no man,probably something was wrong with my browser/connection (?),I could only listen to the first 8 steps.now i'm listening to the full one very good!the melodic synths are great,sound old-school indeed!perhaps it's just me but they sound just a little bit low in volume at some parts.I like the bass too and also the atmosphere ... just an idea,how about adding some more percussion?like djembes or stuff...would fit well imo nice tune thou,would be great to listen to a full version someday
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