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Everything posted by Rupture

  1. i can only listen to like ,5 seconds
  2. flyer:
  3. radi,take it easy man people are just giving their opinions...negative or positive,once you create a thread like this you should be expecting all kinds of... keep up the work
  4. ehh thought this was about sharing presets we've done... well,i'll defenitly check out this thread in the future,can't wait to hear some of the work
  5. sounds fun,looking forward to it
  6. the track sounds cool.nice synths.mastering sounds bad.better ask someone with experience on this field to do the job for you.
  7. agreed,very nice synth on topic: a nord modular would do a nice job too
  8. AHAHAHA man this is great had the laugh of the year "I got rimes,I got rimes..."
  9. I want to listen,but i don't want to register :S can you un-rate it?
  10. Hypnotica Records Proudly Presents "Numberz & Digitz" Live : KRYPTUM [Hypnotica Rec.PT] KIRIYAMA [Devilsmind Rec.SE] KLUSTER [Digital Psionics/L.I.S.A.SE] Dj´s : Twist3d0n3 [Hypnotica Rec/L.I.S.A] Talos [Hypnotica Rec] Pacifist [Hypnotica Rec] Danet vs Plunkn [Hypnotica Rec / T.i.L.T] Where : Stockholm,Sweden When : 21st April 2007 Open at : 23-09 Fee : 150 SEK ( 16 Euros ) Agelimit : 18 Decorations: T.i.L.T , Hypnotica Crew Sound / Lights : Soundcity Food / Drinks : Munchies Akuten Chaishop : Goa gubbar Infos : info@hypnoticarecords.org Site : http://www.hypnoticarecords.org
  11. ahaha one of the funniest things i've read here in a long time
  12. find a movie with such kind of scream and sample it
  13. Yes. Yes. Feathers style I'm a hardcore Reason fan,and pisses me off what people say most of the times:"oh,it's so bad it was probably made with reason or fl!" "OMG he got cracked fl,he thinks he's an artist already,shitty music"... it just doesn't matter (IMO)
  14. why Reason and Fl and not cubase or logic?
  15. I can't stand soulless and/or cheesy music...any bpm...
  16. LOL
  17. @ the testis i just noticed now,i left the Scream4 tape distortion of that snare too low ,lost a lot of the punch it had oh well...
  18. hey baba reger,thanks for the review i'll still have to finish this one properly,thx for the suggestions!those 909 samples...perhaps subconscious influencies from the oldies like you said *looks into the mirror* OMG what happened to my hair?? thanks once again reger
  19. DARJK psy? no thanks
  20. never really liked that stuff...
  21. i've done one on page 4...nobody asked to smoke so i've smoked it all
  22. you guys need to chill... *rolls a joint*
  23. clown picture - 10 points clown with baloons - 15 points clown with penis hanging out - 20 points
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