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Everything posted by Rupture

  1. had that problem lots of times.solution? dont know. better to forget that track and start a new one...it sucks i know,but that's what i've done Edit:as far as i could search about it,i think even the Prop. guys dont know how to fix that error...the cause could be some glitch with your pc when you saved the file...my advice stays the same...forget that track and go forward
  2. Skinny Puppy - Hardset Head
  3. agreed,still old koxbox at times...i was expecting more thou
  4. no,the lesson is go for hardware
  5. well here's mine: I arrived on friday around 6pm and entered without any problem.set up the tent and met with some friends,and later the traditional walk-around.feeling a bit exausted,i tried to get some sleep to recover energies for the night journey who was getting close.i arrived the dancefloor when pmac started playing.I don't remember him playing any dark (and i was sober),actually the only dark act i've seen was ghreg on earth.I even got into a discussion in the dancefloor with some random guy who was saying loud and proud that this "dark psy" (and at the same time on the background a full-on track was perfectly noticable) should be banned and acts like skazi and gms should be booked instead of those "cunts" (using his own words).this made me sad,but it wasn't any surprise as i've seen before loads of other people labeling something who doesn't have killer melodies and etnic samples as dark,in the first seconds of listening.i just though that wasn't so spread among the community.oh well,back to the review: first day over and i've found myself resting around the chill out area (IMO the best area of the boom site,beautiful) until the night. the music kicks in again but this time i've only arrived to it when derango started playing.genuine forest psytrance,trippy all the way.zik played next,and i've realised how wrong it was to place him after derango,should had been the opposite.Natan played a nice set,and then i got tired and took a quick nap in order to be able to see cosmosis and our friend ace ventura.i liked both acts,but honestly i wasn't expecting to enjoy so much ace ventura's music,as i've never been a fan of the genre.i decided to give it a shot,and i guess i'll dig it a bit more from now on. at this time i had lost my mind and didn't care too much about who played in the next days,as i've seen the 2 acts which pushed me to go to the fest, so i had fun in other ways than dancing.on monday i realise i'm running out of money (which wasn't too much since the beggining),same with 2 other friends and unfortunatly we were forced to leave the festival at night.to be honest,the extreme heat was making me sick of being there too. so here's the good and bad aspects from my point of view (with a big fucking huge IMO attached to them) Good: - Funktion one - perfect balance and power,the boom team realised the mistake they've made on 2004 and learned from it - the people - although i've heard some bad stories,i hadn't any problem myself (cops and security) so i guess i must feel happy for that.so much beautiful people everywere,i found myself with a smile and loads of positive thoughts almost all the time. - the structures and deco - i missed some backdrops too,but overall the deco was nice and a suberb eye candy at night. Bad: - the line-up - overall i think it was a nice selection of acts,but the time they were scheduled to play was ridiculous sometimes.also,i had moments i felt i was in ibiza or smth.was that house music?makes me wonder about the different directions psytrance is taking.booo - the people - yeah,beautiful people everywere and butterflies too but also some arseholes with that "i went to goa and all i got was this lousy superiority complex" syndrom,and some friends had problems with some guys trying to robber them. - prices - they were ridiculous,i guess everyone agrees on this.double booo well,i had 4 wonderful days were i've met a lot of nice people and had great fun,can't ask for much more nowdays.boom is a experience,yet an expensive one,which i like and gonna do my best to be there again in 2008.i just wish the temperatures were lower oh,and i've seen Anoebis,but i didn't went talk with him because he probably wouldn't know me at first,and explaining him during an acid trip wasn't something i really wanted to experience boom all
  6. ahaha!brilliant Fp,absolutly brilliant
  7. wonderful pictures
  8. I bet you didn't. placing NHJO and Derango at the same level isn't a very smart thing to do. Nhjo obviously stands out
  9. did you actually ever listened to derango?
  10. Akai - voices of istanbul
  11. hello english friend!what what what? @ 10:25 -you liek to eat? -yes - you are big and fat!
  12. AHAH yes that laugh exactly thanks! dunno their plans for the future but i can ask Talos about that I'll let you know once i have updates
  13. the scene is alive IMO.there's lot of good music around and decent parties...of course they aren't the same like 5 or more years ago,but could be worse
  14. oh well,i guess im going to this doom festival too so be careful,do not walk around the site alone,specially at night
  15. Emperor - Towards the Pantheon
  16. *bump* added front and back covers
  17. eheh indeed,he has another called I am the anti-pope
  18. Marduk! i bet snowball has the full version already
  19. I was commenting Nt's first post
  20. nowdays scat sucks!old school scat with lots of meloyies!12 was teh thing
  21. no it doesn't.nice girls,the fisting is not thaaat gross
  22. yeah but i didn't knew it was only music
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