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Everything posted by Brancovf

  1. Chi-A.D. - Blue Effect
  2. Exit Eternity is great indeed. Listening to it while typing this.
  3. Astral Projection - People can Fly.
  4. Welcome. !
  5. Haha WHAT?!
  6. Behind closed Eyelids and Around the World in a Tea Daze are my favorites from Shpongle.
  7. Today Shiva Shidapu - Spirtual Healing managed it.
  8. I have now really thought hard about this. And I think I will have to say Astral Projection - People can Fly. It's just an awesome track. It feels somewhat strange to rate it above songs like Persia, Lepton Head, Exit Eternity, Purity and so on though... but it would probabaly have felt even more strange to name one of those above People can Fly. ;p
  9. Very nice work Rain, it's appreciated!
  10. Very good sir. Your turn!
  11. Name a song that has a sample from the movie Hypercube (Cube 2). Special bonus points if you can name an artist that doesn't end with an "o".
  12. Ok Moni... hmm... I'm going out for some pizza with some friends now, but when I return, I will hopefully have come up with a really tricky question for you all.
  13. Infected Mushroom - Psycho has a sample from Batman (I think). Nystagmus - Desert of the Real has a sample from Matrix. ;p
  14. Sandman - Nostradamus The Prophecy remix
  15. I really think Red Filter and Anyone else but Me deserve to be mentioned in this thread. Both great tracks, not sure if I can say they are my favorites though. It's a tough question.
  16. Chi-A.D. - Eye am the I Mummah!
  17. Astral Projection - 1.000.000 Years from Today
  18. Gappeq - Vox Antipopuli
  19. Infected Mushroom - Spiritual Trance
  20. Optokoppler - Persia Too easy.
  21. Nystagmus - Soulgasm Perfection!
  22. Shpongle - Once upon the Sea of blissful Awareness
  23. Entheogenic - Ground Luminosity
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