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Everything posted by sandrookie

  1. Very nice indeed! I like the front side and even the fractals are impressive
  2. Nice pix Tox!
  3. Got my copy from the shop today. This an amazing start for 2006 indeed, this is the first album that will be in my 2006 list in december . All the tracks appearing on different compilations in the past were always outstanding and had an original sound, so I was really waiting for this release. Wouldn't really compare the album with Frogacult and D-Nox & Beckers though, i am sure they did not just copy other sounds. The album is what prog trance should sound like, afternoon-summer-festival-cocktail-ass-shaking grooves.
  4. Thanx. Will check it.
  5. What song has a sample of the movie "Lost in translation"? It's the voice from Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) calling someone : (dialing tone) Lauren? - Charlotte?! How's Tokyo? - It's cool ... but,I don't know... I went to a shrine today and all these littke monks are chanting ... but i didn't feel anything I have this somewhere on cd but I cannot remember what sond it is.
  6. Very nice release. I think we can expect some more fine releases from Dance N Dust .
  7. Some people seems to be offenden by this album. Wake up, it's a concept album. I could hardly imagine this being played on a party. Then again, if somebody would I would apppreciate it a lot
  8. Flame On Fire – The First Ride Of The Dragon : in the sample 2 people are smoking heroin or opium and talking about it, it's the guys first time appearantly
  9. Ja ja typical me to misunderstand those things
  10. Listening to Pottrockerz now. The Pottrockerz set is very nice. I was wondering if Frederik Flanger is the same Frederik that organizes the Klang Der Essenzen parties? When I met Frederik of KDE a few weeks ago on our trip to Germany he mentioned something about visiting/playing at Dance a Delic in Belgium but i am not sure anymore of what he said. Are the 2 Frederiks 1 and the same person?
  11. For a little party a square is pretty cool. For large open air areas I prefer the system Dance a Delic (Belgium) uses for their festival. Some subwoofers and "little" tweeters all over the area. You can compare it with a Bose system. It gives the best sound in open air I have ever experienced. Of course the DAD festival is only for 5.000 people and not 20.000 as the Boom festival. Crystal clear sound is important for any party, I get annoied when the sound system sucks.
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