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    mother earth
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    Howdy from Oz. I have been a dj for 26 yrs and into psy for 11<br /> years. It is the love of my life and is closely connected to my<br /> passions for music, dance, nature, and especially the way it all<br /> brings people together for what I hope will eventuate in a big<br /> healing this our mother earth needs urgently.<br /><br /> "On this glorious Sunday morn'n lets all bow and stomp and play'<br /><br /> Sprouts for siriusness
  1. No need to add anything
  2. Theres too many to mention. I go to very few indoor parties so all of it sounds ideal in the forest. Just like its where it is meant to be. Bring on the forest Fractal Forest 2. August 20 , 2hrs from Sydney. Check www.australiens.net for details
  3. Infinity Project- Mystical Experiences. Timeless album for the timelessness of the land . We have lots of space here.
  4. Bloody oath. Full On comps are not phat. But there is heaps of phat shit out there, but ya got to be in the right space for it. During the 80s I couldnt get into the electro- house style. It all had a mechanical edge. Yet in the late 70s I couldnt get enough. Theres a perfect time for everything, but after the night FULL ON RULES. Over here anyway. Sprouts
  5. The Host Of Seraphim was recorded during an improvised session .
  6. at psy & progressive 24hr party evening- 125-135 early night- 135-140 late night- 142-145 dawn- 145-148 morning- 145-140 early arvo- 140-135 late arvo- 135-125
  7. Oh, I shouldnt forget Hari Prasad Chaurasia on flute. Famous indian flutist, regarded by many as best in the world. Deep soulful melody with deep moody but subtle background synth.
  8. The Dead Can Dance- Seraphim Cosma- Freedom R.E.M- cant remember the name though JDS- Destiny Calls Raphael- Tantra
  9. Dont expect progressive 'to do it for u'. U have to get inside it then u will discover there is more to it than 1st perceived. Try Vibrasphere or go for more phat house based vinyl. Avalanche records for example produce some wicked phatness
  10. Australia for small underground friendly vibe checkout australiens.net ozdoof and oztrance
  11. Rainbow Serpent Festival near Melbourne. Australia biggest psy party Late January. Check ozdoof, oztrance and australiens.net for east coast parties Sprouts
  12. Lunarsphere, a new Sydney based crew presents part 2 of Fractal Forest in the same beautiful location 2 hours south of Sydney. Beginning 3pm saturday we are rockin thru till 9pm sunday. There will be 2 stages. If you are into crystal clear phat sound rather than 'bigger is better' this is a party for you. Presenting all local dj talent; The Gnatty Rebel, cosMICK & full colour laser show, Bio[diversity] vs. Sprouts, Gilgamesh, Scion, Mcbain, Darkchild, Galaktik, Psytrakked, Dica vs. Substance, Sunrunner vs. Sol Connection, diALMan, DayCrasha, Solar Spiral, Uncle Fester, Scorpius, , Rythmic Sun vs. Anti-Matter, Brainstorma, The Professor, Physol. Femme, Solar spiral There will be food, coffee & chai available Lighting by The Professor Laser by Mick Aurora Sound by Bain & Shayne Decor; tribal development $15 at the gate. Free admission if u arrive early and join the working crew. PURE UNDERGROUND PHATNESS GUARANTEED CONTACT psysprouts@yahoo.com.au
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