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Everything posted by nigelphoton

  1. Check great interview with Merv Eat Static, interesting features, festival reviews and photos inside the new Evolve Magazine PDF. Other interviews with Southwild, Desert Dwellers and Dreamstalker. Noisily, Solar United Natives, Chill out planet and Hilltop festival reviews. Click the following link to download the magazine onto your computer or tablet, maybe u can just about read it on your smartphone. :-) http://bit.ly/WinterEvolve201617
  2. For those who didnt get a paper copy or download it previously, still some amazing articles in the current edition of Revolve Magazine, its all about SOUND, so download it by clicking here: http://bit.ly/finalsummer2015revolvepdflink Youll understand another level of the intricacy of the universe we live in if you read or have already seen the film about Sonic Geometry. Explaining how the genesis of our material world might well have been created by sound spreading throughout the galaxy. The links between sacred geometry and the perfect chords that create those geometries. Also if you love psytrance read more detail about how it spread from Goa, its early history and an interview with Youth, a very interesting musician with Killing Joke and Paul McCartney and producer of Pink Floyd etc. About 70s psychedelic troubadour Daevid Allen, founder of Gong written by this good friend and band member Steve Hillage. About 60s psychedelic legend Hoppy Hopkins, who set up the UFO Club where The Pink Floyd first played in the UK, who helped spread psychedelic culture in the 60s in the UK and around the world with scene bible IT (International Times). About current psychedelic musicians like Ovnimoon, Dick Trevor, labels like WildThings and graphic artists like Cameron Gray, the creator of this magazines and PDFs cover. About how to heal yourself or others using Sound. Crystal bowl sound healing, use of mantras, use of the power of the Gong. Features: Sonic Geometry / Gong: Daevid Allen / Hoppy 60s pioneer / Microtuning your music / Antaris / Solar United Natives Festival / Revolve's favourite artists / Help Revolve evolve / Acoustic Amplification / Sound healing / Mantra power / Crystal bowl healing / Gongmaster / Memories of free festival / PDF only: Awaken crystal archetype Interviews: Youth / Ovnimoon / Wild Things records (beardy) / Dickster / Cameron Gray
  3. For the Summer Revolve PDF, click here: http://bit.ly/RevolvePDF2014 Subject, all about the pineal gland, some very important articles, get yourself enlighened! :-) Features: The Pineal Gland & reality / Cleaning your pineal gland / Learn to see through the illusion / Antaris Project 20 / Hadra Festival 8 / Goa Season 2014 / Designing décor and festivals: sub features (Carin Dickson / Ihti Anderson / Visual Sweets / Cognitive Dissidents / Ink Junkie / in Orbit / DMT: plant-based therapy / Sacred Geometry / Cosmic Trigger Interviews: Pouyan Khosravi / Saafi Brothers / CPU / Sysphe / Kaya Project / Return To The Source/ Carey Thompson / Reactionary Faction / Digital Om / Hilight Tribe / Manmachine If you'd like to get a paper magazine, then you can from the website, but only by buying a previous mag&CD. Scroll down website for their tracklistings. www.revolvemagazine.co.uk /index.html Paper magazines also available here, plus many other locations around the world> www.psyshop.com with orders; www.beatspace.com with orders. Brighton: Guarana Company 36 Sydney Street, Brighton, BN1 4EP Bristol: UK Skunk Works 273 Southmead Road, Bristol BS10 5EL Canterbury: UK Skunk Works 72 Northgate Canterbury Kent CT1 1BB Hastings Store 31 Robertson Street Hastings East Sussex TN34 1HT London: Camden Market: Pharsyde / Cyberdog / Psylo / Star Tessa / Twelve Tribes/ 334 Holloway Road, Islington N7 6NJ Manchester: Dr Hermans, 57 Church St, Manchester M4 1PD OR at various parties around the UK :-) GERMANY:: Gras Grün Oranienstr. 183 10999 Berlin www.grasgruen.de Sun Seed bank Amsterdamer Str. 23, 13347 Berlin www.sun-seed-bank.de
  4. OMG!!!!!! The first new Moonweed album, from Jamie!! Whatever next? New Salamander material as well?? ;-) AMAZING!!! Blasted my mind to smithereens at many a party where Jamie Salamander aka Moonweed was playing back in the day. Hello mate :-)
  5. The new Winter 2013-2014 Revolve Magazine is now available. This magazine is a counter-cultural one looking in a bit more detail about the control network running world policy. From the first article looking at the bloodlines and their possible links to major Biblical characters and on the 101st anniversary of the set-up of the Federal Reserve it considers the bodies set up by the Banksters which are not democratically accountable. Other articles looking at the Ponzi economic debt system which will collapse soon, the need for a change in the state and the necessity to free yourself from the systems control. Features: Who's at the top of Pyramid? / Bankers&secret societies / It's one big Ponzi scheme / The state is out of date / hadra festival bounces back / Set yourself free from the system / Art Moscow / Summer festival reviews Interviews: Keerych Luminokaya / Electric Universe / Psysex / Psilocybian / Contineum Heres a link to a PDF of the magazine, http://bit.ly/1g1NNkA if you would like a paper copy you can only get one with a previous magazine and promo CD, available at: [url=http://www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/index.html OR from the following shops: Online: From kate : www.alienskin.com with orders Psyshop with orders Brighton: Guarana Company 36 Sydney Street, Brighton, BN1 4EP Bristol: UK Skunk Works 273 Southmead Road, Bristol BS10 5EL Canterbury: UK Skunk Works 72 Northgate Canterbury Kent CT1 1BB Hastings Store 31 Robertson Street Hastings East Sussex TN34 1HT London: Camden Market: Pharsyde / Cyberdog / Psylo / Star Tessa / Twelve Tribes/ 334 Holloway Road, Islington N7 6NJ Manchester: Dr Hermans, 57 Church St, Manchester M4 1PD OR at various parties around the UK
  6. CD still available: To buy the Summer promo CD + paper Revolve magazine go to: http://www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/index.html OR: Also available www.psyshop.com www.goastore.ch www.beatspace.com Tracklisting: 1) Chris Rich and Occular - Dark Side of The Hoon 2) Kabayun - Mastodon 3) Harmonic Rebel - Wisdom eye 4) Delirium Of Disorder - Fresh Soil 5) ConUnDrum - Law of attraction 6) Disintegrated Circuits & Module Virus - The Soggy 7) DigiCult vs U-Recken - The Optimist 8) Hypnocoustics - Turbinella Pyrum 9) Digicult_-_Awaken_The_Dream_(Acid_Prophecy_RMX) FOR PDF of the magazine just click below:: http://bit.ly/11ghQ0f
  7. The new Summer 2013 Revolve Magazine is now available. This magazine is all about the personal changes we all, (myself included) need to make as the World shifts to a new Consciousness, that of the Divine Feminine which will return us and society back to natural balance. The new Summer 2013 Revolve Magazine is now available. This magazine is all about the personal changes we all, (myself included) need to make as the World shifts to a new Consciousness, that of the Divine Feminine which will return us and society back to natural balance. Read it if that doesn’t make sense because it does when you read the various articles in the magazine. Feature articles: The Divine Return of Venus / Reconnect with Nature and Love / The next cycle of Life / Bring Back the Spirit / Trancing out in Asia: Thailand & Goa 2013 / Deconstruct the mindtrap Psytrance artist Interviews with: Aphid Moon / A-Team / Alucidnation / Chris Rich&Occular / Kabayun / Harmonic Rebel / Delirium of Disorder / ConUnDrum / Disintegrated Circuits and Module Virus / Digicult& U-Recken / Hypnocoustics / Acid Prophecy. Artist interview: The cover artist Andrew Gonzalez. Label Features: Blue Hour Sounds / Dacru Records. Summer Festival previews: Believe Festival / Antaris Festival / O.Z.O.R.A Festival / Freedom Festival / Hadra Festival / Pearl Festival / Waveform Festival. To buy the Summer promo CD + paper Revolve magazine go to www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/index.html 1) Chris Rich and Occular - Dark Side of The Hoon 2) Kabayun - Mastodon 3) Harmonic Rebel - Wisdom eye 4) Delirium Of Disorder - Fresh Soil 5) ConUnDrum - Law of attraction 6) Disintegrated Circuits & Module Virus - The Soggy 7) DigiCult vs U-Recken - The Optimist 8) Hypnocoustics - Turbinella Pyrum 9) Digicult_-_Awaken_The_Dream_(Acid_Prophecy_RMX) Also available www.psyshop.com www.goastore.ch www.beatspace.com
  8. Download the new Summer 2012 Revolve as a free PDF. It’s the spiritual issue, so there are articles which are well worth reading from the Dalai Lama, about Baba Ram Dass, four-page interview with Alex Grey, articles by healers, psytrance interviews, summer festival countdown, CD reviews, save the orangutan, fractal brain theory etc. Also on pages 35 and 36 there are links to many tracks by some great artists. Click here: http://www.4shared.c...2EvolvePDF.html OR go to BMSS Records the fantastic German trance label and you can download it straight away from there. It is at: http://www.bmss.eu/F...e_2012-BMSS.pdf Free tracks from Tristan / Trold / Yudhisthira / Malice in Wonderland / Total Eclipse vs. Ecosphere / Aphid Moon / Tripy / Omsphere / Techyon / Cathar / Meller / Pick etc. etc. available with links on pages 35 and 36 of the PDF. The articles are worth it, please download it now!! IF you like it please send it to friends!! : ) http://www.revolvema...o.uk/index.html For previous issues or if you want to add your email to get it in future.
  9. I reckon that's you then mate, Wedran. Yep really nice this is how acid / trance / 1992 music used to sound and much much more trancey than the current stuff we call psytrance. Like it!! : )
  10. Hello there, here is a link for the new Winter 2011-2012 Revolve Magazine as a PDF. BMSS Records hosted it for me for easy access. http://www.bmss.eu/F...e_2012-BMSS.pdf If you would like to get a paper copy of the magazine posted to u for £1.20 or past copies and promo CDs then go instead to: www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/index.html Keep on trancing. : )
  11. Shift to heart-based consciousness; snippet of first article: The Shift is the awakening of humanity’s heart. This transformation of consciousness, the greatest one ever recorded, first became apparent in the mid-1960s and has been building momentum ever since. The Shift is a collective transformation consisting of the sum of each individual’s step into the new reality. Each person, in their own time, is moving forward into a stage of consciousness which brings a wider vista and an awareness which springs from the heart. When enough people’s primary attention becomes focused through their heart chakras, then the Hundredth monkey effect will occur.
  12. IF you would like to get the magazine as a PDF, download from here: 4sharedwebsite To get the paper magazine plus promo CD, then go here: Revolve Magazine website OR get it along with a CD from Beatspace at: Beatspace website From Goastore at: Goastore website From psyshop at: Psyshop website From Saikosounds at: Saikosounds website thanks Keep on having a great summer
  13. The new 2011 Summer Magazine is out with another great promo CD at My link The best offer though is for the Magazine and its promo CD posted to you for £5.00 if in UK, £5.70 if in Europe and £6.10 if anywhere else in the world. This includes all postage costs (£1.49 in Europe, £2.07 outside Europe), so it’s good value for a magazine and a CD. CD INFO: 1 :: Tetrameth - eclectic benevolence 2 :: Assioma - Interconnecting 3 :: Synthetic Chaos - Bastard Tonality 4 :: Isochronic - Need a Blast 5 :: Antispin - Cartesian 6 :: Tantrix - Lost in Jesi 7 :: Mechanimal vs. Contineum - The Free Man 8 :: Ital vs DJ. Vinnix - Condor Elevado 9 :: 6th Floor - Caribbean Nights 16th magazine and 13th promo CD and I think probably the best yet. Do not miss hearing this in top-quality CD format! Consistently thumping tracks mastered by Jules Aphid Moon: one deep Progressive one, awesome Psychedelic night-time, morning sound and a proper trance tune. DJ Photon hopes it takes you into a state of deep meditation, trance and healing this Summer. The inventive progressive master Tetrameth takes you into life's psychedelic mystery; then it's time for some night-time bouncing around with Looney Moon's Assioma; into harder tonalities with Synthetic Chaos; the sound of London's underground crashes through with Isochronic on Psynon Records and Antispin pushes into deep subconscious terrority; Tantrix pulses through the mental chatter; the freed man's energy of Mechanimal vs. Continuem leads to the soaring new consciousness of Ital vs. DJ Vinnix. 6th Floor wraps things up with real trance, the digital version of the old skool German analog sound of LSG, Spicelab etc. Get the wavs for true quality for about $7, 7€ including postage rather than shitty downloaded mp3s. If you've never got the magazine before, then try it and support underground independent press! It is a great CD, don't be fooled by the price. This magazine's articles focus on the need for change. Both of the economic system and our own consciousness leading up to 2012. Short version: Articles: Shift to the New Consciousness / Living a spiritual life/ Creating world peace 21.12.2012 / Obituaries of pyy-trance characters / Look behind the headlines for the real truth / Ending Central banks / Ending the EU, Federal Reserve and bailouts / Herbal medicine ban threat / Pharmaceutical companies, drugs and vaccines / New threat to the Amazon rainforest Promo CD: Or get a paper copy of the magazine with a great CD for a cheap price from www.revolvemagazine.co.uk CD artists: Tetrameth ; Assioma ; Synthetic Chaos; Isochronic; Antispin; Tantrix; Mechanimal vs. Contineum; Ital vs DJ. Vinnix; 6th Floor Interviews with: Boogieman Media (cover designer); System 7; Ovnimoon; Braincell; BMSS Records; all artists on promo CD Look forward to Summer festivals: Hadra Festival / Antaris Project / Music and Cultural Festival / Summer Never Ends / Aurora Festival / Indian Spirit Festival / Waveform Festival. 25 reviews of psychedelic, progressive and ambient CDs and EPs. Give it a try you might just love it : ) The CD is a goodie, so please get the paper copy and promo CD if possible, only £5 UK, £5.70 Europe, £6.10 Anywhere else FROM Revolve Magazine website Click where it says and you’ll see the magazine and previous ones available to buy using paypal. Paypal does not require you to join it and you can use all major cards. It is fully protected and encrypted. If you do not want to use paypal please contact me directly at: carryon@revolvemagazine.co.uk Thanks : )
  14. Excerpt from Avatar Avi Da Samraj's writings, the first article: “I” is felt as a limited capsule of life-energy, surrounded by mystery. It is like a time bomb – it has a certain amount of time until it terminates. If you experience a great deal with it, it burns out quickly. “I” assumes itself to be this limited little thing under the conditions of life. And people manipulate it from the point of view of whatever strategy they happen to choose. But always this original assumption is your suffering, your limitation. It is really a simple matter. A person may think: “This body and its psyche are dying. This world is dying. Everyone is suffering, everyone is seeking. There is mortality, there is frustration, and limitation.” But none of that is Truth. Those interpretations are not Truth. The world itself is not Truth – nor is life, nor psyche and body, nor death, nor experience. No event is (itself) Truth. All that arises is an appearance to Consciousness Itself, a modification of the Conscious Light that is always already the case. All of this is a dream, if you like. It is an appearance in Consciousness Itself. Truth is Very Consciousness (or the One and Only Conscious Light) Itself. Truth is to all of this what the waking state is to the dreaming state. If you awaken, you do not have to do anything about the condition you may have suffered or enjoyed in the dream state. What happened within the dream is suddenly not your present condition. It is of no consequence any longer, once you are awake. If you persist in dreaming, and your point of view remains that of the dreamer and his or her role within the dream, then your possible actions are numberless. But none of them will work to awaken you. They will simply occupy you in the dream. They will modify the dream state – but no action in the dream is the equivalent of waking.
  15. amazing series, last one didn't realise that. Looking forward to another stunner, still remember buying the first one from another Nigel at Psychedelic Dream Temple in what 2000 or 2001? : )
  16. got some lovely tracks on it : )
  17. The new 2011 Winter Magazine is out with another great promo CD at Revolve website, click here : ) The best offer is for the Magazine and its promo CD plus artwork with 10 .wavs posted to you for £5.00 if in UK, £5.70 if in Europe and £6.20 if anywhere else in the world. This includes all postage costs (£1.31 in Europe, £1.82 outside Europe), so it’s good value for a magazine and a CD. You can also get a PDF of the magazine emailed to you for £1 and PDF plus all tracks as high-quality mp3s for £2. Pay a little bit for the mp3s, get it without much hassle and support something that - I hope - benefits yourself. CD INFO: Again some great tunes 1 :: Psymettrix - Imagination 2 :: Dust - Giggity 3 :: Gaiana - Web of Nature 4 :: PsiloCybian - Dumfungled 5 :: Boomslang - Snack Attack 6 :: Dick Trevor - Inside 7 :: Moonweed - @inorbit.com 8 :: Pragmateck - Feel The Light 9 :: Lemonchill - Kenji Ramin‘Dash remix 10 :: 4D - Sucka Psychedelic night-time, morning sound, Goa, Progressive, minimal, whatever your favourite flavour, DJ Photon provides you with a tune to taste, swallow and excite your head. Straight from the UK underground, Psymettrix and Italy's Dust spark your imagination; then the CD goes into more intense psychedelic terrority with the awesome Gaiana; splodgenessabounds with Psilocybian; Boomslang changes the mood towards morning sound and Dickster's inventiveness takes you higher. Moonweed who was on a very early Dragonfly compilation has his first new release for over a decade, updating the recent Goa renaissance. Pragmateck who contacted Photon on myspace continues the Goa feel. Then the CD moves into progressive trance with Ramin'Dash's remix to Lemonchill and finally some more minimal acid-inspired prog with 4D. Get the wavs and paper magazine for true quality for about $10, 7€ including postage rather than shitty downloaded mp3s. MAGAZINE INFO: Fifteenth magazine and twelve promo CD. If you've never got the magazine before, then try it and support underground independent press! Small companies cannot afford high enough advertising costs to make it sustainable long-term so it needs your help to continue. It’s a good magazine and CD, don't be fooled by the cheap price. This magazine's focus is on healing the spirit, and you will be doing yourself a favour if you read the first two articles, possibly four, so make sure you buy the mag and do so! Magazine has features about: Truth of consciousness: written by Avatar Adi Da Samraj; Theta Healing Meditation: about Vianna Stibal's healing technique; The search for happiness through Meditation: written by meditation teacher Dada Jyotirupananda; Integrating the shadow side of personality: written by Ralph Metzner; The Rainbow Family; Danceaid: Giving hope to children around the world; A Tribute to Eight-fingered Eddie: a Goa legend. Tribute to Eight-fingered Eddie: a Goa legend Interviews with: Delysid Karmaceuticals (cover designer); Laughing Buddha; Lucas; Neutral Motion; Cimi; All artists on promo CD: Psymettrix/ Dust/ Gaiana/ Psilocybian/ Boomslang/ Dickster/ Moonweed/ Pragmateck/ Lemonchill/ 4D Label Features on: Blue Hour Sounds; Hadra; Free Spirit Records; Geomagnetic.tv; IONO Music. Summer festival reviews and pics: Sunrise; Ambiosonic; Glastonbury; Boom; Indian Spirit; Waveform; Alchemy. 41 reviews of psychedelic, progressive and ambient CDs and EPs. Give it a try you might just love it The CD is a goodie, so please get the paper copy and promo CD if possible, only £5 UK, £5.70 Europe, £6.20 Anywhere else FROM Get the magazine + promo CD or PDF + m3s here Click where it says and you’ll see the magazine and previous ones available to buy using paypal. Paypal does not require you to join it and you can use all major cards. It is fully protected and encrypted. If you do not want to use paypal please contact me directly at: carryon@revolvemagazine.co.uk FULL WEBSITE here, above link is to save your time I think you will really enjoy the magazine and the CD if you get it, it’s a great read (I've been told) and a fantastic CD (also). Thanks : )
  18. The new 2011 Winter Magazine is out with another great promo CD at Revolve website, click here : ) The best offer is for the Magazine and its promo CD plus artwork with 10 .wavs posted to you for £5.00 if in UK, £5.70 if in Europe and £6.20 if anywhere else in the world. This includes all postage costs (£1.31 in Europe, £1.82 outside Europe), so it’s good value for a magazine and a CD. You can also get a PDF of the magazine emailed to you for £1 and PDF plus all tracks as high-quality mp3s for £2. Pay a little bit for the mp3s, get it without much hassle and support something that - I hope - benefits yourself. CD INFO: Again some great tunes 1 :: Psymettrix - Imagination 2 :: Dust - Giggity 3 :: Gaiana - Web of Nature 4 :: PsiloCybian - Dumfungled 5 :: Boomslang - Snack Attack 6 :: Dick Trevor - Inside 7 :: Moonweed - @inorbit.com 8 :: Pragmateck - Feel The Light 9 :: Lemonchill - Kenji Ramin‘Dash remix 10 :: 4D - Sucka Psychedelic night-time, morning sound, Goa, Progressive, minimal, whatever your favourite flavour, DJ Photon provides you with a tune to taste, swallow and excite your head. Straight from the UK underground, Psymettrix and Italy's Dust spark your imagination; then the CD goes into more intense psychedelic terrority with the awesome Gaiana; splodgenessabounds with Psilocybian; Boomslang changes the mood towards morning sound and Dickster's inventiveness takes you higher. Moonweed who was on a very early Dragonfly compilation has his first new release for over a decade, updating the recent Goa renaissance. Pragmateck who contacted Photon on myspace continues the Goa feel. Then the CD moves into progressive trance with Ramin'Dash's remix to Lemonchill and finally some more minimal acid-inspired prog with 4D. Get the wavs and paper magazine for true quality for about $10, 7€ including postage rather than shitty downloaded mp3s. MAGAZINE INFO: Fifteenth magazine and twelve promo CD. If you've never got the magazine before, then try it and support underground independent press! Small companies cannot afford high enough advertising costs to make it sustainable long-term so it needs your help to continue. It’s a good magazine and CD, don't be fooled by the cheap price. This magazine's focus is on healing the spirit, and you will be doing yourself a favour if you read the first two articles, possibly four, so make sure you buy the mag and do so! Magazine has features about: Truth of consciousness: written by Avatar Adi Da Samraj; Theta Healing Meditation: about Vianna Stibal's healing technique; The search for happiness through Meditation: written by meditation teacher Dada Jyotirupananda; Integrating the shadow side of personality: written by Ralph Metzner; The Rainbow Family; Danceaid: Giving hope to children around the world; A Tribute to Eight-fingered Eddie: a Goa legend. Tribute to Eight-fingered Eddie: a Goa legend Interviews with: Delysid Karmaceuticals (cover designer); Laughing Buddha; Lucas; Neutral Motion; Cimi; All artists on promo CD: Psymettrix/ Dust/ Gaiana/ Psilocybian/ Boomslang/ Dickster/ Moonweed/ Pragmateck/ Lemonchill/ 4D Label Features on: Blue Hour Sounds; Hadra; Free Spirit Records; Geomagnetic.tv; IONO Music. Summer festival reviews and pics: Sunrise; Ambiosonic; Glastonbury; Boom; Indian Spirit; Waveform; Alchemy. 41 reviews of psychedelic, progressive and ambient CDs and EPs. Give it a try you might just love it The CD is a goodie, so please get the paper copy and promo CD if possible, only £5 UK, £5.70 Europe, £6.20 Anywhere else FROM Get the magazine + promo CD or PDF + m3s here Click where it says and you’ll see the magazine and previous ones available to buy using paypal. Paypal does not require you to join it and you can use all major cards. It is fully protected and encrypted. If you do not want to use paypal please contact me directly at: carryon@revolvemagazine.co.uk FULL WEBSITE here, above link is to save your time I think you will really enjoy the magazine and the CD if you get it, it’s a great read (I've been told) and a fantastic CD (also). Thanks : )
  19. The new 2010 Summer Magazine is out with another great promo CD at to revolve website Magazine posted to your house for £1 if in UK, PDF anywhere else in the world, for whatever donation you think is appropriate. The best offer though is for the Magazine and its promo CD posted to you for £4.00 if in UK, £4.60 if in Europe and £4.70 if anywhere else in the world. This includes all postage costs (£1.82 outside Europe), so it’s good value for a magazine and a CD. MAGAZINE INFO: Fourteenth magazine and eleventh promo CD. Again some great tunes 1 :: TechTonic with E-Jekt and Paul Taylor - Just For Kicks 2 :: Hoodwink - Chemical Emotions 3 :: Jocid - Could Have's 4 :: Dirty Saffi - Fucking Wrong Little Fish 5 :: BeatNik - Oracle Machine 6 :: Tripy - The Force 7 :: Project Redux - Chinese Sunrise 8 :: Polaris - Robots 9 :: Protonica - Floating Point (Morning mix) 10 :: Rick Pier O’Neil - Come into my house remix Psychedelic night-time, morning sound, Goa, Progressive, it's an encapsulating compilation of most styles of our scene, something to listen to as you relax into a different sort of headspace at home or on the dancefloor. DJ Photon's take on things! Pushing London and the UK's pioneering sound, tripy yet still rocking are Hoodwink and Dirty Saffi; Jocid's inventive playfulness and more traditional psy style from Techtonic and friends; Beatnik's playful take on early morning sound leads to uplifting Goa from Tripy and Project Redux who contacted the magazine on Myspace. Polaris with his Acid House-influenced morning sound - note, this would have been hypnotic night-time music back in the day - Protonica with a progressive/psy morning beauty and Rick Pier O'Neil aka RPO with a slower deep progressive tune. Get the wavs for true quality for about $8, 8€ including postage rather than shitty downloaded mp3s. If you've never got the magazine before, then try it and support underground independent press! This magazine examines the forces that try to control us and have influenced many parts of the system we live under. An article about the secret societies and their history; the role of the Illuminatists in bringing down Greece; and a piece by a leading light of the free man movement. It's also the 25th anniversary of the Battle of the Beanfield where our right to live a different life was attacked. Interviews with various musicians: Merv from Eat Static, Chromatone, Kaya Project, Hoodwink , Beatnik/ and Kinesis.Plus all artists on the promo CD above. A look ahead to eight of this Summer's festivals, feature on Thailand's trance scene With 32 psychedelic / progressive / electro / ambient reviews Give it a try you might just love it : ) PDF emailed to you if outside UK , just email: pdf [at] revolve magazine.co.uk Please replace the [at] with @ PDFs will be sent on mass every two weeks as running the magazine can be a bit stressful sometimes and this will make it easier. If you want it sooner then please get the mag+CD. At beginning of month and in middle, depending if I'm in country or at festival. The CD is a goodie though so please get the paper copy and promo CD if possible, only £4 UK, £4.60 Europe, £4.70 Anywhere else FROM My link Click where it says and you’ll see the magazine and previous ones available to buy using paypal. Paypal does not require you to join it and you can use all major cards. It is fully protected and encrypted. If you do not want to use paypal please contact me directly at: carryon@revolvemagazine.co.uk I think you will really enjoy the magazine and the CD if you get it, it’s a great read (I've been told) and a fantastic CD (also). Thanks : )
  20. The new 2010 Summer Magazine is out with another great promo CD at www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/index.html Magazine posted to your house for £1 if in UK, PDF anywhere else in the world, for whatever donation you think is appropriate. The best offer though is for the Magazine and its promo CD posted to you for £4.00 if in UK, £4.60 if in Europe and £4.70 if anywhere else in the world. This includes all postage costs (£1.82 outside Europe), so it’s good value for a magazine and a CD. MAGAZINE INFO: Fourteenth magazine and eleventh promo CD. Again some great tunes 1 :: TechTonic with E-Jekt and Paul Taylor - Just For Kicks 2 :: Hoodwink - Chemical Emotions 3 :: Jocid - Could Have's 4 :: Dirty Saffi - Fucking Wrong Little Fish 5 :: BeatNik -Oracle Machine 6 :: Tripy - The Force 7 :: Project Redux - Chinese Sunrise 8 :: Polaris - Robots 9 :: Protonica - Floating Point (Morning mix) 10 :: Rick Pier O’Neil - Come into my house remix Psychedelic night-time, morning sound, Goa, Progressive, it's an encapsulating compilation of most styles of our scene, something to listen to as you relax into a different sort of headspace at home or on the dancefloor. DJ Photon's take on things! Pushing London and the UK's pioneering sound, tripy yet still rocking are Hoodwink and Dirty Saffi; Jocid's inventive playfulness and more traditional psy style from Techtonic and friends; Beatnik's playful take on early morning sound leads to uplifting Goa from Tripy and Project Redux who contacted the magazine on Myspace. Polaris with his Acid House-influenced morning sound - note, this would have been hypnotic night-time music back in the day - Protonica with a progressive/psy morning beauty and Rick Pier O'Neil aka RPO with a slower deep progressive tune. Get the wavs for true quality for about $8, 8€ including postage rather than shitty downloaded mp3s. If you've never got the magazine before, then try it and support underground independent press! This magazine examines the forces that try to control us and have influenced many parts of the system we live under. An article about the secret societies and their history; the role of the Illuminatists in bringing down Greece; and a piece by a leading light of the free man movement. It's also the 25th anniversary of the Battle of the Beanfield where our right to live a different life was attacked. Interviews with various musicians: Merv from Eat Static, Chromatone, Kaya Project, Hoodwink , Beatnik/ and Kinesis.Plus all artists on the promo CD above. A look ahead to eight of this Summer's festivals, feature on Thailand's trance scene With 32 psychedelic / progressive / electro / ambient reviews Give it a try you might just love it : ) PDF emailed to you if outside UK , just email: pdf [at] revolve magazine.co.uk Please replace the [at] with @ PDFs will be sent on mass every two weeks as running the magazine can be a bit stressful sometimes and this will make it easier. If you want it sooner then please get the mag+CD. At beginning of month and in middle, depending on if I'm in country or at festival. The CD is a goodie though so please get the paper copy and promo CD if possible, only £4 UK, £4.60 Europe, £4.70 Anywhere else FROM www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/Shop/main2.htm Click where it says and you’ll see the magazine and previous ones available to buy using paypal. Paypal does not require you to join it and you can use all major cards. It is fully protected and encrypted. If you do not want to use paypal please contact me directly at: carryon@revolvemagazine.co.uk I think you will really enjoy the magazine and the CD if you get it, it’s a great read (I've been told) and a fantastic CD (also). Thanks : )
  21. The new 2010 Summer Magazine is out with another great promo CD at www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/index.html Magazine posted to your house for £1 if in UK, PDF anywhere else in the world, for whatever donation you think is appropriate. The best offer though is for the Magazine and its promo CD posted to you for £4.00 if in UK, £4.60 if in Europe and £4.70 if anywhere else in the world. This includes all postage and paypal costs (£1.82 outside Europe), so it’s good value for a magazine and a CD. MAGAZINE INFO: Fourteenth magazine and eleventh promo CD. Again some great tunes 1 :: TechTonic with E-Jekt and Paul Taylor - Just For Kicks 2 :: Hoodwink - Chemical Emotions 3 :: Jocid - Could Have's 4 :: Dirty Saffi - Fucking Wrong Little Fish 5 :: BeatNik -Oracle Machine 6 :: Tripy - The Force 7 :: Project Redux - Chinese Sunrise 8 :: Polaris - Robots 9 :: Protonica - Floating Point (Morning mix) 10 :: Rick Pier O’Neil - Come into my house remix Psychedelic night-time, morning sound, Goa, Progressive, it's an encapsulating compilation of most styles of our scene, something to listen to as you relax into a different sort of headspace at home or on the dancefloor. DJ Photon's take on things! Pushing London and the UK's pioneering sound, tripy yet still rocking are Hoodwink and Dirty Saffi; Jocid's inventive playfulness and more traditional psy style from Techtonic and friends; Beatnik's playful take on early morning sound leads to uplifting Goa from Tripy and Project Redux who contacted the magazine on Myspace. Polaris with his Acid House-influenced morning sound - note, this would have been hypnotic night-time music back in the day - Protonica with a progressive/psy morning beauty and Rick Pier O'Neil aka RPO with a slower deep progressive tune. Get the wavs for true quality for about $8, 8€ including postage rather than shitty downloaded mp3s. If you've never got the magazine before, then try it and support underground independent press! This magazine examines the forces that try to control us and have influenced many parts of the system we live under. An article about the secret societies and their history; the role of the Illuminatists in bringing down Greece; and a piece by a leading light of the free man movement. It's also the 25th anniversary of the Battle of the Beanfield where our right to live a different life was attacked. Interviews with various musicians: Merv from Eat Static, Chromatone, Kaya Project, Hoodwink , Beatnik/ and Kinesis.Plus all artists on the promo CD above. A look ahead to eight of this Summer's festivals, feature on Thailand's trance scene With 30 psychedelic / progressive / electro / ambient reviews Give it a try you might just love it : ) PDF emailed to you if outside UK , just email: pdf [at] revolve magazine.co.uk Please replace the [at] with @ The CD is a goodie though so please get the paper copy and promo CD if possible, only £4 UK, £4.60 Europe, £4.70 Anywhere else FROM www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/Shop/main2.htm Click where it says and you’ll see the magazine and previous ones available to buy using paypal. Paypal does not require you to join it and you can use all major cards. It is fully protected and encrypted. If you do not want to use paypal please contact me directly at: carryon@revolvemagazine.co.uk I think you will really enjoy the magazine and the CD if you get it, it’s a great read (I've been told) and a fantastic CD (also). Thanks : )
  22. Hope you are enjoying this CD for those who have already got it. Magazine's a pretty good read too, here's a snippet from the Ralph Metzner interview - guy who helped reintroduce psychedelic culture into the west in the 1960s alongside Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, The Pranksters and various others: What do you remember as being the most significant aspects of your first L.S.D experience with Tim Leary? Realising that my perceptions and emotional reactions (such as fear) to other people were in fact my own reactions, taking place within me, and were not inherent in the other people. This insight is not, in itself, particularly new or original, and can be had by anyone, and is, no doubt attained by many individuals in the course of their lives, repeatedly. The psychedelic amplification at the time led to a perceptual experience of this insight, as an all inclusive, omnidirectional spaciousness, open on all sides, yet centred and free to move, that had an unforgettable aura of exhilaration.
  23. The new 2009/2010 Winter Magazine is out with another great promo CD at www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/index.html Magazine posted to your house for £1 if in UK, £1.70 if in Europe, £2.10 anywhere else in the world. This includes postage costs which are 39p UK, £1.21 Europe and £1.68 anywhere else in the world plus paypal costs so it’s not asking a lot. The best offer though is for the Magazine and its promo CD posted to you for £4.00 if in UK, £4.60 if in Europe and £4.70 if anywhere else in the world. This includes all postage costs, so it’s good value for a magazine and a CD. MAGAZINE INFO: Thirteenth magazine and tenth promo CD. Again some great tunes 1 :: Total Eclipse vs Ecosphere - Aztecodogon 2 :: Chameleon vs Temporal Coding - Liquid Tachyon 3 :: Module - Routine Tryptamine 4 :: Archaic - Mystical Aura 5 :: Asimilon - Security 6 :: Rev - Saucy (Skyhighatrist remix) 7 :: Ocelot - Secret Agent Man remix 8 :: Nukleall - Ancient Plants 9 :: Sensient - Tech Message The CD is back to being more eclectic with morning tracks to start, night-time, uplifting morning and finally a minimal progressive one at the end. Some great tunes that I am sure you're going to love. One of the true Goa Trance masters is back, Stephane from Total Eclipse on the first track with Ecosphere, a morning tune with fresh production shining new light on that Goa sound. A reasonably new producer, but emerging talent Alex Chameleon from London and Joe Temporal Coding follows with a morning bubbler. The CD then moves into twilight/night-time terrority with a caustic, wicked-little rocker from the UK's Module and a funky rolling bassline from Greece's Archaic. A heavier night-time tune from the UK's Asimilon who rocked Antaris festival and Skyhighatrist's squidgy effects over the heavyweight Rev and then the US's Ocelot with an intricate deep interpretation of echoing sound. A final morning tune from Italy’s Nukleall and then this eclectic CD ends with a minimal techno/ psychedelic tune from Australia's experimental sound progressive master Sensient. Get the wavs for true quality for about $7.25, 5€ including postage rather than shitty downloaded mp3s. If you've never got the magazine before, then try it and support free press! Various ideas in this one from looking at the birth of 60’s psychedelic culture an interview with Ralph Metzner, the psychologist who experimented alongside Timothy Leary and Richard Albert aka Ram Dass. This touches upon the history of that time, an understanding of L.S.D use and the inferences that can be drawn between its use and the illuminated states of consciousness Tibetan Buddhists have written about. Also an interview with cover artist Martina Hoffmann about ayahuasca, the goddess and her art. And with a yogic monk about meditation and the search for the real you. Label features and interviews with people from: Parvati records / Peak / Doof Records about festival Artist interviews: Total Eclipse / Reality Grid / Vaishiyas Look back at the Summer: Glastonbury / Sonica / Antaris / Glade / Waveform / Alchemy pics and small reviews With 30 psychedelic / progressive / electro / ambient reviews also interviews with the artists on the promo CD. Give it a try you might just love it : ) Magazine posted to your house for £1 if in UK, £1.70 if in Europe (1.9 euros), £2.20 anywhere else in the world. (US$2.86 / AUS$4.21 / 8.42 shekels / 258 Yen Magazine and its promo CD posted to you for £4.00 if in UK, 5 € (£4.60) if in Europe and US$7.6 / AUS$9.89 / 28shekels / 605 Yen (£4.70) if anywhere else in the world. FROM www.revolvemagazine.co.uk/Shop/main2.htm Click where it says and you’ll see the magazine and previous ones available to buy using paypal. Paypal does not require you to join it and you can use all major cards. It is fully protected and encrypted. If you do not want to use paypal or have problems using paypal please send me a personal (not wall) message. If you do not want to use paypal please contact me directly at: carryon@revolvemagazine.co.uk I know you will really enjoy the magazine and the CD if you get it, it’s a great read and a fantastic CD. Thanks : )
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