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  1. Yeah, I was just kidding. In retrospect, I probably shouldv'e posted this in off-topic. Sorry, mates. Although, I thoroughly enjoyed Time Splitters: Future Perfect and have heard good things about Pariah.
  2. No, sorry. No physical killing. EDIT: However, you do pose an interesting question and an avenue I hadn't even looked into yet, that being: Q: Can I make weapons out of invisible energy? A: Probably! However, it wouldn't be very humane. and... Q: Do I have to wear Psi-Gloves when I Psi-Choke someone? EDIT CLOSE: And I only kill bad people. Allow me to clarify: I don't publicly offer these services, i.e. place ads in the newspaper. My stipulations as stated are: I require justification, moral justification, someone who is causing suffering, death and continues to. I can't kill some kid's teacher because he failed Algebra. That's just an example. The payment is negotiable. It depends on who the target is. When the contract is met, deciding not to pay is not negotiable. I wouldn't kill someone over money but, like I said I could make their lives unbearable. This is a Psi kill. The most popular method is asphyxiation/suffocation but, will usually be my whatever means is most opportune. This is done through Telekinesis or what I like to call Teleprojection. A mental projection of phsyical force. It would take forever if you asked me to explain it as I barely half-understand it myself. But, you should understand this is not a physical kill. I am not going to hunt someone down and choke them with my bare hands. I don't need to be anywhere in the vicinity of the target. I don't even need to know what country, state, city, or street they live. It can be anywhere in the world. No pre-payment required. Oh, and by law I probably have to include a disclaimer like: For Entertainment Purposes Only As far as I know, though the witch-hunts and crack-downs on Psi Attacks haven't begun yet. But, then again this is from a world government who has tried and failed to produce any psi kills, or Usama Bin Ladin wouldn't be running around would he? I wonder if I can get a goverment contract on that...?
  3. Janus. Psi Assassin. For Hire - Serious Inquiries Only - Require justification 'I hate my parents and wish they were dead' or something equally retarded is not justification. - Paid on Death (negotiable) If you don't have the money it's probably best not to ask. Think about it. I can make someone's life a living hell without killilng them. -Anywhere in the World, don't need to be in vicinity of target If you think this is wrong you're probably right. That is why I require 'justification' and to clarify it should be along the lines of moral justification. Eye for an Eye cases are negligible but, I prefer Eye for Eyes, i.e. people who have caused mutliple suffering, death and continue to do so, who may put the lives of others in jeopardy. For the Good of mankind, that sort of thing. I do not do parlor tricks I will not kill you I don't mind questions, conversations, etc.
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