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  1. good news, wizzy noise are one of my favorite acts
  2. if the artists sign & aggree....yes...it worth it !!
  3. hehehehe.......yes....& he said i conected to agitato...... sorry but, i conected to facts & truth. traveller & michele are sitting on the tree......K-I-S-S-I-N-G........ p.s i just saw she deleted her last post (13.07)again.......mmm....
  4. looks like this girl didnt lern her lesson in the first time. is she really think that we all stupied????? is she didnt remember what we read before from what she wrote???? lol she wrote on 13.7.05: ...." i see on saiko sounds that they included a tune i asked to be removed. so there are 14 tracks on the album..." she wrote on 6.6.05: ...."this is 14 tracks made with the most killer producers of our scene...." DAAAAAAA...... i think new name will not help michele, i dont think any label will take her after this. who want this kind of crap!
  5. looks nice....good luck guys
  6. totllay aggree!! i must say that michele should contact her lable first. its a shame that she didnt understand her own contract & even worst that she tells some different versions & lies(as agitato publish) looks like this girl need to control her temp. i respect agitato for publish all out & clear to all that they didnt rip her off. as for you traveller yes,i conected to agitato......i buy there cds!!! i think its time that u take your words back. or ,for next time count to 10 before you publish something like that......
  7. anything is good untill i dont remember my name...
  8. mmm...i still wondering why did she delete it from her web page. any idea? p.s i dont need to be connected to no one.....i just see the all pic ..... i dont take any side on this story.....just facts my friend
  9. kabala


  10. sorry....not to me! check her state which i copy paste to here.
  11. p.s as for hippie i think nothing wrong that she write on her privete things.... she just need to be honest !!!!!!! cuz pepole like us read it & get the wrong info..... & she needs to respect US!!
  12. well,looks like no body ripp her off, as she publish....& you my friend opened this topic with a wrong info about her lable dude....
  13. asia 2001 was a great artist i wounder what's he cooked in this new album
  14. i copy paste from her web site to here on the 09.06.05 but after a while its gone & change to a new version on her web page
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