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About ADA

  • Birthday 11/22/1975

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  1. hahahahaha amzing!!!!!!!!! KILLA!
  2. After the 1st panic attack seeing the pictures of the collapsed mainstage: http://www.editorial.tele2.se/mms_se/data_...w4.DSC00161.JPG and hearing the rumours about possible cancellation due to even worse expected weather then is going on right now, things seem to have calmed down. The 2nd stage is running since half about half an hour (19.00 hours CET) in pooring rain....but it's running. As far as possible the organisation will try and rebuild the mainstage to have things up and running on both stages a.s.a.p. For info please check the website of Soulclipse: http://www.soulclipse.com for any updates or check this post ! If you decide to go after all, then prepare well for a very wet week which is expected, and inform yourself well with people that you know are allready there what's the exact situation.....I wish you all goodluck and hope this post helped a bit....all the love and sunshine wished to you all out there from here in Venezuela !!!! For more updates also check: http://forum.isratrance.com/viewtopic.php/.../65395/forum/53
  3. picture of mainstage in turkey, there's an incredible storm going on, weather is insane and expected to get even worse all week, pass this msg to your friends to avoid people going there cause it's possible right now that all event will be cancelled. At least check out with sources that you have that are allready there to know what's going on .THIS IS NOT A JOKE !!!!!!!!!!
  4. I like the track !!! since I hv long time ago without hear anything about MFG... some psychedelic energy no mater if sounds full on or not.. remindme that very old school music for a good trip
  5. Neuromotor - Children Back in the Light upa upa upa upa upa!!! heheehe
  6. Hope you guys enjoy it and plz add any comments that is always welcome! Ada @ Madura Residency - Amsterdam Holland 14-04-2005 01. Earthling vs. Chromatone and Ramdom - Killer dope 02. Hypersonic - Need some help 03. Oforia - Beams of light 04. Wrecked Machines - Spotless mind 05. Intelabeam - Be some body 06. Injection - Are you dreaming 07. Herma - Mali 08. Logic Bomb - Deuchland 09. Hujaboy - Just a freak 10. Intergalactic - Star light 11. Dynamic - Alienaware 12. Audialize - Full on chaos 13. Ananda Shake - Wonderland
  7. I think in general we have to deal with two oposite feelings... to play with pleasure because it is something that grow from your heart and have to pay the bills lol BUt when some organizer are in throubles I have no doub for any second that i prefer to let the things like this and for sure i wouldn´t like to be in his pants... by the way it never happens to me like this but worse... hehehe but this is other story
  8. CAT VON TRAPP >> Reaper Girl in "Return to the Source (Sacred Sites)" VA-1997
  9. OK, try looking for "DIABLO" maybe you like it...
  10. <<::MASTERS OF MASTERS::>> XDREAM>>>RADIO C.O.P.>>>>URBAN ALIEN THE DELTA>SCIZOEFFECTIVE INFECTED MUSHROOM>>>GATHERING / CLASSICAL NO MORE FOR ME...................................................................
  11. Thank you very much guys! We are glad to hear thats positive words about our music. This is what we moves!!!! Best Vibes ;->
  12. ´Course Yes!, but so dark very good bassline structure, so dinamic.... this is a good trip, a good history.... My respect to our Gran Pa Goa trance... 3°
  13. WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simpl3 great!!!!! realy.... such a good track man yes, I want to hear moreee!!!! B:V:
  14. Hi! broths from everywhere! Here is a Dark Psychedelic Trance fron Venezuela!! We are a couple of venezuelan musicmakers_psycheaddicts, so we realy like to recive some feed back from you all..... send us your critic please! Best Vibes OUR SITE::>> http://nostromus.es.mn OUR MP3:::>> http://www.vitaminic.com/cgi-php/src_eng.p...utput_type=HTML (Psybon Track) recomended NOSTROM_US Ada & Blade from south america...
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