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Everything posted by alleycat

  1. Easiest would be to just follow this link to my blog on tribe.net: CCCCCLLLLLLIIIIIICCCCCKKKKKK_____ME!! Streams and DL links available. VISIT www.psystream.net !!! More mixes from other djs available...
  2. Those eggheads... Did you know that the landers they put on Mars are STILL running? Its been like a year and a half, if not more... They were only supposed to run for 90 days... So, NASA can actually DO something RIGHT!!!
  3. Sh'yeah, brah! Like, totally retro, on a serious tip!
  4. Especially when you're a female perv!!
  5. Hell yeah, Jazz Jackrabbit... Got the shareware on a floppy for $1 back in '96... Hooray for Sonic the Hedgehog ripoffs that are actually more fun than the original! (Of course, thats cuz Jazz has a GUN!) COunting down the posts til my CMT....
  6. I love my Ultrasone DJ-1's... http://www.ultrasone.com/htdocs/02_product...bcat=1&id=5 Had a pair of Sony's, MDR-V700's (<--avatar), but after a few hours of wearing them, they started to press on my ears to the point of being painful... The Ultrasone's are around-the-ear types so they don't have that problem. Plus they got surround sound . Now, for that 'dj' on the earpiece....
  7. My first trance CD (sadly, it broke in half long ago...) Eat Static-Abduction (Planet Dog) Purchased used in reasonably good condition around New Years '99 at Amoeba in San Franciso, on Haight.
  8. Just finished recording a prog mix, last track that played was: M-Field-Conceptual THought (Current of Life-Psybooty) US prog FTW!
  9. Kazuku, saw this same post on Isra... hahaha... Im sure we all know at least one or two of all those... And Im sure I can think of a few more...
  10. Hell yeah, NR rocks. Love that kind of shit..
  11. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ You can edit files with that, and record, and tons of other stuff.
  12. not really listening to it, but its stuck in my head: Guinea Pigs-New Kind of Drug (Not Tested on Animals-Zaikadelic)
  13. To hear: Tabla Sitar Djembe orchestra Didgeridoo All the myriad electronic instruments Banjo (ever hear a REALLY good player? Simply amazing...) To play: Bass guitar (bow ba-bow bow Badodoodo DOO! ) Used to like to play clarinet, til I was about 14...
  14. Regarding the Psybertribe cover: Its not THAT bad, is it? Maybe Im biased, as Nikon is a good buddy of mine...
  15. damn Ive been living in a cave... So much new stuff that I want now! But Im broke...
  16. http://www.sendspace.com/file/zq1m1a Guinea Pigs-New Type of Drug (Not Tested on Animals-Zaikadelic) Attoya-Weightless Sensation (Neverending Story 2-Zaikadelic) KDD, Energy Loop, Terranoise-Cyber Force (Peace for the Wicked-OSOM/Tantrumm) Penta-Foggy (Horn Please-Auraquake) Blisargon Demogorgon-Shadows on the Road (Book of Magic-Inpsyde) Ruslan Vs Bombax-Ruki Zaniti (Secret Message-Shamanfilms) Whicked Hayo-Hayo (Psychic Imprint-Ketuh) Kerosene Club-Execute Order 66 (Generator Operator Destroyer-Temple Twister) Para Halu-Vampire D (Engrams: Luminaria 2012-Shamanfilms) Dimitri Zara Vs Synthogen-Escom (Peak-o-Path-Peak) Audiopathik-Una Del Mal ( -D-A-R-K) Isentropic-Wake Up Jigar! (Gorump Peyya Remix)(Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes-Namaha)
  17. Maybe not the BIGGEST list; Shapestatic Primordial Ooze FaceHead Random Derango :posford: Fractal Cowboys :clapping: Horror Place Alien Mental Bodhisattva 13:20 Polyphonia Audiopathik (Wilo) Parus Antix Sun Control Species !! :posford: :posford: Hallucinogen Ott Bluetech Waterjuice Protoculture Pixel Krumelur Psylab Shotu Konflux Well, thats more than I expected... And thats not counting lives I don't know/remember, or ones I slept through (X Dream, Grapes of Wrath, Xyla... *kicks lazy self* ).
  18. Im beginning to believe his face is stuck like that... Every pic of him Ive seen looks like that... Oh wait. Same pic.
  19. IDK but I wouldn't have really believed it, if I hadn't actually seen him do it... Some say LSD, but I don't know. I think its really just the power of his mind. And he's also very spiritual, so maybe there's some meditative aspect to it. Its inspiring to myself as a dj, and I think of that whenever I get tired of mixing after a few hours, 'Just keep going, Gil's more than 50 and he goes for a whole day...' Congratulations, Torsten and Iselin!
  20. the sound of silence, for the first time in 2 nights... Gemini was great...
  21. Canada CALLED my name, and I answered! (August, Godizus Festival :posford: )
  22. HAY I SAWS TEH NIPPLEZZ! Oh... OH!! Oh no....
  23. people.tribe.net/xyla
  24. Just finished digging through my progressive collection, finding the tracks I used in the latest prog mix I posted. Last track that played: POTS-Groove Garden :clapping:
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