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Everything posted by alleycat

  1. Hey if you're in Reno you should hit me up! If Im in town that is. I live in Reno! For groceries, most Burners go to the Albertsons on Keystone Avenue, its right off the freeway, on teh Keystone exit, and is probably the easiest to find, and easiest to get on/off the freeway. Unless you're coming from the east... Also, Twin City Surplus has parachutes, tents, huge water containers, and all sorts of other military surplus stuff, so if you need any of that sort of thing you should check it out. And, check here: http://renoburners.tribe.net , they can direct you to the best stuff in town, whatever you're looking for. Im planning on going to the AUM Festival rather than Burning Man... (funny, Ive lived in Nevada, less than 2 hours from the Playa, for more than 16 years and Ive never been to BM...)
  2. You can get a good ES-1 bass sample here: http://www.triplag.com/4room/viewtopic.php?t=1654 And I have a nice 303 bass sample if anyone wants it... http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...61BF21C12B25165 That one sounds ok on its own but with a bit of tweaking it can be smooth and fat.
  3. It could work! Ive been looking to get a good, small, relatively cheap camera. The one I had, a little Nikon, lens-errored on me... It took some good pics too. I did a stupid ass move and got a cheap $100US camera from a drugstore... BAD MOVE. The thing is good for like, twilight, on a tripod, and even then the pics come out looking like a painting...
  4. I like the idea of making a track in the Amazon...
  5. Honestly its not too bad... Ive heard stuff like it before though... Doesnt really strike me as 'dark' though... But thats me. It takes a lot for something to sound 'dark' to me. Dark is murdering and eating your drummer. Sacrificing animals onstage. Definitely what's in the 'underground' right now... (FYI my comment above was about those names, which seem a little over-the-top... But I guess whatever you wanna call yourself is what you're gonna call yourself. ANd it has nothing to do with the music itself! ) Good luck on your tour.
  6. NP: Claw-Wrong Door (Deadly Alliance-Temple Twister 2006) From THIS mix: CLICK YOU CARP!
  7. To me, ITP. But Im still waiting for my copy of Chemisphere. And, Straydog, try discogs.com, or the for sale/trade section here on Psynews, usually lots of old goa around.
  8. there are walking cities, NYC for example, then there are driving cities, like Phoenix. Try walking around Phoenix and actually getting somewhere... Great pics Abasio! All those were taken with that little camera?
  9. Oooh! Sweet! Always love Rai's tracks on TV comps!
  10. Abomination vs Slug-Bleed (Edge-Nexus Media 2006)
  11. BUMP! Waiting to hear about a live act... Gonna be a good time for sure... Oh, yeah, we're now the Great Basin Trance Collective. (The Great Basin, so called because all the rivers flow inland, rather than to the ocean. They find their way to the open alkali plains, where they evaporate)
  12. NP: Shaman-Structure of Sound From this mix: http://files.vrillusions.com/download.php?..._valentines2007
  13. http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...FAD678A1DE6E8D3 I accidentally posted this one in the Music Promo section... (if you could merge or delete it, mods, Id be grateful! http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=45143 ) Its my best progressive mix so far! Tracks: 9 West-Wake Up (Nuance-Iboga) Behind Blue Eyes-The Epitome (Behind Blue Eyes-Iboga) Freq-Return to the Masters (Antix Remix) (Twin Coast Discovery-Iboga) POTS-Trance Popper (Creating Social Success-Tribal Vision) Fitalic-Liquid Motion (Atomic Atmosphere-Tribal Vision) Dousk-Estrange (After Hourz-Groove Zone) Brisker & Magitman-Single Shot (Trash Art-Tribal Vision) Ace Ventura-Go With Da Flow (Morax Remix) (Think Different-Echoes) Phony Orphants-Mi Corazon (It'cetra-Iboga) Sensient-Sona Arome (AntiFluoro-Zenon) Sunseek-Jet Lag (Set/4 Essentials-Iboga) Kino Oko-Man Upon the Rainbow (Lost Entertainment-Horns & Hoofs) And, the name's a joke! It seemed that some people didn't get it, especially on Isra... I don't really dislike scary people.
  14. One of the guys was on Isratrance a couple days ago, so if they are lost in the forest they at least brought their laptops!
  15. you forgot to add the hahaha at the end. Hahaha!
  16. rock and roll from the Far East, HYENNRO style hahaha...
  17. I added the release and label info, check the first post!
  18. Tumult took a while too... Derango was going to play the Gaian Mind festival in the US this year, but cancelled due to family reasons. So maybe they've got families in Sweden to take care of! Hallucinogenic Horses are Derango and the guy who did the art for Tumult. I think his name is Emil Wenborn, but I could be mixing him up with another... Crazy stuff, a bit fuller than Derango on their own. So far the 2 tracks Ive heard, from Sanatonic Audio and Infernal Intuition, are just NUTS!!
  19. NP: Orestis-Life Rmx (Freshly Squeezed-Tantrumm) From my mix Night Watch
  20. hehe, I got a deal on OK Computer as well, when the local Tower branch went belly-up. To hell with chain record stores anyway. Im glad the internet killed it. That way I only had to pay like $7 USD each for RAdiohead-OK Computer, and Pink Floyd's sountrack to La Vallee.
  21. soon as it comes back in stock, Im getting Fractal Cowboys V Many Faces-Entre Nous, on Manic Dragon. (Im hoping its gonna be restocked!! )
  22. Rawar comes by Triplag, I DLed a track of his earlier but haven't listened to it yet... The others, Ive never heard of... "MASSIVE" "AGRESSIVE" "RAGE" "TWISTED" whoo hoo.... But I'll reserve my opinion til I hear the music...
  23. alleycat


    sweet stuff so far!
  24. its a dancefloor destroyer, man you should have seen it the other day at that party, I dropped this one and everyone was like, WOW! IS THIS THE NEW SKAZI UNRLSD KILLARRGHG!!??? I told them, NO, you fools, this guy would kill Skazi for fun! This is NHJO!! You don't know NHJO??!? He's the new god-emperor of psygoahardmaniacfuxxoredtrance!!
  25. Yeah! Ring mod with reverb and a flanger sounds crazy... (FX chain like this: Ringmod>flanger>reverb, thats what I'd do, or switch the ringmod and flanger, but the reverb IMO should be last so everything before it 'verbs.)
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