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Everything posted by alleycat

  1. I like it, reminds me of old goa in some ways! Keep em coming!
  2. Ovnimoon-Camanchaca oh so nice album!
  3. alright! been looking forward to a Phyx album since I bought The Turning, quite a while ago! The Brethren album is a good one too. South African trance rules!
  4. I really like Drumatic, you can pretty much tweak everything. Its useful for sfx as well, it doesnt have to sound like percussion!
  5. Oracle-Sharing Bacterias from Mandala records compo Universe This song always reminds me of my experiences in Germany in the summer of 05
  6. Hishiryo vs Kiriyama - Nantoka Yattemasu totemo daisuki!
  7. I had a feeling you'd mention reason. Ive messed with it a bit, Im not too sure I like it, even though I know a few people who've had good results. You got the gear, and the softs! Thats a better position than I was in. What really helped me make some real psytrance, is becoming a dj. Ive spent days of the last year listening to psytrance, and its given me a very clear idea of what psytrance is and how to go about making it myself. Love parade! Sounds like me again! I went to a really meaningful party in 2004 and it changed the way I thought about electronic music production, and I went home and made music. I had been messing around for about a year before then with various Trackers. I thought of it as psytrance but I can see now that it was something else, not really anything but a fusion of the styles I was into at the time. Im glad Im not the only one, Ive heard all these testimonials about people, say in Israel, who hear psytrance for the first time and 6 months later they release an album. It was discouraging for a while. But israel has had psytrance as part of the mainstream music for 10 years. Kids have literally grown up on it. Remember the EQs, keep the bass and kick in the low range, the tickaticka hats in the high, and spread the synths whereever you like around in between. Or find something else that works for you! Thats the beauty of music, if you like it, you dont have to care about anyone else's opinion.
  8. Hey! Not bad, sounds kinda goa-ish. How long have you been producing? This sounds like some of the stuff I made when I first started trying to make trance. Super Shammy-total oldschool goa. The kick you use sounds a little distorted, kinda gabberish almost. IDK if thats what you were going for. Very Goa track. Fire Cricket-Kinda reminds me of Midimiliz or Kino Oko. Once again, reminds me of some of my early efforts. Not bad. Dance of the Ion-Nice and melodic, slower, the kick is a little too low. Some Moog-y synths going on. I like that! Tinted Moon-Nice intro! Not a bad little piece, the kick is the same as Super Shammy, gabberish. Nice stringy stuff in the background, though it could be a bit louder, more up-front. Although I do think your tracks could use some better mastering, it sounds to me that you've definitely got potential! What do you use to produce? I used Modplug Tracker when I was starting and it sounded similar, which is to say, not bad but not like psytrance. I dont see your stuff as dancable, but dont be discouraged! It took me 2.5 yrs to make dancable stuff. Even then the mastering wasnt shit. I like a lot of the synths you use, though once again, mastering. Sometimes your sound gets mashed up, too many things occupying the same frequency range. Do you EQ the individual tracks? EQing is a good way to separate sounds, so that its not so much a stew as a perfect piece of sushi, know what I mean? Sure sounds like you're gonna have some killer stuff in the future! Dont be discouraged if no one replies, around here there kinda snobbish. Dont be discouraged, either, if they call it crap. I used to think my songs were label-worthy, then Id post them and hear all about how they sucked. Its a good thing, you have to step back and look at it from another perspective sometimes. Keep it up! Dont spend too much time on one track either, thats a good way to chase your own tail! Keep progressing, destroy mass amounts of creative output if you must. But keep going! Eventually you'll hit upon something, when everything just seems to flow, and fit. Dont stop due to negative feedback either! We all have to deal with being a beginner, and sometimes that can last a long time. For me it was a few years.
  9. Yeah McKenna samples are a bit been-there-done-that. The thing is that there are days and days of McKenna recordings out there. He theorized that the use of Psilocybe mushrooms allowed him to be something like a mouthpiece for the collective mind of humanity, which is why he could talk like Goa Gil plays music; ie for 24 hrs or longer. Hes been recorded doing so. About the album: Not too bad, Ive not had the chance to listen too seriously to it, but what Ive heard is pretty cool.
  10. I like the first one! The colors remind me of mother-of-pearl inside an abalone shell!
  11. Yeah! Although, Id almost hesitate to call some of the songs "dark". A chill song in the middle of the album, too! Ive been into the Doors since I was young, even though the samples are from the movie its still nice to hear. Ride the snake...
  12. this isnt a bad release, Ive heard much worse. It seems everyone has the same opinion about Gosub 20 as they did about Circadians, "his previous one was better." I dont know, I havent heard any more of Freq. Though I like this one. If the other one's better, I should get it too!
  13. Brethren-Mayhem from the album The Legend of Cane Great stuff from the Summs brothers!
  14. This release solidified my love of progressive trance! I dont care if its house or what. I love it! Recently I got a copy of Tegma's previous albium, 002:avant garde, which is a perfect example of hybrid prog, they even use some fullon style basslines. Around the World is FAR better than the previous album. I love all the ethnic-world instruments and samples! Tegma sure likes to have concept albums it seems. Which seems to be a good thing!
  15. Bluetech is pretty dancable, saw him just recently, very nice live chill set! Lots of people were dancing. At the same party there was Shpongle (dj) Ott, Waterjuice, and everyone was dancing to them all. Waterjuice plays some nice experimentalish-downtempo-breakish stuff. I wasnt dancing though, chilling to the chill sounded so much nicer.
  16. Triplag RULES!! Much respect to FungusOK for keeping it full-power!!
  17. hehe, he actually looks bored!
  18. a great album, never fails to get my feet moving. Yes, it is kinda similar, but I dont mind. Im sure it kills dancefloors all the time. The melodic touch to it all is most welcome! Great work Jonathan! Keep it coming!
  19. remember that to get diamonds you first need coal!
  20. mostly from psyshop. Theres some things they dont have, like Golden Dawn records, which Beatspace has. Psyshop is consistent, and fast, it usually takes 6 days to reach Nevada from Germany. Beatspace is cool because theyre relatively new, although they take a while and their packaging is not as sturdy as psyshop.
  21. dark is a matter of perspective. In some parts of this world you may find artists like Kindzadza played during the day, and sometimes you may hear some very fluffy stuff played at night. Its really a matter of preference. WHen thinking of "day" and "night" trance, I always think of metal, which is similar to the harder styles of trance. At a metal festival, the metal doesnt stop during the day, to make way for mellow "morning" metal. So why should the headbanging full power trance stop in the day? A matter of preference. Britney Spears is the dark queen of cheese. No doubt about that, out of that list, shes definitely the darkest. That is true dark music, the real Darkside of the Force. Commercialized bullshit music that is made into pop somehow, by marketing it as pop. If you tell the morons its what everyone likes, some of them are probably going to believe it.
  22. I use renoise tracker for now, which was pretty cheap so theres no reason I would steal it. For a long time I used the demo version though. Not really stealing more like borrowing for a long time. I use the full version now. Until I save enough for a new computer with Cubase!
  23. Its not really the mix of Doom. Unless someone decides to make it into one using magical means. Which is just fine, by me! tracklist metallaxis-symbols and numbers-----dropout cosmo-kindzadza-----insomnia polyphonia-soundforms-----noize conspiracy kindzadza-fight or die-----vertigo naked tourist vs highko-divine blast-----dropout cyanescens-noisy-----alkaloid xyla-cyrenes ghost-----mistress of evil locrian-come the dawn-----illuminati alienetic-intergalactic-----kagdila jellyheadz-capitalist-----tantrumm peacespect vs dejan vs hishiryo-fort europa-----devilsmind kemic-al-vlad dracula-the impaler-----butterfly horror place-buttered toast-----insomnia sofiax vs kindzadza-davai sake-----discovalley http://wa-01.yousendit.com/transfer.php?ac...lic@hotmail.com average bpm 152 length 1:19:12 size 72 megs bitrate 128kbps The link will be available for 13 days from today, Sept 2.
  24. well its very clean sounding, although I have to say its not really my style. Ive never heard the NIN original so I cant say about the remixing. Im sure theres a label out there somewhere that may like your sound. Give it a try!
  25. tegma live set downloaded from somewhere around here... nice set
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