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Everything posted by alleycat

  1. wow, I cant believe no one mentioned the DELAY LAMA!!! GET HIM HERE! this is what your looking for, very clean sound, may very well be what Astrix used, also used by Digital Talk, Phyx, I think Ive heard Infected use the sound, its everywhere if you listen... The pitch bend on the midicontroller controls the vowel.
  2. Ilove derango so much. I first heard them towards the beginning of 04, they posted some unreleased songs on psytrance.us (gone now), Rusakula and New Analyze, which I kind of didnt understand at the time but Ive had them a while and gave them a listen every once in a while. I do understand them now, and their album is one of my prize cds. Their style is so unique, even among other forest trance artists. Their use of off the wall basslines, out of nowhere changeups sending the mind through green dripping viney tunnels, near-confusing squish/crunchy synths... Its like art, an audio painting of a very green forest/jungle, full of little things making their little noises to create an overall symphony of natural life... I think Derango will be remembered and loved for many years to come. Forest trance, to me, is the kind of near-dark, not morning or daytime, definitely night music, but its very lighthearted, the basslines arent ominous even if they are throbbing in your soul. They synths tend to call to mind birds, squirrels, trolls, elves, things of the forest you know? Sometimes melodic, most of the time just squishy and psychedelic. Very benign feeling to a lot of it (see Wizack Twizack, Kluster), very friendly stuff. Good mushroom trance I believe. THis isnt like an official "this is Forest Trance" explaination, just my impression from what Ive heard. Check out anything on Stone Age records to get a good feel for it. To me it just screams out, "play me very loud at night deep in the forest".
  3. SofiaX vs Kindzadza-Davai Sake from DiscoValley's "Hasta las Patillas" is one of the sickest songs I own. Try anything from Dominator, especially the first track on his album, called Paranormal COnnection on Deja Vu. Im sure I could name more if I tried...
  4. well I said other, I prefer a binder-style case to keep them in, but it doesnt matter to me what case the cd's in when I buy it. The digipacks arent bad unless the cardboard has some sort of plastic layer over it, which causes the plastic cd-holder to come off from the backing. Most digipacks dont have this prob though. I do like that digi's take up less room in the cd rack.
  5. KVR VST this site has free and commercial VSTs, including demos of the expensive ones, the Tau demos are hard to use, as they insert white noise every few seconds of playback. Most demos though have time limits in which the synth is fully functional. I dont know of any Tau Pro 2 on the site, the Pro 1 is there for $35 USD. The original Tau is free but not good, there is no ADSR so it sounds sloppy... Everything else you mentioned is there. The VB-1 is free from Steinberg. a good bass vst for a deeper darker style, nice rumbling similar to some russian artists. SOunds alright with minimal tweaking. a good bass for the more progressive style, its sound is more up-front but needs a lot of tweaking. Use a pulse wave and set the octave to the lowest. I use a lopass filter, compressor, and eq with this one.
  6. delay reverb timestretch pitchshift quantize compress expand limit filter chorus flanger phaser lofi distort shape EQ spatialize pan volume width master-EQ more filter more delay more filter more reverb more compress In other words GO CRAZY, wait til the dust clears, then sort out the bodies...
  7. You know when youve been working on the same track too long when.... Everyone at your house knows its subtleties as well as you... The dog begins to harmonize... You say Noon and mean Midnight (happens to me a lot)... You begin to hear the churning of the Cosmos in all the subtones.... When you take off the headphones you can still feel them on your head... You have indentations in the skin in the shape of headphones.... You cant see clearly more than 50 cm in front of your face.... You hear dogs barking at a siren and it provides the one missing link to make the melody perfect...
  8. So Ive been looking at these cd players, from a company called Ion. They only sell them as a package with a crappy mixer without channel EQ's, but thats ok, what I really want to know is, would I be better off saving for some better cd players? I have no experience as a DJ, except for messing around making mixes to listen to in the car or at work with a program called Atomix. I just want a beginner setup to learn to beatmatch with. Has anyone heard any horror stories about Ion? Ion's cdj setup Thanks a lot!
  9. Ableton synchs beats automatically, just drag and drop and play
  10. in my opinion this is a real album, not just a collection of songs. THeres an atmosphere that is carried throughout. I would give it an 8.7/10.
  11. anyone? I know the songs not that bad, cuz no one replied!!
  12. Well I would very much appreciate some feedback on this track. I use Renoise tracker, a program that Ive grown to love. I use vsti's for everything except the percussion which is samples collected throughout the years. Im currently working on a live act with a buddy who plays keys. This song fell out of my head with the force of a sneeze. Almost as if I was channeling another presence... AAnyway heres the song hyperwave transmission yousendit only keeps the file for 25 days. this song has elements of many styles that I love, but I dont want to bias anyones opinions by describing them....' listen for yourself! joe_kastelic@hotmail.com
  13. Ive found that steinbergs Neon can make some pretty decent basslines, with compression, EQ, and some filters, I usually use at least 2 filters and sometimes an expander. Play around. Never forget the Delay Lama! That ah ah ah and ooeeaaaaaauuuuuuiiiiii are un mistakeable.
  14. alright since no one said anything I assume no one wants to download wavs, so heres one of my songs in MP3 threading the loop mp3
  15. another, "Threading the loop" slower, 140 bpm lighter, mellower. threading the loop
  16. I dont really like to try and categorize my music, I think the listener should just decide whether or not its good. SO anyway feel free to let me know how you like it, I have many more songs but I dont really want to spend forever uploading them. Im sure Ill get around to most of them eventually. For now its called " ferrous oxide " https://s17.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2LV9TB2...GB2WUU5HVFEWPF4 heres another one, I call "7 Samurai" 7 Samurai Im a quality freak, I dont believe in mp3's But do you think anyone would download more if I converted (perverted)? I havent thought of a pseudonym yet. My names joe, that should do... joe_kastelic@hotmail.com
  17. I use Renoise tracker, Ive been using trackers since Impulse, I love it, it can do more than I ever dreamed a tracker could do. a bit awkward if youve never used a tracker. Ive managed to get a good bass from Steinbergs Neon, with compression, filter, eq, sometimes an expander.
  18. havent got into the pack yet, just wanted to say thanks for keeping it free!
  19. I am in love with Renoise
  20. great sound! Very clean and very psychedelic, even the tech one! I like that you dont sound like all the rest. Refreshing!
  21. I'll help if I can, I learned by myself. My way of doing things might not be what someone else would do.
  22. very nice indeed, very clean sound, groovy even. Mantis Mentis is a good song the way it is! But if you want to make it better, its your decision.
  23. Hey does anyone know what happened with Psytrance.us? Ive tryed to get to it but it seems to be gone, which is disturbig. Those assholes who run our country are dead scared of anything out of the ordinary, especially if its popular internationally. You see, America wants to be the only thing any American thinks of, as if there were no other world out there. We can stay nice and comfy deluding ourselves that the rest of the world loves us and we're doing everything poissible to help fix the wrongs in the world. But anyone with half a brain can see that theyre just trying to hold on, oh so desperately, to that magic moment that came and went more than 40 yrs ago, I mean the cold war, when everyone looked up to the government unquestioningly for guidance and accepted its word as God's law. all the rich want to stay rich and live forever like they do now, all the businesses want the status quo to remain the same, no matter what happens to the rest of the world. It makes me sick to think that things like this are carried out in my name. To all you international friends, do not despair that Americans are all idiots, rich, fat, living in their bubbles. Sadly thats about 85% off the population. There are those of us that look to the future, though, a bright borderless future. And never trust ANYTHING said by any member of our government, all they want from your countries are money and resources! But dont be depressed about it, the fuckholes of the world will ultimately have to face the karma they avoid so steadfastly. They'll get whats coming just like all the rest of us!!
  24. Well I can tell you that it works very well for me, though Ive been using trackers since '97 about, I started on Impulse, moved to Modplug then discovered Renoise. The native effects of Renoise IMO are well worth whatever hardship it takes learning the interface. I have no trouble at all making psytrance, though its only recently that Ive worked out all the bugs in my production style. The tracker tends to produce very quiet songs, so if you want to use it be sure to up the gain on the master track and EQ everything. Also the stereo expander works wonders for bringing out certain tracks. The automation feature is great, it gives that live-effect-modulation feel, and is VERY easy to understand. Renoise supports just about every VST I've ever downloaded, though I cant say Ive tryed any commercial VSTs with it, though Im sure it works just as well. I try and use only the native effects, as they are not really VST but DSP, IMO much better sounding. What may I ask is the drawback to using samples? And why would that hinder making psy? Renoise also has live recording, midi suppoirt, ASIO, etc... Cheap, effective, great sounding, just a bit more complex than Cubase or Reason.
  25. I use Renoise Tracker. Not the easiest to learn if you dont know anything about trackers, but if you know what your doing, IMO its the absolute best, full VST support, full sample editing, native effects, whatever you need.
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