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Everything posted by alleycat

  1. Samples sound alright, different sound, sorta like a blend between older Tegma and 'Around the World...' Tegma. Would have to hear it on more than just these laptop speakers, to really tell, but I think it sounds promising!
  2. I jus DL unrlzd kila trakk of Erez w/Skazi and Eskimo you wan!?
  3. I can totally agree, that Ive lost a lot of the experimentation, my old stuff was so varied, some of it was like hard crashing mechanoid techno, some really cheesy, sometimes just odd... Nowadays its odd, and mechanoidal, but thats the way I intend it, rather than happening on the sounds through random experimentation. Sometimes, though, Ill break outside the box and make some crazy chill-breaks track, or a Kino Oko-ish weirdo-tech track, or just go crazy... One of the first tracks I ever made, I was like 17 using Impulse Tracker. I had recorded a buddy of mine saying 'Die' using the basic Windows sound recorder, then reversed it. Used that as the main... Umm... Rhythm-designator I guess, not really a beat... Then I looped him laughing over it. Ahahah-hahahA with Eid! Eid! Just thought I'd share one of the weird things I've tried... Before I really understood psytrance, to make a bass, I'd take a sweep or something and, using Modplug Tracker, manually enter 00/64/00/64 in the volume, basically a ghetto gate. Sounded alright, but nothing like psytrance... Listening to my old tracks, they all seem to be techno rather than trance despite the fact that I was really, really trying to make trance... But I didn't really have the understanding of psytrance and electronic music production that I do now. Looking back, I believe that since 1998, I've spent at least a good year of that time just sitting at the computer messing around with music. And I'd not trade it for anything!
  4. Yeah, man, I dunno if Ive said thanks yet, but THANKS A TON! Helped me discover a whole new galaxy of techno/techtrance to help fill up sets! Not just psy-tech styles either, following Digital Diamonds links (which I'd probably never have thought to look at if not for Ektoplazm) to other tech netlabels... Still a whole lot of digging to do... :posford: x10000
  6. A great author, great ideas well ahead of his time! I think you'll quite enjoy the rest of the book! Even if it is on audio. Nice mix, listening now!
  7. I feel the same way. When I saw Bluetech live it was A-FREAKIN-MA-A-ZING. But then, listening to S&S at work, I just... Couldn't get into it... Right now, Im listening to this: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?sh...mp;#entry850800 np: 1. Side Liner _ "Morning Dewdrops" (Cosmicleaf Recordings)
  8. +1 Didn't Oakenfold have a psy or goa mix back in the day?
  9. +10000000 5am, outside Los Angeles, right after Horror Place... Perfect time for that sound! (no pics, sorry, unless you count the blurred darkness as a 'picture'....) And I as well have a copy I'd be willing to let go for the right price.
  10. IMO: Perfect Album: Pink Floyd-Animals :posford: as for psytrance... I think everyone else mentioned every perfect psy release.
  11. No, no, I was just naming what I use. You of course can use .au files, right? Renoise will run those? (Ive never tried...) If not, you can always sample them. Use whatever you like, but if its hardware, commercial, or other than Windows OS, just render whatever to a sample(s).
  12. FREE CUJO!! FTW!!! You know you just made my day with this!
  13. Tiesto!? NO! No fluffed out uberclubtrance here. Just warm nice memories...
  14. oooh, I love Heinlein and that book! d/ling!
  15. I once got up at like 10am, started working on a track, and by the time I was satisfied it was like 10pm, I hadn't eaten, drank any coffee or anything. I could swear it was only like 2 hours I was working on it... A whole lost day, but gained a track! This was back when I was trying to make something akin to fullon, so it ended up being a mellow morning smokin' track.
  16. Here's a basic bassline the way I do it, just a basic D bass, D kick. Feel free to tweak and change whatever. Its pretty rough, I just busted it out in like 2 minutes. But its a good example. (Made using v1.9, update if you haven't!) http://www.sendspace.com/file/6vn82y Maybe, we could start out with just one pattern, one person could add/change something, pass it on, add more patterns, pass it on, add some synths or whatever. Open ended is the name of the game! Craziness is encouraged, so long as it sounds relatively decent (or not, Im sure some of us can clean up dirty sounds).
  17. I use mainly VSTs... Haven't bothered with hex since Modplug Tracker all those years ago... And Im afraid Ive forgotten... Anyway I get pretty decent sound from free VSTi's. Which can all be had here: http://www.kvraudio.com Great and comprehensive search engine. You can also find pretty much anything in VST or AU format, as well as hosts and utilities and more and more... Ive spent hours on there and barely scratched the surface... A good list of VSTi's that I use frequently: Synth1!! (Best Ive found for those crackly mechanoidal lysergic lines, crank that FM! Be sure to get v1.07.) reFX Claw (Pared WAY down version of reFX's famous commercial, Vanguard. Basic but effective!) EZPoly (Yeah, just like it says, a really easy to use polyphonic) Crystal (Excellent sweeps and atmospheres, takes a bit to get used to the strange interface though) Delay Lama (Everyone knows this one, I try not to use it often, as its too... Too played out, and too noticeable.) Steinberg Neon (Nice analogish sounds, and a nice bass if you're so inclined) Drumatic 3 (Drum kit, customizable to all hell) EVM Isotope (Tons of nice presets, and tons of room for tweak-ification) INTRO (Really, really nice sounds, though, they tend to be very soft. W/Renoise v 1.9's Maximizer its all good though) MDA JX10 (Pretty basic but some nice sounds) Microgram M1 (Good Moogish analogish type rackmount-emulation) Sequin (Fully tweakable arpeggiator) There are so many more... So many odd strange instruments (check out those made by Krakli )... Some are just basically SFX generators, some are soundfont loaders, some are samplers... etc. These I mentioned are pretty much all I frequently use (besides the Delay Lama).
  18. great mix! Nice to hear other styles of trance, I listen to so much psytrance... Im not tired of it or anything, but something new is always welcome! Thanks! Diggin this track: 6.) Rodion - Luna Dark (Oliver Koletzki Mix) - Gomma Records
  19. Earsugar-Stay That robotic synth underlying the lead (if you know what I mean), oooh, I love it... Such the perfect morning prog track, energetic but smooth, melodic but trippy... B)
  20. ^^ Just got that one too, sounds good! Last thing I listened to was Terranoise-Demons of the Night. For some reason this track makes me think of oldschool Israeli stuff, but fast and with that Terranoise bottom end he does so well.
  21. Not to burst anyone's bubbles but I think Xyla's into girls... Lucky for Tatsu! Haha, gear goggles, sounds about right! Totally know exactly what you mean.
  22. :posford: :posford: d/ling now!
  23. A nice morning-feeling to this one... Nice, crisp, smooth, and trippy! BBE-Excerpts From Dreams (Behind Blue Eyes-Iboga) Earsugar-Stay (New Order-HOMmega) Perfect Stranger & Pena-Ode Ao Sol (Uncharted-Flow) Cafu-FX Juice (Wake Up-Plusquam) Liquid Soul-Crazy People (Synthetic Vibes-Iboga) Freq-Spacehanger(Strange Attractors-Iboga) Vibrasphere-Capsize (Think Different-Echoes) Nyquist-Singularity (Freq revision) (Set/6:Evolved-Iboga) BBE v Perfect Stranger-Diamond in the Rough (BBE mix) (Dawn:Summer Collection v2-Iboga) Side-A-Synopsis (Afterhourz-Groove Zone) Antix-Le Lascard (Embark Rmx) (Slow Release-Open) POTS-Eifelgold (Creating Social Success-Tribal Vision) POTS-Polish Lips (Urban Legends-Tribal Vision) http://www.sendspace.com/file/45t51d Also uploading this to Psystream, so if you miss the D/L you can still hear it over there. Edit: Alright! For some reason the normal download link over on Psystream, the little blue arrow next to the name, hasn't been working. But I figured a way around it! Just save the URL right after uploading, before posting the mix. Voila! : http://psystream.net/mixes/misc/Activation.mp3 Right-click-save-as (permanent link!)
  24. Just listened to POTS-Polish Lips (Urban Legends-Tribal Vision) at the end of a nice prog mix. :posford:
  25. $400 for 2 louds and an amp, both the amp and the louds blew when a hardcore dj was drunk and cranked the highs. I leave for 5 minutes...
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