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Everything posted by Ormion

  1. +1 And the only way to prove that is to post again this masterpiece. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1xeEGdX3w4
  2. Do you know what 'interpretation' means? If a cover shows buddha you can't interpret that it shows devil. It's Buddha. It's a fact. If a track's title is Time & Space and you interpret Satan Loves you, it's your problem not the artist's. Bottom line. You're a typical darkpsy hater. You use all the arguments haters use and can't back up your facts. I hate to be a darkpsy defender, especially since darkpsy isn't even my favorite psy genre, but it's sad that in 2011 there are still people who bash darkpsy as random noises-satan music. If you don't like it that's ok. But please next time use valid arguments.
  3. As a longtime darkpsy follower I have to disagree. Like Rotwang said the vast majority in darkpsy is about science/pseudoscience, drugs, eastern culture and yes darkness, but not in the evil way.
  4. That is your opinion. Saying that darkpsy is satanic or random though isn't an opinion. It's bullshit.
  5. Like I said a million times before the satanic/horror darkpsy groups are like the 5% of the genre. Maybe even less. Calling a whole genre satanic by judging that 5% is moronic, plain and simple. Apparently visine has ZERO knowledge about darkpsy and he's just trolling.
  6. You know it's fascinating that both me and Rotwang, two darkpsy fans that have bought and listened hundreds of darkpsy albums all these years can't find that satanic/devil albums/groups you mention, but people who don't like darkpsy seem to know every one of them.
  7. NONE darkpsy is random. The only random music I have ever listened in my life is noise music. Anything else can't be random as long it follows a pattern. This is random http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ9s3rzJm40 this is not http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjZiANLSAt4 It's not something subjective. It's about correct use of the english language. Random=•lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance; "a random choice"; "bombs fell at random"; "random movements" About the random generators. The effects may come from a random generator, but the arrangement not. Hence it's not random.
  8. Visually is a masterpiece, but it's way too long for its story. The last hour is really boring and unnecessary and the graphic sex completely out of place for a movie like this.
  9. UX are not called darkpsy, they called Dark Goa. Because it is Dark Goa. Just like dark psy is Darker Psy. And that Erlkoenig track is a masterpiece. It's what PSYtrance it's all about.
  10. Darkpsy ain't trying to be dark. It ain't trying to be anything. It's just a music. The Delta track I posted is trying to be dark. From the darkpsy you've heard can you name me one track that it's trying to be anything else, besides a fast, aggressive, fx madness music? And because we're gonna end in the name again. It's darkpsy because it's darker than most of psy genres. It's darker than full on, darker than goa, darker than prog, darker than suomi. Hence darkpsy.
  11. I honestly can't see how darkpsy trying too hard to be something that it's not. It's fast, aggressive music made for the night. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't get how all the haters (not refering to you) got the idea that darkpsy is music that trying desperately to sound evil or pitch black.
  12. Awesome darkpsy/forest there. I guess you're a satanist junkie as well.
  13. Procyon the 'mongoloid' wasn't about you. It was about everyone that trying to bash darkpsy use the 'satanic' argument. And for those who say that darkpsy producers who use scary/evil themes in their music are angry teenagers I can only post this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4sRBja6Hho Scary melodies: check Babies crying: check People suffering samples: check Skull: check Haunted Mansion: check But no that ain't cheesy! How can be? It's made by Delta! We love Delta! I want Delta to have my babies! BTW that's my favorite Delta track, but if 'evil' darkpsy is cheesy this is 10 times cheesier.
  14. I wasn't talking about this thread nor you. But it's something I would gladly put it as my signature, cause in every forum where's a discussion about darkpsy there will always be a mongoloid saying that darkpsy is satanic and blah-blah. There's a huge thread about that in Isratrance for example. If you're gonna bitch about darkpsy do it. But do it using valid arguments (high bpms, no melodies, fart noises), not arguments that came out of your ass.
  15. What really piss me off is when people use the 'satanic' complain about darkpsy. I buy 4-5 darkpsy compilations/albums per month the last 7 years and I can definitely say that the darkpsy producers that use satanic elements in their music are like the 5%. And even in that 5% not all of them are using it in a cheesy way. So to anyone who calls darkpsy satanic: STOP DOING IT! It makes your point invalid and you a troll without real arguments. Thank you
  16. Not that I'm an expert, but I respectfully disagree.
  17. Darkpsy as we know it started by Parasense. Of course Parasense were influnced by older artists and X-Dream was one of them. I also believe that darkpsy producers are the most talented artists in our scene.
  18. Ormion


    That's amazing! Basilisk are you a professional photographer?
  19. I'm just talking about the music. I never-never-never cared what lyrics say in my life.
  20. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJfhGL0F6LE Listen to the whole song. It's a work of genius.
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