What's with the bassline fetish? So it has full on bassline, who cares? I personally was never too fond of MFG, but i think it will be best to wait and hear the actual album and then get pissed of it (which will probably happen)
The isratrance moderators tend to get biased.
Check my last reply.
This kind of topics usually gets closed immediately there. And this one lasts for 12 pages already. I am not justifying X-Noise, i am just pointing out that if it had been any other artist the topic would have been locked pages ago.
Here are some links to NHJO works:
And his homepage:
1. CDs that spinned in your CD-player the most (artist albums).
Shpongle - Nothing is Lost
2. CDs that spinned in your CD-player the most (compilations).
Unusual Suspects 2
3. Best label.
Twisted Records
4. Live acts that impressed you the most.
5. Live acts that disapointed you.
6. DJs sets that rocked your dancefloor.
Profane's Euphoria
7. DJs sets that made you leave the dancefloor.
Dj Dede
8. Best party.
Triac/Nasa somewhere in the desert in Israel
9. Best festival.
10. Best deco.
11. Best drink/beverage.
Vodka + Red Bull
12. Best drug/trip.
13. Best moment/experience.
Meeting a girl i was in love with 3 years ago
14. Worst moment/experience.
Skazi live
15. Best non-psy.
Pink Floyd