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Frontier Psychiatrist

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Everything posted by Frontier Psychiatrist

  1. Pwned. I myself using a vintage Neumann for my online chats.
  2. I have pictures of you playing with B-Bass. They will cost you as well.
  3. Colin, the schizophrenics support group is tomorrow, you came too early
  4. Actually it had a very positive effect on my sex life. I have less erections now, hence, i get less reasons to get depressed. Thank you Skazi!
  5. My mom always told me that i have a lot of potential.
  7. I have their sperm sample where do i send?
  8. I am not really fond of his albums. Lots of great single tunes here and there. But the albums lack the flow and coherence IMHO.
  9. I can still ban your ass. And it is a cute one, innit?
  10. Mark Shagal and Antonio Gaudi. 2 very famous that made quite psychedelic work without touching any hallucinogen ever. Gaudi's work: Shagal's work:
  11. It's a bit like here in Israel. We have 20% Arab population and when we see them on parties it's usully like "where did he come from?" Not being a racist or something but for some reason the arabs that come to a party don't really believe in PLUR. Which is shame really
  12. It's not Um Kul Tum, it's Ofra Haza. And i only remember Choopie and Jez remix and recently Tikal sampled it.
  13. The names aren't important. There are people.
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