Well this 5 page discussion ignited my curiousity.
Not everyday i hear about a psy trance CD that carries some sort of a message, so I've downloaded it, started to listen and spotted some obvious Skazi influences (guitars, kick+hat combinations but unfortunatelly no reversed kicks...)
Total lack of any coherent structure or buildup, fast BPM, lots of screams and noises. Samples that i just ignored, cause they are as relevant to the music as my pudel's farts over a Mozart recording.
To sum things up:
I couldn't care less for political views of some guy in Sweden, but the music doesn't have any message. It's hollow, messy and gave me a headache almost as strong as the last Ka Sol album did.
I can only feel sorry for people that will be tripping in a party and hearing this nightmare music. One way ticket to the asylum.
Give me Paranormal Attack over that any day.