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-----------------------------------------------------(English)----------------------------------------------------- OpenMind Festival News; June 15th 2011 * Complete Line-up available! * Sustainable Mind Plan * General Information * Tickets 1: Complete Line-up available! The mission of the festival is to create individual and global change by creating spaces to allow the blooming of our children’s hearts and the experience of a new healthy, balanced and sustainable way of living. To achieve this, a large variety of visionary activities are planned on site! Organic Joyous Music, Conscious Workshops, Lectures, Yoga, Visionary Arts, Healing Area, Enchanted Forest, Lucid Cinema, Positive Ceremonies, Animations and Performances, Kids Village, Sweat Lodge, Giant Labyrinth. We never get bored at OpenMind! August 9-10-11 and the morning of the 12th will be focusing on workshops, yoga, visionary arts, acoustic music, conferences, sweat lodges, healing area, labyrinth, performances and animations as well as other activities, which don’t involve amplified music (with the exception of a few hours of amplified music on Thursday evening). Amplified music officially starts on Friday the 12th in the evening. A "Celebration opening" ceremony will be held on Friday evening; this will mark the beginning of the more festive days, while still focusing on well-being and balance. All activities on site are free, unless specified otherwise (very rare) Consult the General schedule HERE or on our website at www.openmindfestival.com. Specific Line-ups Click on each title to learn more about the area and see the line-ups, or visit our website, "2011 line-up" section * Crystal Lagoon Stage: Sunny Organic Music; World Music, Dub, Goatrance, Trance, Tribal, Progressive electronic, Psytrance & other positive and lively musical styles. * Cosmic Glade Stage: Ambient and Mystic Music; Acoustic and Djs; Downtempo, Psybient, Ethnic, Indian, Cosmic, Chants, Kirtans as well as other spatial and ambient music styles. * Consciousness Hut; Workshops, Lectures, Yoga; Many workshops and conferences on a variety of conscious subjects. * Healing Area: Cares, Healing, Meditation; A care-giving village, a small city of Well-being, a peaceful, calm, happy and natural place * VisionART; Visionary Art exhibition and Body Painting Competition * Giant Labyrinth; Initiatory "Labydream" day and night * Lucid Cinema; Conscious documentaries, visionary movies and projections * Enchanted Forest; A forest twinkling with magic, Ecstatic surprises, Pure contemplation * Animations and Performances; Stunning, fantastic and surprising animations and performances * Kids Village; An entire village is built and organized specially for our fantastic little ones! * Positive Ceremonies; Traditional and Neo-shamanic ceremonies from different cultures. Non-Invasive positive rituals of openness, joy and liberation. * Sweat Lodge; Traditional native sweat lodge from August 9th to 13th. * Temple; Grounding Space * Community Kitchen * Artisans and Restaurants village 2: Sustainable Mind Plan OpenMind Eco-Festival; A Green Event OpenMind is first and foremost a way to create the change in order to usher into a new, balanced, sustainable and healthy era ! OpenMind Eco-Festival is fully committed to sustainable development in order to create a positive impact on the planet and its inhabitants. It is only with the participation of each and every one of us that this vision can come true. In the "environment" section on our website, you can see how you can contribute and increase the well-being of our planet, our festival, and ourselves! You can also take a look at the sustainable development plan (Sustainable Mind) as well as the actions spawned by OpenMind in order to bring about our communal vision, which is to create a positive impact on the earth and its inhabitants. Together, we have the power to create change; joined we are much more powerful than the sum of each of us ! OpenMind Eco-Festival's Vision Burst current paradigms to usher in a new sustainable and free era. Create an important positive impact on the environment, societies and global consciousness. OpenMind Eco-Festival's Mission Create individual and global change by creating spaces to allow the blooming of our children’s hearts and the experience of a new healthy, balanced and sustainable way of living. Sustainable Mind Objectives 2011 : Carbon positive event. Transcending 75% of our violations to the 4 Natural Step sustainability principles. 2012 : Zero-Waste and Carbon positive event. Transcending 90% of our violations to the 4 sustainability criteria. 2013 : Sustainable event. To create an important positive impact on the environment, societies and global consciousness. What You can Do See HERE what you can do to contribute to the Sustainable Mind plan and help to create an important positive impact on the planet and its inhabitants! Eco-Camping Guide In 2010 OpenMind Festival created the Eco-Camping Guide, to help you reduce your negative impacts during outings. Did you know that during a festival/conference, each participant will produce an average of 10kg of waste per day, which is 5 times the amount during daily life! Did you know that each participant will produce an average of 640kg of greenhouse gases, which is equivalent to the emissions of a mid-size car running for a month! (USEPA, 2000-2003). The Eco-Camping Guide was created specially to help reduce your negative impacts during outings and festival, as well as to help during daily lives. Sustainable Mind; Our Sustainability Plan Sustainable Mind is our tool to realize our common vision to create an important positive impact on the planet and its inhabitants. See here all details about and what are the actions taken from the festival. All information on our sustainability plan Sustainable Mind on our website at www.OpenMindFestival.com, "environment" section. 3: General Information on the festival Our website was recently updated to show more information on the festival and our activities. Here are some important points to consider for the festival: * No disposable dishes or cups will be distributed on-site, please bring your reusable dishes and bottles. * No non-biodegradable soap is allowed on festival grounds. * Special on-site discounts for those coming by bicycle, bus or car pool (4 per car) * Parking fees are matching those needed to compensate the carbon emissions of your vehicle for coming to the festival. Detailed fees available soon. * Leave no trace. Pack-in, pack-out; Take back out everything you bring in. * No animals allowed on site. * Bring your musical instruments!! Consult our "Information" section on our website to learn more about general information and about: * Camping, Hotels and activities * Parking, vehicles and motor homes * Food and kiosks * Advices 4: Tickets June priced tickets are presently available online on our website or in our points of sales in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Sherbrooke, Quebec and St-Jérôme. Be quick, prices are going up starting on July 1st! * 4 Days tickets are valid from August 13th to August 16th 8 Days tickets are valid for the entire duration of the festival There are no 1-2-3 days tickets Free for children under 13 years old * Tickets Include: o Festival entry o Camping and Showers o All activities on site (Workshops, Conferences, Yoga, Sweat Lodge, Treatments in the healing village, Kids village, VisionART, Music, Labyrinth, Conscious cinema, Animations and all other activities on site; With the exception of a few rare activities which will be announced prior to the event) o Water is free on site (Bring your bottle, no plastic bottles will be distributed on site) * Tickets do not include: o Parking fees (Parking fees will be directly related to the cost of offsetting the emissions made by your vehicle to come to the festival. Between 2$ and 12$. More details soon) o Meals (Many food stands will be on site, and a community kitchen will be set-up) All details on our website, "tickets" section. All details on www.OpenMindFestival.com -----------------------------------------------------(Français)----------------------------------------------------- Nouvelles OpenMind Festival; 15 Juin 2011 * Liste complète des activités maintenant disponible! * Plan OpenMind Durable * Informations générales * Billets 1: Liste complète des activités maintenant disponible! La mission du festival OpenMind est de créer le changement individuel et global par l'épanouissement de nos coeurs d'enfants ainsi que par l'expérience d'une nouvelle manière de vivre durable et équilibrée. Afin de réaliser cela, une grande variété d'activités visionnaires sont prévues sur le site du festival!! Musique Organique Joyeuse, Ateliers Conscients, Conférences, Yoga, Arts Visionnaires, Aire de Bien-Être, Forêt Enchantée, Cinéma Lucide, Cérémonies positives, Animations et Performances, Village des enfants, Tente de sudation, Labyrinthe géant. On ne s'ennuie pas à OpenMind! Les 9-10-11 et 12 août AM seront très axés sur les ateliers, yoga, arts visionnaires, musique acoustique, conférences, cérémonies, tente de sudation, aire de guérison, labyrinthe, performances et autres activités ne nécessitant pas de système de son amplifié (À l’exception de quelques heures jeudi le 11 août en soirée). La musique amplifiée débute officiellement vendredi le 12 août en soirée. Une cérémonie d'ouverture de Célébration aura lieu vendredi PM; qui ouvrira les jours plus festifs, toujours axés sur le bien-être et l'équilibre Toutes les activités sont gratuites sur le site à moins d'avis contraire (Très rare) Consultez l'horaire global du festival ICI ou sur notre site web au www.OpenMindFestival.com Horaire spécifique Cliquez sur chaque titre afin de visionner les détails, ou bien visitez notre site web, section "Activités au festival 2011" * Scène de Musique Lagon Cristal: Musique Organique Joyeuse; Acoustique et Djs; Musique du Monde, Dub, Goatranse, Transe, Tribale, Progressive électronique, Psytranse et autres styles musicaux positifs et vivants * Scène de Musique Clairière Cosmique: Musique Ambiante et Mystique; Acoustique et Djs; Musique Ambiante, Cosmique, Downtempo, Ethnique, Indienne, Psy-ambiante, Chants, Kirtans et autres styles musicaux spatiaux * Hutte de la Conscience; Ateliers, Conférences, Yoga; Plusieurs ateliers et conférences sur une variété de sujets conscients * Aire de Bien-Être: Traitements, Guérison, Méditation; Un village de soins, une petite cité de Bien-être, un lieu paisible, calme et heureux, en nature * VisionART; Exposition d'art Visionnaire et compétition d'Art corporel * Labyrinthe Géant; Labyrêve initiatique jour et nuit * Cinéma Lucide; Documentaires conscients, films et projections visionnaires * Forêt Enchantée; Forêt scintillante de Magie. Surprises extatiques. Pure contemplation * Animations et Performances; Animations originales, fantastiques, surprenantes et ahurissantes * Village des Enfants; Un village entier est construit et organisé spécialement pour nos fantastiques petits * Cérémonies Positives; Cérémonies traditionnelles et néo-chamaniques de diverses cultures. Rituels non accaparants positifs, d'ouverture, de joie et de libération * Tente de Sudation; Sweat Lodge traditionnel du 9 au 13 août * Temple; Espace d'accompagnement ouvert tout au long du festival * Cuisine Communautaire * Village d'artisans et restaurants 2: Plan OpenMind Durable OpenMind Éco-Festival; Un événement Éco-Responsable OpenMind c’est d’abord et avant tout un moyen de créer le changement afin de basculer dans une nouvelle ère équilibrée, durable et saine ! L’Éco-Festival OpenMind est vivement engagé dans le développement durable afin de créer un impact positif sur la planète et ses habitants. Ce n’est qu’avec la participation de tous et chacun que cette vision pourra se réaliser. Voyez sur notre site web comment vous pouvez contribuer et améliorer le bien-être de la planète, du festival, et le votre! Vous pourrez aussi voir le plan de développement durable (Le plan OpenMind Durable) ainsi que les actions engendrées par le festival OpenMind afin de réaliser notre vision commune qu’est de créer un impact positif sur la terre et ses habitants. Tous ensembles, nous avons le pouvoir de créer le changement; réunis, nous sommes beaucoup plus puissants que la somme de chacun ! Vision de l’éco-Festival OpenMind Éclater les paradigmes actuels pour entrer dans une nouvelle ère libre durable. Créer un important impact positif sur l’environnement, les sociétés et la conscience globale. Mission de l’éco-Festival OpenMind Créer le changement individuel et global par l’épanouissement de nos cœurs d’enfants ainsi que par l’expérience d’une nouvelle manière de vivre équilibrée et durable. Objectifs OpenMind Durable 2011 : Événement Carbone positif. Transcender 75% de toutes nos infractions aux 4 principes de durabilité du Natural Step. 2012 : Événement zéro-déchet et carbone positif. Transcender 90% des violations aux 4 critères de durabilité. 2013 : Événement Durable. Créer un important impact positif sur l’environnement, les sociétés et la conscience globale. Ce que Vous pouvez faire Voyez ICI ce que vous pouvez faire pour contribuer au plan OpenMind Durable et ainsi aider à créer un important impact positif sur la terre et ses habitants ! Guide de l'Éco-Campeur Le festival a créé en 2010 le guide de l'Éco-Campeur et de l'Éco-festivalier, afin de vous aider à diminuer vos impacts négatifs lors de vos sorties extérieures. Saviez-vous qu'en moyenne, chaque participant à un festival/conférence produit 10kg de déchets par jour, ce qui est 5 fois plus que dans son quotidien; ainsi qu'il produit 640kg de gaz à effet de serre, ce qui équivaut à l'émission d'une voiture moyenne pendant un mois!! (Source; USEPA, 2000;2003) Le guide de l'Éco-Campeur a été réalisé dans l'optique de diminuer cet impact négatif lors de vos sorties extérieures ainsi que dans vos décisions quotidiennes. OpenMind Durable; Notre plan de Développement Durable OpenMind Durable est notre outil afin de réaliser cette vision commune qu'est de créer un important impact positif sur la terre et ses habitants. Consultez les détails et voyez les actions entreprises par le festival. Toutes les informations sur notre plan de développement durable OpenMind Durable sur notre site web au www.OpenMindFestival.com, section "environnement". 3: Informations Générales sur le Festival Notre site web a été mis à jour, vous pouvez maintenant y consulter beaucoup plus d'informations sur le Festival et nos activités. Voici quelques points importants à se souvenir concernant le Festival OpenMind 2011: * Aucune vaisselle jetable et aucune et bouteilles d’eau jetables ne sont distribuées sur le site, apportez votre vaisselle et votre gourdes. * Aucun savon non biodégradable n’est permis sur le site * Spéciaux sur le site pour ceux qui arrivent en vélo, en autobus ou en covoiturage (4 par voiture) * Les frais de stationnement sont les frais nécessaires pour compenser les émissions de carbone de votre véhicule pour venir au festival. Détails sur les frais exacts à venir. * Ne laissons pas de trace; repartez avec tout ce que vous avez apporté * Pas d’animaux permis sur le site * Apportez vos instruments de musique !! Consultez notre section "Informations" sur notre site web afin d'obtenir les informations générales sur le festival ainsi que les informations sur: * Campings, Hôtels et Activités * Stationnement, Véhicules et Habitations motorisées * Alimentation et Kiosques * Conseils 4: Billets Les billets en pré-vente pour le festival sont présentement disponibles en ligne sur notre site web ou dans l'un de nos points de ventes à Montréal, Ottawa, Sherbrooke, Québec, St-Jérôme ou Toronto. Faites vite, car le prix augmente à partir du 1er juillet! * Les billets 4 jours sont valides du 13 au 16 août 2011 * Les billets 8 jours sont valides pour toute la durée du festival * Il n'y a pas de billet de 1-2 ou 3 jours * Gratuit pour les 12 ans et moins * Les billets incluent: o L'entrée au festival o Camping et douches o Toutes les activités sur le site à l'exception de quelques rares activités qui seront annoncées à l'avance o L'eau est gratuite sur le site (Apportez vos gourdes, car aucune bouteille de plastique ne sera distribuée sur le site) * Les billets n'incluent pas o Les frais de stationnement (Le coût du stationnement sera directement relié au coût nécessaire afin de compenser les émanations crées par votre véhicule. Prix entre 2$ et 12$. Plus de détails bientôt) o Les repas (Plusieurs restaurants seront sur le site et une cuisine communautaire sera installée) Tous les détails sur notre site web, section "billets" Tous les détails sur www.OpenMindFestival.com
PsyMind 2010 Shared by TrancePlants, Plasmatrix, Avec Amour, OpenMind and friends This year, a new concept at PsyMind 2010!! Read here the main principles of this new concept, you can find details bellow. PsyMind 2010 is a sustainable benefit show for the conservation of the Peruvian Amazon, and for OpenMind Festival. PsyMind 2010 is a dressed-up event!! The theme being "the divine", let yourself be immerged by your most vivid and intense imagination!! CHILL IN SPAS !! This year you will be able to enjoy, relax and observe the stars in one of our 5 warm spas and dry sauna! Online Headliners!! You will have the chance to listen and see 3 great live performances from oversea! o ASURA; France o EASILY EMBARRASSED; Holland o ELEA; France/Spain Interactive decorations!! Part of a new project we are launching for OpenMind 2011, everyone who won’t be able to assist to the event will be able to contribute to the decoration and ambiences. Out of this world and abusive comfortable environment! PsyMind 2010 will be held in the clouds, what more comfortable, divine, magical and warming! 24h of crystal, divine and cosmic moments! A uniform concept, shared between all, and through a complete, well-thought and live line-up! Ambient, Downtempo, Psy-ambient and cosmic music! DETAILS PsyMind 2010 is a sustainable benefit show for the conservation of the Peruvian Amazon, and for OpenMind Festival; which is also working for the conservation of the Amazon, of the Canadian Boreal forests and for the improvement of the global environment and consciousness. You can find details here. PsyMind 2010 is a dressed-up event!! The theme being "the divine", let yourself be immerged by your most vivid and intense imagination!! Express the light and divinity inside you!! The event's ambiances will be divine, celestial, crystal, cosmic... Get inspired by the theme and by our texts for the creation of your costume! Some examples would be: Angels, divinities, goddesses, ancient gods, etc etc.. We strongly encourage wearing a costume for the event. :-) Everyone who will be dressed-up will get a free drink at the TrancePlants booth and a fresh fruit! CHILL IN SPAS !! This year you will be able to enjoy, relax and observe the stars in one of our 5 warm spas and dry sauna! On spot there will be a heated change room and comfortable cushions to loosen up after the spas! Don’t forget your swim suit! Online Headliners!! You will have the chance to listen and see 3 great live performances from oversea! Indeed, ASURA (France, Ultimae Records), ELEA (France/Spain, Space Tepee Music) and EASILY EMBARRASSED (Holland, Cosmic Leaf records) will be offering us an exclusive live performance, one of its kind in the world; An online live set! We will be able to see and listen, in real time, their specially made performances just for PsyMind 2010! Interactive decorations!! Part of a new project we are launching for OpenMind 2011, everyone who won’t be able to assist to the event will be able to contribute to the decoration and ambiences. We will launch a website on which you’ll be able to assist to the event, and on which you’ll be able to send your own images, videos and words so they are broadcasted at PsyMind 2010! Out of this world and abusive comfortable environment! PsyMind 2010 will be held in the clouds, what more comfortable, divine, magical and warming! All shoes will stay at the coat check. Please bring slippers or indoor shoes if you want to travel with something in your feet.. Bring your cushions, plushes, toys and comfort objects! 24h of crystal, divine and cosmic moments! 24h designed to fully enjoy each instant, to express the divine within, to live unique moments, magical instants! A uniform concept, shared between all, and through a complete, well-thought and live ambient/downtempo/psyambient line-up! Arrive early to enjoy the fabulous workshops during the afternoon! o 12h – 13h : Arrival and Visionary art exhibition (Janic Losier, Jessica Lessard) o 13h – 14:30h : Crystallotherapy Workshop (La Petite Atlantide, Magog) o 14 :30h – 16:30h : Harmonization and health with sound (Ève Godin-Rheault, Granby) o 16:30h – 18h : Expressive dance workshop (Nameh, Sutton) o 18h - 19h : Break. Vegetarian dinner available for under 10$ o 19h - 20h : Unified Crystal instruments concert; Nicolas Mainville and Maurice Charlebois o 20h – 21h : Samuel kjell Smith LIVE (Ambient, meditative and healing flute, Montreal) and “Fractal Flying” projections (TrancePlants and Sylvana Martos) o 21h – 22h : Myriam Reid LIVE (Fairy harp, Montreal) o 22h – 23h : Jonathan Voyer and Shawn Mativetsky LIVE (Santoor and Tabla, North Indian (Hindustani) classical music, Montreal) o 23h – 0:30h : Dj Solar Prophecy (Melodic Psy-ambient, Sherbrooke) vs dj Aktarus (Downtempo tribal ambient, Sherbrooke) o 0:30h – 2h: ASURA LIVE Online (France, Profound world ambient, Ultimae Records) o 2h – 3:30h: Dj PsyBerth (Groovy Psychill, Montreal) o 3 :30h – 5h: ELEA LIVE Online (Mystic journey from ethnic progressive to morning trance… sung in elfic, France/Ibiza) o 5h – 6 :30h : Dj Yvy (Zenbiant, Sherbrooke) o 6:30h – 8h: EASILY EMBARRASSED LIVE ONLINE (Holland, Melodic psy-ambient, Cosmic leaf records) o 8h – 9:30h: Croop and L5S1 LIVE (Organic atmospheric ambient, Montréal) o 9 :30h – 11h : Arthurdent (Organic psychedelic ambient with hints of funk and world beat, Ottawa) o 11h – 12 :30h : Lunar Groove (Lunar ambient, Montréal) o 12 :30h : Closing And more ! o Mandala workshop with Janic Losier during the night o Creativity station (Mask creation, drawing and etc) o Collective canvas; “Our divinity for the earth” o Surprises ! More details on each activity and artists here TICKETS 40$ Pre-sale, 50$ at the door Limited number of tickets available Points of sale o Online on www.psymind.ca o Salon de thé l’arbre à Palabre, 147 Wellington Sud, Sherbrooke (Opened Tuesday to Sunday, Noon to midnight) o Psychonaut, 154 Prince-Arthur Est, Montréal ALSO, COMBO tickets for PsyMind 2010 and OpenMind 2011 : 110$ o Save minimum 40$ on each OpenMind Ticket o Only 50 Combo ticket available o Same points of sales LOCATION Location will be announced on our website at http://www.PsyMind.ca in a few weeks. It will be around Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Stay updated by subscribing our mailing list (On the left menu) Enjoy life !
(See next post for English Version) Éco-festival OpenMind 2010 Célébration, Art, Musique et Bien-Être www.OpenMindFestival.com 6 au 9 août 2010 Dans une magnifique forêt enchantée 120km Ouest de Montréal Cliquez ici pour visualiser le dépliant électronique Visitez notre facebook ICI !! Arts visionnaires, Musique Lucide Transcendante, Ateliers Conscients, Espaces de Guérison Venez célébrer l'Extase de la vie en nature ! OpenMind est un festival unique, visionnaire et enchanté ! Un endroit où les frontières sont abbatues, où tous sommes Un. Un espace où l'on retrouve notre connection profonde avec la nature Un temps pour se permettre de se faire du bien, de guérir et de reconnecter vraiment avec soi. Un moment qui nous permet de s'exprimer et partager ce qui est en nous, sans limite ni jugement. C'est un festival où les arts visionnaires, la musique transcendante et la spiritualité consciente sont unis pour nous permettre de saisir le moment, de vivre pleinement, hors du quotidien, dans un univers surnaturel Une occasion que l'on se donne pour contempler la Vie, pour faire émerger l'univers en soi Vivre des moments de paix, de transe et d'Extase Célébrer le temps, tandis qu'il est encore temps! Vivre la Vie à fond Vivre l'amour Sans Limite ******************************** Activités du Festival 2010 (Line-up complet) Cliquez ici pour visualiser notre pamphlet contenant les informations sur le concept du festival, ainsi que sur les artistes et présentateurs présents à OpenMind 2010! Toutes les informations précises sur les artistes, présentateurs et activités sur notre site web dans la section "festival 2010" ou cliquez sur les titres. Lagon Cristal Opened Mind Lieu de rassemblement, de danse, de transe et de joie! Musique instrumentale organique, live et électronique, musique heureuse qui bouge et sautille! • MUSIQUE LIVE o THE CONDUIT [Guérison par le son et les Vibrations - États-Unis] o FLOOTING GROOVES [Musique Organique électronique psychédélique et flute Live - Afrique du Sud] o KAMINARI aka YOSHI & CHIE [sitar, Didjeridoo et électronique Live - Toronto, Japon] o ASTRAL WAVES [Psybiant - Inverness] o CHARLES VAN GOIDSTENHOVEN [Looping trans organique - Sherbrooke] o CQDX aka WITCHDOCTOR PROJECT [Old-school goatrance - UK, Montréal] o DJEMBÉ QUÉBEC [Musique et danse Africaine - Québec] o FUZIO TRANSE [Ambiant, Downtempo, Classique Live - Montréal] o INWORD [Original roots reggae Live - Montréal] o MONOKONGO & OCÉANNE [Progressif électronique et percussions - Montréal] o Grand Jam Collectif de percussions [Emmenez vos instruments!] o Grand Jam Zil; Jam d’instruments Zen [Emmenez vos instruments!!] • DJS o Aquarius [Tribal - Montreal] o Bendala [World-Beat - Montreal] o Crystal Sistars [Psychédélique groovy progressif - Montreal] o Gnosys [Psybiant/Psydub - Peterborough] o Ihy [Progressif électronique - Montreal] o Jeff Mk Ultra [Goa full-on - Montreal, France] o Kiran [World-Beat - Montreal] o Machine Elf [Transe psychédélique profonde, Transe progressive - Toronto] o Makinaw [Psytranse - Drummonville] o Prana Papa [Tribal psy-progressif - Montreal] o PsyBerth [Transe matinale - Montreal] o Psylozen a.k.a The groovy hippie [Classique old-school psychedelia – Nouvelle-Écosse] o Red Electric Earth [Progressif électronique – Montréal] o Seb [Progressif matinal - Montreal] o Semira a.k.a DJ Schwesterchen [World grooves - Laurentides] o Shango [Pure dub Jamaïcain - Québec] o Sidra [Transe psychédélique - Toronto] o Solar Prophecy [Psytranse progressive mélodique - Sherbrooke] o Swomp Selector [Reggae, Ska, Afternoon soleil - Isle-Aux-Coudres] o Ygriega [Transe progressive - Montréal] o Yotam [Goatranse full-on - Laurentides] o YvY [Transe tribalodique – Sherbrooke] Terres Enchantées Endroit magique d’apprentissage et de voyage mystique. Ateliers conscients, musique ambiante instrumentale, live et électronique • MUSIQUE LIVE o The Conduit [Guérison par le son et les Vibrations - États-Unis] o Flooting Grooves [ Musique organique électronique psychédélique et Flute Live - Afrique du Sud] o Surya Chandra [Musique World spirituelle et visuels - Nouvelle-Écosse] o Avec Amour et Jean-Paul de Montréal [Vaisseaux de Cristal, Didjeridoo et instruments chamaniques - Sherbrooke, Montréal] o Biobazar [Ethno-Electro psychédélique - Trois-Rivières] o Equanimous [Mélodique psy-ambiant - St-Jean-sur-Richelieu] o Mala Treillis [Ambiant World acoustique - Montréal] o System Breaker [Ethno-Electro psychédélique - Montreal] • ATELIERS CONSCIENTS (FRancais et ENglish) o Atelier sur la bière artisanale [Patrick Watson – Montréal] [FR] o Atelier de libération émotionnelle [isabelle Boucher – Sherbrooke] [FR] o Confection du Didjiridu Australien et apprentissage des rudiments du jeu du didjiridu [Jean-Paul de Montréal, Nathalie Champagne et Nicole Fafard] [FR – EN] o Conscience corporelle et pendules [Julie-Indigo – Gatineau] [FR] o Cristaux et Pierres, Lithothérapie [Centre de Santé Holistique Hope – North Hatley] [FR – EN] o Danse dévotionelle [Apsara Mystic Dance – Sutton] o Démonstration du moteur Pantone et du pouvoir carburant de l’Eau (HHO) [Mario Laplante – Sherbrooke] [FR] o Exploration sur les vibrations (Cymatics) [The Conduit – USA] [EN] o Géométrie Sacrée [The Conduit – USA] [EN] o Harmonisation des Énergies Subtiles [Claude Provencher – Montréal] [FR] o Harmonisation par les couleurs [Nicole Dumont - Eastman] [FR] o Hoola Hoop [Caitlin Braig – Toronto] [EN ] o Identification des champignons sauvages [Ember Erebus – Montreal/Ottawa] [EN] o Iridologie [Jean-françois Arnaud – Sherbrooke] [FR] o L’influence du rituel dans l’utilisation de plantes chamaniques et substances enthéogéniques [TrancePlants – Sherbrooke] [EN – FR] o Le Pouvoir de l’intention [The Conduit – USA] [EN] o Le pouvoir guérisseur des vibrations [The Conduit – US] [EN] o Le souffle, puissant outil à expérimenter [Nicole Dumont - Eastman] [FR] o Manipulation d’instruments de Cirque [ReCirque – Sherbrooke] [FR – EN] o Marche contemplative en nature [Maryse Thuot - Nova Scotia] [EN] o Méditation chakras [Cri – Montreal] [FR – EN] o Permaculture [Kimberley Mok, Montreal Permaculture Guild] [EN] o Se soigner avec les huiles essentielles [Materra – Montreal] [FR] o Vinyasa yoga [Tegan Moss – Peterborough] [EN] o Wild mushrooms identification [Ember Erebus – Montreal - EN] o Yin yoga [EN – FR] o Yoga lunaire et kundalini [Julie-Indigo – Gatineau] [FR] o Yoga matinal et vaisseaux de cristal [Nameh – Sutton] [FR] • MUSIQUE DJ o Aktarus [Ambiant downtempo tribal - Sherbrooke) o Boom TaRa [Psy-ambiant - Montréal] o Corvid & Psylozen [Voyage transcendental – Halifax] o Prana Papa [Chill profond – Montreal] o PsyBerth [Psychill groovy - Montreal] o Semira [world-ambiant - St-Athanase] o Steve Human [Ambiant Mystique - Québec] o Solar Prophecy [Ambiant mélodique - Sherbrooke] o Swomp Selector [Dub ethnique – Isle aux Coudres] o YvY [Zenbiant - Sherbrooke] o Zen [Psybiant – Inverness] o Zven [Chill chamanique tribal – Montreal] Spirit Area Lieu de Bien-être, un endroit pour se faire du bien, un espace de guérison. Village de thérapeutes et guérisseurs o The Conduit [Guérison par le son et les Vibrations - États-Unis] o François Poulin [Lit d’Améthystes, Tapis Électro-magnétique, Soins Chiropratiques - Montréal] o Gabriel Poulin [Guérison RRP - Granby] o Gérald Ostiguy [Lit de Crystal – North Hatley]o Jean-Paul Massie et Nathalie Champagne [Vaisseaux de Cristal et Didjeridoo – Montréal, Sherbrooke] o Julie-Indigo [Travail D’Énergie – Gatineau] o Materra [Huilles Essentielles – Montréal] o Myriam [Accompagnante de l’être – Montréal] o Tarot et Miroirs du Cœur [sebastien Matte – Bromont] o Zenergica [Massothérapie – Montréal] Cercle Sacré Espace de cérémonies de Joie et d’ouverture, rituels lumineux et positifs o Cérémonie de plantage d’arbre fruitier [OpenMind et Liz Bolger] [EN - FR] o Cérémonies du lever et du coucher du Soleil [OpenMind Festival] [EN - FR] o Cérémonies en Solaramaru [Philippe Bergeron – Sherbrooke] [FR] o Rituel de danse transe [Maryse Thuot – Nova Scotia] [EN - FR] o Rituel de la lune [Maryse Thuot – Nova Scotia] [FR – EN] o Satsang [Maryse Thuot – Nouvelle-Écosse] [EN - FR] o Transe-en-Danse, Atelier de danse expressive [Nameh – Sutton] [FR – EN] o Vaisseaux et Didjeridoo de Cristal, Didjeridoo et Instruments chamaniques [Nathalie Champagne, Jean-Paul de Montréal et Nicole Fafard – Sherbrooke, Montréal] [FR – EN] o Et plus! And more! Sweat Lodge Tente de sudation traditionnelle Amérindienne. Espace de guérison, puissante médecine ancestrale VisionART Expositions d’art visionnaire, Body art, Espaces de créativité o David Martel [Montreal] o Geneviève Beaulieu [Québec] o Janic Losier [sherbrooke] o Jessica Lessard [sherbrooke] o The art of April-Anna [Montréal] o Espaces et ateliers de créativité Cinéma Conscient Documentaires conscients, films lucides, projections visionnaires o Une variété de Documentaires conscients, de films lucides et de projections visionnaires sera présentée lors du festival. L’horaire détaillé sera annoncé bientôt. Performances Performances et animations magiques, enchantées, fantastiques, ahurissantes et hallucinantes o Collectif ReCirquel [sherbrooke] o Agnition Fire Spinners [Peterborough] o Plusieurs personnages enchantés, magiques, fantastiques !! [sherbrooke] Espaces de Méditation Lieux paisibles de repos, méditation et connexion Fantastiques Petits Village entier tout spécialement pour nos joyeux enfants Kiosques Village d’artisans et de kiosques conscients et santés pour nos estomac et nos vies Et plus de surprises! Informations sur le festival et les billets Visitez notre site web (http://www.OpenMindFestival.com) pour obtenir toutes les informations sur le festival; • Informations sur les billets et le transport (Section Billets et transport) • Informations sur l'emplacement du festival (Section Emplacement) • Concept, thème, organisateurs et culture autour du festival (Section Culture) • Des informations détaillées sur les activités du festival (Section Festival 2010) • Des informations sur notre plan Environnemental (Section environnement) • Photos, vidéos, guide du festival, liste de diffusion, etc OpenMind Eco-Festival 2010 Celebration, Art, Music and Well-being www.OpenMindFestival.com August 6th-9tth 2010 In a wonderful enchanted forest 120km West of Montreal Click here to visualize the online flyer Visit our facebook group HERE !! Visionary Arts, Lucid Transcendent Music, Conscious Workshops, Healing Spaces Come celebrate the ecstasy of life in nature ! OpenMind is a unique, visionary and enchanted festival! A place where there's no boundaries, where we are all One A space where we find our deep root connection with nature A time which allows well-being, to heal and reconnect with ourselves A moment of pure expression and giving, without limits or judgment A break in time to celebrate ecstasy of life in nature! It's a festival where visionary art; transcendent music and spirituality are united to give us the opportunity to seize the moment, live fully, outside our daily routines, in a supernatural universe. It's an occasion that we give ourselves to contemplate life and let our inner-child emerge To Live moments of peace, unconditional love and ecstasy; of Pure Life To Celebrate time while we still have time! To live life fully Live Love Without Limits… ******************************** OpenMind 2010 Activities (Complete Line-up) Click here to visualize our flyer which contains information on the festival’s concept, artists, performers and activities! All details on artists, bands, djs, performers, workshops and activities available on our website (openmindfestival.com) or click on titles in this post. Crystal Lagoon A gathering center, a place of dance, trance and joy! Organic instrumental music, live and electronic music, happy and joyful music! • LIVE MUSIC o THE CONDUIT [Vibrational Sound Healing - USA] o FLOOTING GROOVES [Organic psychedelic electronic with live flute – South Africa] o KAMINARI aka YOSHI & CHIE [sitar, Didjeridoo and electronics - Toronto, Japon] o ASTRAL WAVES [Psybient - Inverness] o CHARLES VAN GOIDSTENHOVEN [Trans-Organic Looping - Sherbrooke] o CQDX aka WITCHDOCTOR PROJECT [Old-school goatrance - UK, Montreal] o DJEMBÉ QUÉBEC [African music and dance - Quebec] o FUZIO TRANSE [Ambient, Downtempo, Classic Live - Montréal] o INWORD [Original roots reggae Live - Montréal] o MONOKONGO & OCÉANNE [Progressive tribal electronics and percussions - Montréal] o Collective percussions jam [bring your instruments!] o Zil jam; Zen instruments jam [bring your instruments!!] DJ MUSIC o Aquarius [Tribal - Montreal] o Bendala [World-Beat - Montreal] o Crystal Sistars [Groovy psychedelic progressive - Montreal] o Gnosys [Psybient/Psydub - Peterborough] o Ihy [Progressive electronic - Montreal] o Jeff Mk Ultra [Goa full-on - Montreal, France] o Kiran [World-Beat - Montreal] o Machine Elf [Deep psychedelic trance, Progressive trance - Toronto] o Makinaw [Psytrance - Drummonville] o Prana Papa [Psy-progressive trance - Montreal] o PsyBerth [Morning trance - Montreal] o Psylozen a.k.a The groovy hippie [Classic old-school psychedelia – Nouvelle-Écosse] o Red Electric Earth [Progressive electronic – Montréal] o Seb [Morning progressive - Montreal] o Semira a.k.a DJ Schwesterchen [World grooves - Laurentides] o Shango [Pure Jamaïcan dub - Québec] o Sidra [Psychedelic trance - Toronto] o Solar Prophecy [Melodic progressive psytrance - Sherbrooke] o Swomp Selector [Reggae, Ska, Sunny afternoon - Isle-Aux-Coudres] o Ygriega [progressive trance - Montréal] o Yotam [Goatrance full-on - Laurentides] o YvY [Tribalodic trance – Sherbrooke] Enchanted Forest Magical place, a place of teachings and mystical voyage. Conscious workshops, ambient music, instrumental and live performances LIVE MUSIC o The Conduit [Vibrational Sound Healing - USA] o Flooting Grooves [Organic psychedelic electronic with live flute – South Africa] o Surya Chandra [spiritual world-ambient with visuals – Nova Scotia] o Avec Amour and Jean-Paul de Montréal [singing Bowls, Didjeridoo and chamanic instruments - Sherbrooke, Montreal] o Biobazar [Ethno-Electro psychedelic - Trois-Rivières] o Equanimous [Melodic psy-ambient - St-Jean-sur-Richelieu] o Mala Treillis [World acoustic ambient - Montreal] o System Breaker [Ethno-Electro psychedelic - Montreal] CONSCIOUS WORKSHOPS (French and English) o Artisanal beer making [Patrick Watson – Montréal] [FR] o Australian Didjiriduu making and learning the basics of didjiridu playing [Jean-Paul de Montréal, Nathalie Champagne and Nicole Fafard] [FR – EN] o Breath, a powerful tool to experiment [Nicole Dumont - Eastman] [FR] o Chakras meditation [Cri – Montreal] [FR – EN] o Circus instruments manipulation [ReCirque – Sherbrooke] [FR – EN] o Contemplative walk in nature [Maryse Thuot - Nova Scotia] [EN] o Corporal consciousness and Pendulum [Julie-Indigo – Gatineau] [FR] o Cristals and precious stones, Lithotherapy [Centre de Santé Holistique Hope – North Hatley] [FR – EN] o Cymatics (Exploration on the effects of vibrations) [The Conduit – USA] [EN] o Demonstration of the Pantone engine and of the fuel power of water (HHO) [Mario Laplante – Sherbrooke] [FR] o Devotional dance [Apsara Mystic Dance – Sutton] o Emotions liberation [isabelle Boucher – Sherbrooke] [FR] o Harmonisation with colors [Nicole Dumont - Eastman] [FR] o Healing power of vibrations [The Conduit – US] [EN] o Healing with essential oils [Materra – Montreal] [FR] o Hoola Hoop [Caitlin Braig – Toronto] [EN ] o Iridology [Jean-françois Arnaud – Sherbrooke] [FR] o Kundalini and lunar yoga [Julie-Indigo – Gatineau] [FR] o Permaculture [Kimberley Mok, Montreal Permaculture Guild] [EN] o Sacred Geometry [The Conduit – USA] [EN] o Subtle energies harmonization [Claude Provencher – Montréal] [FR] o Sweet morning yoga with singing bowls [Nameh – Sutton] [FR] o The influence of the ritual in the use of chamanic plants and entheogenic substances [TrancePlants – Sherbrooke] [EN – FR] o The power of the intention [The Conduit – USA] [EN] o Vinyasa yoga [Tegan Moss – Peterborough] [EN] o Wild mushrooms identification [Ember Erebus – Montreal/Ottawa] [EN] o Yin yoga [EN – FR] DJ MUSIC o Aktarus [Tribal ambient downtempo - Sherbrooke) o Boom TaRa [Psy-ambient - Montréal] o Corvid & Psylozen [Transcendental trip – Halifax] o Prana Papa [Deep chill – Montreal] o PsyBerth [Groovy Psychill - Montreal] o Semira [world-ambient - St-Athanase] o Steve Human [Mystic ambient - Quebec] o Solar Prophecy [Melodic ambient - Sherbrooke] o Swomp Selector [Ethnic dub – Isle aux Coudres] o YvY [Zenbient - Sherbrooke] o Zen [Psybient – Inverness] o Zven [Chamanic tribal chill – Montreal] Spirit Area A place of well-being, a place to heal and relax. A Village of healers and therapists o The Conduit [Vibrational Sound Healing - USA] o François Poulin [Amethyst bed, electro-magnetic floor, chiropratic cares - Montreal] o Gabriel Poulin [RRP Healing - Granby] o Gérald Ostiguy [Crystal bed – North Hatley] o Jean-Paul de Montréal and Nathalie Champagne [singing bowls and didjeridoo – Montreal, Sherbrooke] o Julie-Indigo [Energetic work – Gatineau] o Materra [Essential oils – Montréal] o Myriam [being accompanying – Montréal] o Sébastien Matte [Tarot and heart mirrors – Bromont] o Zenergica [Massotherapy – Montreal] Sacred circle Space of ceremonies, positivity and joy o Fruit tree planting ceremony [OpenMind and Liz Bolger] [EN - FR] o Sunrise and sunset ceremonies [OpenMind Festival] [EN - FR] o Solaramaru ceremonies [Philippe Bergeron – Sherbrooke] [FR] o Trance dance ritual [Maryse Thuot – Nova Scotia] [EN - FR] o Moon lodge ritual [Maryse Thuot – Nova Scotia] [FR – EN] o Satsang [Maryse Thuot – Nouvelle-Écosse] [EN - FR] o Transe-en-Danse, expressive dance workshop [Nameh – Sutton] [FR – EN] o Singing bowls, crystal didjeridoo and didjeridoo [Nathalie Champagne, Jean-Paul de Montréal and Nicole Fafard – Sherbrooke, Montreal] [FR – EN] o And more! Sweat Lodge Traditional native american sweat lodge. A place to heal by powerful ancestral medicine VisionART Visionary art exhibitions o David Martel [Montreal] o Geneviève Beaulieu [Québec] o Janic Losier [sherbrooke] o Jessica Lessard [sherbrooke] o The art of April-Anna [Montreal] o Espaces et ateliers de créativité Conscious cinema Documentaries, films, visionary projections o A variety of conscious documentary, lucid movies and visionary projections. Schedule to be released soon Performances Performances and magical, enchanted and wicked animations o ReCirque Collective [sherbrooke] o Agnition Fire Spinners [Peterborough] o Enchanted, magical and fanstastic characters ! [sherbrooke] Meditation spaces Places to relax, meditate, connect Little Fantastic An entire village specially created to welcome our happy kids Stands Village of artisans, conscious stands and very good food Festival and Tickets information Visit our website (openmindfestival.com) for complete information on the festival and tickets. • Tickets and Transport • Location • Environment plan • Concept, Theme, Organization, Culture • Photos, videos, festival's guide, mailing list • And more !
PsyMind 2009 Sherbrooke, Quebec November 21st 2009 PsyMind is a visionary gathering, a place not only to celebrate life, but to share experiences, to create something, to let go, to stimulate creativity, to love without limit ! It's a space where we can loose our rational concepts, where we can let go and live deep moments, live genuine moments, with oneself, but with others also. It's a unique event, to reconnect with ourselves, to celebrate ourselves, to celebrate life !! LineUp: DEEP CHILL-OUT ROOM SOLAR FIELDS LIVE [ultimae – Suède] H.U.V.A. NETWORK LIVE [ultimae – Suède] Croop et L5-S1 LIVE [Montréal] Mala Treillis LIVE [Montréal] Myriam Reid LIVE [st-Jean] Uth LIVE [Toronto] (Non officiel) Astral Waves [inverness] Pranapapa [Montréal] Psyberth [Montréal] LUCID PSYTRANCE ROOM FILTERIA LIVE [suède] Charles Van Goïdtsenhoven LIVE [sherbrooke] Monokongo LIVE [Montréal] Basilisk [Toronto] Equanimous vs YvY vs Prophety (Tri versus très special!) [Montréal et Sherbrooke] Gnosys [Peterborough] Machinelf [Peterborough] CONSCIOUS WORKSHOPS Cristal Bowls concert - Oasis de lumière Sensorial writing workshop - Guylaine Cliche Essential Oil workshop - Rosa Luna Aura pictures and workshop - Gilles Ruel PsychédélékrAUM - Joseph Creativity Workshop - Janic Losier Yoga VISIONARY ART EXHIBITION Live art with Janic Losier: Janiclosier.com Loria : Loriacreations.com Louise Boulet Claveau : facebook.com/lisebouletclaveau More Info: TICKETS: 45$ Presale, 60$ at the door You can buy your ticket online at: Tranceplants.net/shows Or in one of our point of sale: - Sherbrooke daytime : Musique Cité : 169 King ouest, 819-569-0473 - Sherbrooke evenings : Arbre à Palabre : 147 Wellington Sud, 819-569-8776 - Montréal : Psychonaut : 154 Prince-Arthur Est, 514-844-8998 - Québec : La feuille enchantée : 770 St-Jean, 418-522-1234 - Ottawa : Norml Clothing : 41 ½ William St, 613-562-2043 - Toronto: Shanti Baba: 546 Queen St.West, 416-504-5034 Venue: 154 Wellington Sud, Sherbrooke, J1H5C7 Free water, friendly security, many surprises ! www.TrancePlants.net/Shows
TIME SLOTS MYSTIC ROOM: Psy-ambiant Magnetic Phil 21:00 - 23:00 Boom Tara 23:00 - 1:00 Zen 1:00 - 3:00 Asura LIVE 3:00 - ?? Tesla Project LIVE ? - 7:00 (2 heures) Bendala 7:00 - 9:00 Longstocking 9:00 - 11:00 SUN ROOM: Psy-Trance Apadurai Drum And Didjeridoo 21:30 - 22:30 Prestation Collectif ReCirque 22:30 - 22:45 Equanimous 22:45 - 0 Prophety Vs Yvy 0 - 1:30 Absolute 1:30 - 3:30 Psycronik 3:30 - 5:30 Cosmic Orgasm LIVE 5:30 - 7:30 Jeff MkUltra en Harmonie avec Makinaw 7:30 - 9:30 Red Electric Earth 9:30 - 11:30 CREATIVE SPACES Expositions Artistiques 15:00 - … Kiosques 15: 00 - … Conférence par Ana Ramos 16:30 -17:30 Activité à confirmer 17:45 - 18:45 Concert de bols de cristaux et didjeridoo de cristal par Avec Amour 19:00 - 19:45 Méditation/Yoga Kundalini-Prana par Geoffroy 20:00 - 21:00 Live Art pour Tous; Espace de Création 21:00 - … Massages Thai par YinYogi 21:00 - … Massages Musicaux/Énergie par Pascal … - … Body Paint par Erakiel 0:00 - … Danse fractale par Ciel Surprise ! Surprises Tout le temps http://www.myspace.com/Psy_Mind http://www.tranceplants.net/shows http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=28256554641 http://forum.psyfreaks.ca/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7813
Tickets on sale now ! - 22$ in Advance , 32$ at the Door - Montréal : Psychonaut, 154 Prince-Arthur Est - Québec : (En vente à partir de vendredi le 17 octobre) : La Feuille enchantée : 770 St-Jean - Sherbrooke de jour : Musique Cité : 169 King Ouest - Sherbrooke de soirée : à l’Excellent salon de thé L’arbre a Palabre : 147 Wellington Sud - Online : Http://www.tranceplants.net/shows It's held in a new venue in Sherbrooke, at 154 Wellington Sud. Opens at 16h, music starts at 21h Precise time slots to come. For more information, stay posted on: www.myspace.com/Psy_Mind
PsyMind Mystical Journey November 22nd, 2008 Sherbrooke, Quebec ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** TrancePlants presents their annual event, PsyMind, again in Sherbrooke, again with a warm ambiance and magical vibe ! As usuall, we are thrilled to offer profound and melodic music in a vibrating ambiance, in a warm psychedelic energy! But this time, we want to offer more, more than just a party. This time, it's much more a complete gathering, where there are occasions to learn, to contemplate, to create, to connect with each other, to connect with the source, where there's room to journey, room for Mystical Journeys ! To achieve this, we put a LOT of energy in building a very profound Ambiant line-up, a joyfull psytrance stage and a bunch of creative and learning spaces! We are really, but really happy to present this Ambiant line-up LINE-UP AMBIANT - ASURA [LIVE] - FRANCE - TESLA PROJECT [LIVE] - CANADA - Bendala - Montréal - Boom TaRa - Montréal - Longstocking - Montréal - Magnetic Phil - Québec - Zen - Inverness We are also extremely euphoric and entousiasts to offer this sunny psychedelic trance line-up! We put a lot of energy in building a happy, sunny, happy vibe line-up !! LINE-UP MAIN SUNNY ROOM - COSMIC ORGASM [LIVE] - Ottawa - APADURAÏ [LIVE BAND; Drum and Didgeridoo] - Montréal - Absolute - Montréal - Equanimous - Montréal - Jeff Mk Ultra - Montréal En Harmonie avec - Makinaw - Montréal - Red Electric Earth - Montréal - Plasmatrix - Sherbrooke - Psycronik - Ottawa And we are profoundly thrilled to give place to creation, learning, connection, enlightment and intense moments with our Creative Spaces!! CREATIVE SPACES - Live Art for All - Art Exhibitions: Ciel and more - Workshop: Consciousness movement by Ana Ramos - Kundalini and Prana meditation: With Geoffroy - Yoga Thai Massages: YinYogi - Circus: Collectif ReCirque - Teas and plants: L'arbre à Palabre and TrancePlants - Fractal Dance: Ciel - Body painting - And more surprises!! The event will be held in a new venue in Sherbrooke. Tickets will be sold very soon, more informations will be coming soon. Stay posted !!
I was listening to my good old Chi-Ad: astral warrior few minutes ago, and i was wondering if there was any remix of that track, but chillout/downtempo/ambiant remix ?? Because i find the first part of the track wonderfull, and it would be so nice a track made with the same melodies, but without the "fullon" kick .. ?? somebody knows ?
This is a really good thing. Boom is The leading psytrance/artistic/spiritual gathering in the world, in my opinion ! Anyways, they always have really high quality line-ups anyways, and the fact that they don't announce the line-up early, makes the party 1000 times better, because it doesn't get commercial vibe.. People that go to Boom don't care that much about the line-up, because they go there to gather, to share, to be one with everybody else, and not to see all the biggest live acts in the same party.. If one want to see those crazy line-ups, he would be better at Full moon and such, but for people looking for a changing experience, for a place where he can learn/share and change his life, then Boom is the place ! :-) It totally worth the trip ! I went in 2006, and i'm gonna be there in 2008 again for sure ! This event changed my life !
TrancePlants is happy to presents PsyMind November, November 17th, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. !!! Line-Up: Sesto Sento Live; Israel Sine Die Live; France Horizon; Montreal Azriel; Quebec Shango; Quebec BoOm TaRa; Montreal Zen; Inverness All the information on http://www.myspace.com/Psy_Mind Tickets 12$ in advance 15$ at the door At 244 Dufferin, Sherbrooke, Quebec Starting at 21h We offer a free drink to whoever comes from out of Quebec, with proof Id :-)
Maybe nobody has interest in that topic anymore, even Moni, because of all the bullshiting that has been said !!!
I agree, let's keep this one going !! I don't know if we mentionned this one already, but there is aya there: http://organixproductions.com/aya.html He's got some nice ones !
I agree ! many thanks to Hoffman and to that "Yes i Have" Guy !!!
yep psysex with live drums are good! But Hilight tribe is really worth to be added in the list ! 5 people on stage, it was AMAZING !! (Boom festival 2006) Ganga giri as well, but that not that much Psytrance, but related though.. If you name Dark Soho, then you name all those that add a live instrument rifs to their acts, i don't think it's worth mentionning that much, but if you add those there are Electric universe, xenomorph (which is amazing live btw!), even infected mushroom (!), and probably much more !
Never found the banner !!! I looked for it on the 3rd and didn't find it, maybe i wasn't at the right time or spot !! And on the 5th i completely forgot, Boom was so amazing i couldn't think about anything anymore, i could only live and share !! Wow, Boom, ouf... Speechless, there are no words...! But i would have love to meet people from psynews !! Next time i guess !!! :-)))
Hippies rocks man !!! :-DDD
ahhhh Boom !!! It's been working inside me for a while now and with the release of the line-up it's getting pretty shaked up inside me !! I just can't wait to the gathering, the line-up is amazing, very genuine and deep, non commercial i love it !! I can't wait to meet you all people from different psy-tribes all over the world !! This event will change some lives that's for sure !! I'm not really active on the forums in these days because i'm presently travelling, but hey meet you all there !!! Smiles !!!
Positive Alchemists 2 is out !!!! Cool !!! Positive alchemists 1 was one of the best compil i heard in 2005, i look forward to hear the vol. 2 !! Merci Khetzal !
No i'm talking about the artist called Azriel, which is from Canada. Nothing to do with Synsun, but they might know each other though.. I'd love to see them make a track together though !!
MAAAAANNNN !!! You're asking for a LOT !! hehehe !! Avasari is one of the best ambiant tracks i ever heard in ten thousand years !! Wow this track is full of vibrant energy! Every time i listen it, it makes me Stop completely and allows me to fully breathe life.. this track shows the Source of life, this track IS life !! ok ok maybe i exagerate a bit, but just to say that it is a masterpiece!! I truly can feel the energy emerging from the song on my skin, and play with it !! I wish i could express myself better here, i actually wrote a text on that track (in french) that i'd love to share with people here.. Oh well, i guess you'll have to learn french lol !! (I could translate it, but it wouldn't be the same essence, like translating poetry).. But if you like emotional ambiant like Avasari, i'd recommend "Pulsar" and "Eyes of blue" from M-Sphere and maybe "Cosmovatis" from omegahertz... "adish" from Vibe tribe mught please you and "Manzanilla" from Vibrasphere.. (the 2005 rmx is really good) And "Snö pa Hissingen" from EL LCD (which is actually a CBL rmx) Hehehe kind of !! not really the same style but still good !!
i agree if goasia and omegahertz produce the same kind of stuff they've been producing for their split cd, it'll be one of the best of 2006 imo !! hehe !! Hypernova from goasia i never heard though, but hyper nova from Azriel is a blast !
these were the words i was looking for: Like that old Zuvuya album with terence McKenna speaking on it wow this album is so spaaaaaccceeee i don't even need to smoke Dmt to go in hyperspace with that cd !! lol !! Anyway thanks for the recommendation, i'll check that out ! don't hesitate if you got some more (and other people on the forum as well! :-))
hey talking about specific ambiant, i've been looking for a while for melodic ambiant like m-sphere which is an amazing album (electronic relaxation which i believe is his only album) without great succes.. Anything to recommend ??
Another one for Melodic lovers is Azriel who released 3 tracks in my knowledge which are: - Hyper nova on Pure planet [Kagdila] - Akane still dreaming on positive alchemists [avigmatic] - Les Weirns on Peace therapy 2 [Kagdila] All those tracks are simply INCREDIBLE !! What else to say !! you got to listen to the tracks to understand, but always in his tracks there are several layers of melodies which is what i like the most in a track and which is a major sign that demonstrate if an artist is really talented or not.. I can definetaly affirm that Azriel is much talented !! The melodies are also well developped, intelligent and very emotionnal.. For those melodic lovers out there, Azriel is an artist to check up !!