[honest opinion]
As generic as it gets! It doesn't seem you'll continue the legent of Halucinogen.... Keep trying though and someday you might do something! But this track In My Opinion, is just a copy from 1995-96 tracks and lack originality among everything else!
[/honest opinion]
Now Mr Radi6404 or shall i call you Baniev ( ), why you're going to other forums and saying Psynews people think the mastering of your track was nice! You're lying on the internet huh...?
The hilarious fact of the KRV/Baniev story is that even there, you're accused of being a Pedo! That is really funny! Is there any other forum you're posting at.....?
Good luck with your tracks though, you shall follow Simons path to psychedelia!
PS: There was a Bulgarian Goalkeeper playing in Greece that his name was Baniev! One day after a match, the fans of his own team started chasing him till the port of the town! He had to jump in the water to save his ass!