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spifer jo

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Everything posted by spifer jo

  1. yes it is ... it's dark in here...
  2. so true... probably the worst cd cover I've ever seen, though the buckle up vol. 1 was also very bad. sorry...
  3. I totally agree with u mate... but still can't resist with a few beers along with my weed, but not to much.
  5. I just heard the samples and......... Just had my dose of cheddar for the whole weekend...
  6. You said it all... It's dark in here.....
  7. I vote for albuns too... But Compils are a good choice if u want to have an idea about a sub-genre. It gives you a picture of whats going on. I enjoy both... the problem this days is the quality.
  8. It's mad... Just buy it and expand your horizons... I'm sure you'll like it
  9. Yeah, I totally agree with seraph.
  10. must go now... Michele's calling (remember the topic?)
  11. Idiots like Trolsk????????????? Hey Ott, here's my answer to that: KISS MY ASS. And I'm being polite...
  12. oh oh... here we go again...
  13. Thats a very nice attitude. It's time for u to learn something Ott... And if I'm not mistaken the subject was... Michele's going to bed with:
  14. Keep cool Ott (just like your music) or my next post will be something like: Kiss my ass There's no need to get rude and i think we're getting out of topic. So with wich one of us Michelle is going to bed....
  15. Personally I prefer Entheogenic to Sphongle, but imho we canĀ“t compared them. There's also very nice albuns to enjoy from labels like: - interchill - ultimae - alephzero Just relax and trip...
  16. what a soup.... Imho Michele should go directly to Sony Music and edit the album together with Britney Spears... It's a bad contract, but it seems to me that Micheles's attitude is even worst, or maybe her english is even worst than mine (wich is not easy) Next time, just do your laundry a little more private.
  17. spifer jo


    4 the moment I believe the best choice is to keep the actual system... just my opinion...
  18. yeah, this is a powerfull one. In the Timecode usual suspects artists style... and I love it. Highly recommendable.
  19. yeah, I love this album... He knows how to put together different styles of music with his very own style of dub. This is world music with a taste of psy chill. Very recommended.
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